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词汇 get


In spoken North American English the past participle gotten
is almost always used.
present simple I / you / we / they get
he / she / it gets
past simple got
past participle got
-ing form getting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, no passive] get something to receive something收到;接到
    • I got a call from Dave this morning.今天早上我接到戴夫的电话。
    • What (= What presents) did you get for your birthday?你收到什么生日礼物了?
    • He gets (= earns) about $40 000 a year.他一年挣 4 万美元左右。
    • This room gets very little sunshine.这个房间几乎照不进阳光。
    • I got a shock when I saw the bill.我看到账单时大吃一惊。
    • I will report back when I get a chance.有机会我会汇报的。
    • I get the impression that he is bored with his job.我的印象是他厌倦他的工作。
    • Where did you get the idea from?你是从哪里得到这个想法的?
    • It's the best way to get a sense of what's actually going on here.这是了解这里实际情况的最好方法。
    • She got great satisfaction from seeing his embarrassment.看到他困窘的样子,她感到非常满足。
    [transitive, no passive] to obtain something获得;得到
    • He has just got a new job.他刚找到一份新工作。
    • I'll get the money somehow.我会想办法弄到钱的。
    • She opened the door wider to get a better look.她把门开大些以便看得更清楚。
    • Try to get some sleep.尽量睡会儿吧。
    • You can also get information on careers in social work from their website.你也可以从他们的网站上获得社会工作的职业信息。
    • I think someone's trying to get your attention.我觉得有人想引起你的注意。
    • She really knows how to get results.她真的知道怎么得到结果。
    [transitive] to buy something(定期)买,购买
    • get something Where did you get that skirt?你在哪儿买的那条裙子?
    • Did you manage to get tickets for the concert?你弄到音乐会的票了吗?
    • (North American English) Can I get a Coke?我能要一杯可乐吗?
    For example, when ordering in a cafe or restaurant. In British English, we are more likely to say: Can I have a Coke?
    • get something for somebody Did you get a present for your mother?给你母亲买礼物了吗?
    • get somebody/yourself something Did you get your mother a present?给你母亲买礼物了吗?
    • Why don't you get yourself a car?你为什么不买辆汽车呢?
    • $100 will get you the basic model.100美元就能买到基本款。
    • You can get yourself the basic model for $100.你可以花100美元买到基本款。
    [transitive, no passive] to obtain or receive an amount of money by selling something(卖某物)挣得,获得
    • get something If you sell it at auction you can expect to get roughly £800.如果你拍卖它,你可以得到大约800英镑。
    • get something for something How much did you get for your car?你的汽车卖了多少钱?
    • We got £420 000 for the house.这栋房子我们得到了42万英镑。
  5. bring带来

    [transitive] to go to a place and bring somebody/something back去取(或带来) synonym fetch
    • get somebody/something Quick—go and get a cloth!快,去拿块布来!
    • Somebody get a doctor!谁去叫个医生来吧!
    • She went to get help.她去寻求帮助。
    • I have to go and get my mother from the airport (= collect her).我得去机场接我的母亲。
    • get something for somebody Get a drink for John.给约翰拿杯饮料来。
    • get somebody/yourself something Get John a drink.给约翰拿杯饮料来。
    • She's gone to get a few more chairs.她去买几把椅子了。
    • Could you go upstairs and get my wallet for me, please?能请你上楼帮我把钱包拿来吗?
    • Can I get you anything to eat or drink?我给你弄点吃的喝的好吗?
  7. mark/grade分数;等级

    [transitive, no passive] get something to achieve or be given a particular mark or grade in an exam(考试)获得,达到
    • He got a ‘C’ in Chemistry and a ‘B’ in English.他化学考试得中,英语考试得良。
  9. illness疾病

    [transitive, no passive] get something to start to develop an illness; to suffer from a pain, etc.感染上;患上;遭受…之苦
    • I got this cold off (= from) you!我这感冒是被你传染的!
    • She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches.她经常头痛得厉害。
    • I think I'm getting a cold.我觉得自己感冒了。
    Topics Illnessa1
  11. punishment惩罚

  12. [transitive, no passive] get something to receive something as a punishment受到;遭到;被判(刑)
    • He got ten years (= was sent to prison for ten years) for armed robbery.他因持枪抢劫被判刑十年。
  13. internet/phone/broadcasts

  14. [transitive, no passive] get something to connect to the internet or a phone network; to receive broadcasts from a particular television or radio station接收到;收听到;收看到
    • 95 per cent of the UK can now get superfast broadband.95%的英国人现在可以获得超高速宽带。
    • I couldn't get any mobile phone reception.我收不到任何手机信号。
    • We can't get Channel 5 in our area.我们地区收不到 5 频道的节目。
  15. contact联系

  16. [transitive, no passive] get somebody to be connected with somebody by phone与(某人)电话联系;与(某人)通电话
    • I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead.我想与经理说话,可接电话的却是他的秘书。
  17. arrive到达

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. to arrive at or reach a place or point抵达,到达(某地或某点)
    • We got to San Diego at 7 o'clock.我们 7 点钟到达了圣迭戈。
    • We're aiming to get to the party at about nine.我们想要在9点左右去到聚会地点。
    • You got in very late last night.你昨晚回来得很晚。
    • I got back an hour ago.我一个钟头前回来的。
    • Wait till we get home.等到我们回家。
    • What time did you get here?你什么时候到达这儿的?
    • Let me know when you get there.你到那里的时候让我知道。
    • I haven't got very far with the book I'm reading.我那本书还没读多少呢。
  19. move/travel移动;旅行

    [intransitive, transitive] to move to or from a particular place or in a particular direction, sometimes with difficulty; to make somebody/something do this(使)到达,离开,沿…移动,艰难地移动
    • + adv./prep. The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river.大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。
    • She got into bed.她上床睡觉了。
    • He got down from the ladder.他从梯子上下来了。
    • We didn't get (= go) to bed until 3 a.m.我们直到凌晨 3 点才上床睡觉。
    • Where do we get on the bus?我们在哪儿上公共汽车?
    • I'm getting off (= leaving the train) at the next station.我在下一站下车。
    • Where have they got to (= where are they)?他们到什么地方去了?
    • We must be getting home; it's past midnight.我们得回家了,已过半夜了。
    • get somebody/something + adv./prep. We couldn't get the piano through the door.我们无法将钢琴搬过这道门。
    • We'd better call a taxi and get you home.我们最好叫辆出租车送你回家。
    • The general had to get his troops across the river.将军必须让部队过河。
    • I can't get the lid off.我打不开盖子。
    • How can we get to the other side of town?我们怎么才能到城的另一边?
    • I don't know how he managed to get down from the roof.我不知道他是怎么设法从房顶上下来的。
    • It takes an hour to get from to London.从牛津到伦敦需要一个小时。
    • We only got as far as the next town.我们最远只去到了下一个城镇。
    • You can get to the hotel by bus or taxi.你可以乘公共汽车或出租车去酒店。
    [transitive, no passive] get something to use a bus, taxi, plane, etc.搭乘,乘坐(公共汽车、出租车、飞机等)
    • We're going to be late—let's get a taxi.我们要迟到了,咱们坐出租车吧。
    • I usually get the bus to work.我通常坐公共汽车上班。
    • Get a train to Newport and then get a bus from the station.乘火车到新港,然后从车站乘公共汽车。
    • He got the next plane home.他乘下一班飞机回家。
    • I ran all the way to the station and just managed to get my train.我一路跑到车站,好不容易才赶上了火车。
    • I'll try and get a flight home tomorrow.我会尽量搭乘明天的航班回家。
    • You won't be able to get a plane there—there's no airport.你不能在那里搭飞机——那里没有机场。
    Topics Transport by bus and traina1
  22. state/condition状态;情况

    linking verb to reach a particular state or condition; to make somebody/something/yourself reach a particular state or condition(使)达到,处于
    • + adj. to get angry/bored/hungry/fat发怒;生厌;饥饿;发胖
    • to get better/worse变好/变坏
    • You'll soon get used to the climate here.你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。
    • We ought to go; it's getting late.我们该走了,天色越来越晚了。
    • to get dressed/undressed (= to put your clothes on/take your clothes off)穿上/脱下衣服
    • They plan to get married in the summer.他们打算夏天结婚。
    • She's upstairs getting ready.她在楼上做准备。
    • As he's got older his tastes have changed.随着年龄的增长,他的口味变了。
    • She was getting sick of hearing him complain.她听腻了他的抱怨。
    • There's nothing to get excited about.没有什么可激动的。
    • He got drunk and passed out.他喝醉了,昏了过去。
    • I was starting to get tired.我开始累了。
    • I wouldn't go there alone; you might get (= be) mugged.我不会一个人去那儿,说不准会碰上抢劫的。
    • My car got (= was) stolen at the weekend.我的汽车周末被偷了。
    • get somebody/something + adj. Don't get your dress dirty!别把你的连衣裙弄脏了!
    • He got his fingers caught in the door.他的手指给门夹了。
    • She soon got the children ready for school.她很快帮孩子们做好了上学的准备。
    [intransitive] get to do something to reach the point at which you feel, know, are, etc. something开始(感觉到、认识到、成为);达到…地步(或程度)
    • After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter.过段时间你会明白这些事情并不要紧。
    • You'll like her once you get to know her.你一旦了解了她就会喜欢她的。
    • His drinking is getting to be a problem.他的酗酒越来越成问题了。
    • She's getting to be an old lady now.她现在都快是个老太婆了。
  25. get something done使完成某事

    [transitive] get something done to cause something to happen or be done使(某事)发生;使完成(某事)
    • I must get my hair cut.我得理发了。
    • I'll never get all this work finished.这么多的工作我怎么也干不完。
    • She has a reputation for getting things done.她以做事著称。
  27. make/persuade使;让;说服

    [transitive] to make, persuade, etc. somebody/something to do something使,让(某人或物做某事);说服(某人做某事)
    • get somebody/something to do something I couldn't get the car to start this morning.我今天早上没法让这汽车发动起来。
    • He got his sister to help him with his homework.他让姐姐帮助他做家庭作业。
    • You'll never get him to understand.你永远不会使他明白的。
    • get somebody/something doing something It's not hard to get him talking—the problem is stopping him!让他谈话并不难,难的是让他住口!
    • Can you really get that old car going again?你真能让那老爷车再跑起来吗?
    • I finally got Michael to talk to them and he explained everything.我终于让迈克尔和他们谈了,他解释了一切。
    • We had trouble getting enough people to sign up.我们没能说服足够多的人报名参加。
    Topics Discussion and agreementb2
  29. start开始

  30. [transitive] get doing something to start doing something开始;开始做
    • I got talking to her.我开始与她谈起来。
    • We need to get going soon.我们需要马上出发。
  31. opportunity机会

  32. [intransitive] get to do something (informal) to have the opportunity to do something有机会(做某事);得到(做某事的)机会
    • He got to try out all the new software.他得以试用了所有的新软件。
    • It's not fair—I never get to go first.这不公平,我从来没有机会先走。
  33. meal饭菜

  34. [transitive] (especially British English) to prepare a meal准备,做(饭)
    • get something Who's getting the lunch?谁来做午饭?
    • You sit down and relax. I'll get supper.你坐着放松一下,我来做晚饭。
    • get something for somebody/yourself I must go home and get tea for the kids.我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。
    • get somebody/yourself something I must go home and get the kids their tea.我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。
  35. telephone/door电话;门

  36. [transitive, no passive] get something (informal) to answer the phone or a door when somebody calls, knocks, etc.接(电话);应(门)
    • Will you get the phone?你去接一下电话好吗?
  37. catch/hit抓住;击中

  38. [transitive] get somebody to catch or take hold of somebody, especially in order to harm or punish them(尤指为伤害或惩罚)抓住,捉住,逮住
    • He was on the run for a week before the police got him.他逃跑一周后警方才将他逮住。
    • to get somebody by the arm/wrist/throat抓住某人的胳膊/手腕;掐住某人的喉咙
    • She fell overboard and the sharks got her.她从船上跌入水中被鲨鱼咬了。
    • He thinks everybody is out to get him (= trying to harm him).他认为所有人都想害他。
    • (informal) I'll get you for that!这事我跟你没完!
  39. [transitive] get somebody + adv./prep. to hit or wound somebody击中;使受伤
    • The bullet got him in the neck.子弹击中了他的颈部。
  40. understand理解

  41. [transitive, no passive] get somebody/something (informal) to understand somebody/something理解;明白
    • I don't get you.我搞不懂你的意思。
    • She didn't get the joke.她不明白那笑话的含义。
    • I don't get it—why would she do a thing like that?我不明白,她怎么会干那种事?
    • I get the message—you don't want me to come.我明白这意思,你是不希望我来。
    Synonyms understandunderstand
    • see
    • get
    • follow
    • grasp
    • comprehend
    These words all mean to know or realize something, for example why something happens, how something works or what something means.
    • understand to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what somebody says, etc; to know or realize how or why something happens, how it works or why it is important:
      • I don’t understand the instructions.我不懂这些指令的意思。
      • Doctors still don’t understand much about the disease.医生对这种疾病还了解不多。
    • see to understand what is happening, what somebody is saying, how something works or how important something is:
      • ‘It opens like this.’ ‘Oh, I see.’“这样就打开了。”“哦,我明白了。”
      • Oh yes, I see what you mean.噢,我明白你的意思了。
    • get (informal) to understand a joke, what somebody is trying to tell you, or a situation that they are trying to describe:指理解、明白(笑话、某人试图告知的事或描述的情况):
      • She didn’t get the joke.她听不懂那个笑话。
      • I don’t get you.我搞不懂你的意思。
    • follow to understand an explanation, a story or the meaning of something:
      • Sorry—I don’t quite follow.抱歉,我没太听懂(你的话)。
      • The plot is almost impossible to follow.故事情节几乎叫人不明所以。
    • grasp to come to understand a fact, an idea or how to do something:
      • They failed to grasp the importance of his words.他们没有理解他的话的重要性。
    understand or grasp?用 understand 还是 grasp?You can use understand or grasp for the action of realizing the meaning or importance of something for the first time: It’s a difficult concept for children to understand/​grasp. Only understand can be used to talk about languages, words or writing: I don’t grasp French/​the instructions.
    • comprehend (often used in negative statements) (formal) to understand a fact, idea or reason:(常用于否定句中)指理解、领悟、明白(事实、想法或原因):
      • The concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend.无穷的概念几乎是人类的大脑无法理解的。
    • to understand/​see/​get/​follow/​grasp/​comprehend what/​why/​how…
    • to understand/​see/​grasp/​comprehend that…
    • to understand/​see/​get/​grasp the point/​idea (of something)
    • to be easy/​difficult/​hard to understand/​see/​follow/​grasp/​comprehend
    • to fully understand/​see/​grasp/​comprehend something
  42. happen/exist发生;存在

  43. [transitive, no passive] get something (informal) used to say that something happens or exists(表示发生或存在)
    • You get (= There are) all these kids hanging around in the street.所有这些孩子都在街上闲逛。
    • They still get cases of typhoid there.他们那儿仍有伤寒病发生。
  44. confuse/annoy使困惑/烦恼

  45. [transitive, no passive] get somebody (informal) to make somebody feel confused because they do not understand something使困惑;使迷惑;把…难住 synonym puzzle
    • ‘What's the capital of Bhutan?’ ‘You've got me there!(= I don't know)“不丹的首都在什么地方?” “你可把我难倒了!”
  46. [transitive, no passive] get somebody (informal) to annoy somebody使烦恼;使恼火
    • What gets me is having to do the same thing all day long.使我感到烦恼的是整天都得干同样的事。
    Get is one of the most common words in English, but some people try to avoid it in formal writing.
    More Like This Verbs with two objectsVerbs with two objects
    • bet
    • bring
    • build
    • buy
    • cost
    • get
    • give
    • leave
    • lend
    • make
    • offer
    • owe
    • pass
    • pay
    • play
    • post
    • promise
    • read
    • refuse
    • sell
    • send
    • show
    • sing
    • take
    • teach
    • tell
    • throw
    • wish
    • write
  47. 词源Middle English: from Old Norse geta ‘obtain, beget, guess’; related to Old English gietan (in begietan ‘beget’, forgietan ‘forget’), from an Indo-European root shared by Latin praeda ‘booty, prey’, praehendere ‘get hold of, seize’, and Greek khandanein ‘hold, contain, be able’.
Idioms Most idioms containing get are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example get somebody’s goat is at goat. 
be getting on (informal)
  1. (of a person) to be becoming old变老;上年纪
  2. (of time时间) to be becoming late渐晚;渐迟
    • The time's getting on—we ought to be going.时间越来越晚了,我们该走了。
be getting on for…
  1. (especially British English) to be nearly a particular time, age or number接近(某时刻、年龄或数目)
    • It must be getting on for midnight.一定快到半夜了。
    • He's getting on for eighty.他近八十岁了。
can’t get over something
  1. (informal) used to say that you are shocked, surprised, etc. by something因…而感到震惊(或惊讶、好笑等)
    • I can't get over how rude she was.她这么粗鲁真使我感到惊讶。
get away from it all
  1. (informal) to have a short holiday in a place where you can relax(到他处度短假)躲清静
get going (informal)
  1. to leave a place in order to go somewhere else得到:离开一个地方以便去其他地方
    • It's been lovely to see you, but it's probably time we got going.很高兴见到你,但是我们该走了。
  2. to start happening or being done使(某事)发生;使完成(某事)
    • The project hasn't really got going yet.这个项目还没有真正开始。
get somebody going
  1. (informal) to make somebody angry, worried or excited激怒某人;使某人担忧(或激动)
get something going
  1. to succeed in starting a machine, vehicle, process, etc.开始;开始做
    • We finally managed to get the car going.我们终于设法让汽车开动了。
get it
(North American English also catch hell)
(British English also catch it)
  1. (informal) to be punished or spoken to angrily about something受罚;受斥责
    • If your dad finds out you'll really get it!如果你爸爸发现了,你真的会得到的!
get it on (with somebody)
  1. (especially North American English, slang) to have sex with somebody(与某人)性交
get it up
  1. (slang) (of a man男人) to have an erection勃起
get somebody nowhere/not get somebody anywhere
  1. to not help somebody make progress or succeed使无所进展(或成就);徒劳
    • This line of investigation is getting us nowhere.这种调查方式不会使我们得到任何结果。
    • Being rude to me won't get you anywhere.你对我撒野也没有用。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
get somewhere/anywhere/nowhere
  1. to make some progress/no progress有所(或无所)进展
    • After six months' work on the project, at last I feel I'm getting somewhere.那个项目干了六个月之后我终于感到有了一些进展。
    • I don't seem to be getting anywhere with this letter.我的这封信看样子没什么效果。
get there
  1. to achieve your aim or complete a task达到目的;完成任务;获得成功
    • I'm sure you'll get there in the end.我相信你最终会成功的。
    • It's not perfect but we're getting there (= making progress).虽然这并非完美无瑕,但我们正朝着目标前进。
    Topics Successc1
get this!
  1. (informal, especially North American English) used to say that you are going to tell somebody something that they will find surprising or interesting听好了(用于表示要告诉大家令人吃惊或有趣的事情)
    • OK, get this guys—there are only two left!好吧,听好了,伙计们,只剩两个了!
    • So get this—I did all the work and he got the money.听着——我做了所有的工作,他拿到了钱。
how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you get?
  1. (informal) used to express surprise or disapproval that somebody has been so selfish, stupid, etc.(表示惊奇或不赞成)你怎么这么自私(或愚蠢、忘恩负义等)
there’s no getting away from something | you can’t get away from something
  1. you have to admit that something unpleasant is true不容否认,只好承认(不愉快的事实)
what are you, was he, etc. getting at?
  1. (informal) used to ask, especially in an angry way, what somebody is/was suggesting(尤指气愤地问)你(或他等)这话是什么意思,你(或他等)用意何在
    • I'm partly to blame? What exactly are you getting at?我应负部分责任?你究竟是什么意思?
    Topics Suggestions and advicec2
what has got into somebody?
  1. (informal) used to say that somebody has suddenly started to behave in a strange or different way(表示某人突然行为反常起来)…怎么啦
    • What's got into Alex? He never used to worry like that.亚历克斯怎么啦?他以前从未那样愁过。
    • I’m sorry for laughing like that—I don’t know what got into me.我很抱歉那样笑——我不知道我是怎么了。




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