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词汇 go


Been is used as the past participle of go when somebody has gone somewhere and come back.
present simple I / you / we / they go
he / she / it goes
past simple went
past participle gone
-ing form going
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive] to move or travel from one place to another去;走
    • + adv./prep. She went into her room and shut the door behind her.她走进自己的房间,把门关上。
    • I have to go to Rome on business.我得去罗马出差。
    • She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there).她到中国去了。
    • She has been to China (= she went to China and has now returned).她去过中国。
    • Are you going home for Christmas?你打算回家过圣诞节吗?
    • go to do something She has gone to see her sister this weekend.她本周末看她姐姐去了。
    In spoken English go can be used with and plus another verb to show purpose or to tell somebody what to do: I'll go and answer the door.Go and get me a drink! The and is sometimes left out, especially in North American English: Go ask your mom!
    • Could you go and get me a towel?你能去帮我拿条毛巾吗?
    • I'm going to Spain this year.今年我要去西班牙。
    • It's a long way to go just to see a couple of reefs.仅仅为了看几个珊瑚礁,要走很长一段路。
    • She's gone to Brazil on vacation.她去巴西度假去了。
    • The weather was pretty bad when we went to Boston last year.去年我们去波士顿时,天气相当糟糕。
    [intransitive] to move or travel, especially with somebody else, to a particular place or in order to be present at an event(尤指与某人)去(某处或出席某项活动)
    • go (to something) Are you going to Dave's party?你要去参加戴夫的聚会吗?
    • Who else is going?还有谁要去?
    • go with somebody His dog goes everywhere with him.他的狗总是跟着他。
    • go (to something) (with somebody) He invited her to go with him to the concert.他邀请她和他一起去听音乐会。
    [intransitive] to move or travel in a particular way or over a particular distance移动,旅行,行走(指方式或距离)
    • + adv./prep. He's going too fast.他走得太快。
    • They went farther north into the mountains.他们向更北的山里走去。
    • + noun We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.我们行驶了约莫五十英里,汽车突然抛锚了。
    • Slow down—you're going too fast.慢点儿-你开得太快了。
    • We had gone many miles without seeing another car.我们走了很多英里,一路都没有见到其他汽车。
    [intransitive] go flying, skidding, etc. (+ adv./prep.) to move in a particular way or while doing something else(以某种方式)移动;在移动中做
    • She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying.她一下子撞到侍者身上,弄得他托盘里的饮料四处飞溅。
    • The car went skidding off the road into a ditch.汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。
    • She went sobbing up the stairs.她呜咽着上楼去了。
    • I tripped and went tumbling down the stairs.我绊倒了,从楼梯上滚了下来。
    • Don't go charging in there!不要在那里充电!
  5. leave离去

    [intransitive] to leave one place in order to reach another离开;离去;出发 synonym depart
    • I must be going now.我现在得走了。
    • They came at six and went at nine.他们是六点钟来的,九点钟走的。
    • Has she gone yet?她走了吗?
    • He's been gone an hour (= he left an hour ago).他离开一小时了。
    • When does the train go?火车什么时候开?
    • After they'd gone there was an awkward silence.他们走后,出现了尴尬的沉默。
    • Don't go—I want to talk to you.别走-我有话跟你说。
    • Here's a list of things to remember before you go.这是你走之前要记住去做的事情清单。
    • The train goes in a few minutes' time.火车一会儿就要开了。
    • They went at about nine o'clock.他们大约九点钟去的。
    • What time did they go?他们什么时候去的?
    [intransitive] go on something to leave a place and do something different去做(某事)
    • to go on a journey/tour/trip/cruise去旅行/观光游览/短途旅行/乘船旅游
    • Richard has gone on leave for two weeks.理查德休假去了,为期两周。
    • (British English) to go on holiday去度假
    • (North American English) to go on vacation去度假
  8. visit/attend访问;出席

    [intransitive] go to something to visit or attend a place for a particular purpose(为某目的)去(某处)
    • to go to school/college/university去学校/学院/大学
    • (British English) I have to go to hospital for an operation.我得去医院动手术。
    • (North American English) I have to go to the hospital.我得到医院去。
    • (British English) to go to the cinema去看电影
    • (North American English) to go to the movies去看电影
    • to go to prison/jail (= to be sent there as punishment for a crime)入狱
    • He goes to work by bus.他乘公共汽车去上班。
    • I think you should go to the doctor's.我认为你该去看看医生。
    • Do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)?你经常上教堂吗?
    • I always go to the gym before work.我总是在工作前去健身房。
    to look at a particular page or website查看(页面或网站)
    • go on something She went on Facebook and changed her relationship status.她上脸书更新了她的感情状态。
    • go to something To find out what the terms mean, go to the glossary.要了解这些术语的含义,可查看词汇表。
  11. swimming/fishing/jogging, etc.游泳、钓鱼、慢跑等

    [intransitive] to leave a place or travel to a place in order to take part in an activity or a sport去参加,去从事(某项活动或运动)
    • go for something to go for a walk去远足
    • to go for a ride/drive/run/swim去兜风/开车/跑步/游泳
    • Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work?我们下班后去(酒吧)喝一杯好吗?
    • go doing to go swimming/fishing/jogging去游泳/钓鱼/慢跑
    • I have to go shopping this afternoon.我今天下午得去商店买东西。
    • We're going sailing on Saturday.我们打算星期六乘帆船出游。
    • We went walking on the beach.我们去海滩散步。
  13. be sent被发送

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. to be sent or passed somewhere被发送;被传递
    • I want this memo to go to all managers.我想让这份备忘录送交到所有经理手中。
  15. time时间

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. used to talk about how quickly or slowly time seems to pass流逝;消逝;过去
    • Hasn't the time gone quickly?时光过得真快,是不是?
    • Half an hour went past while we were sitting there.我们坐在那里,半个小时就这样过去了。
    • The cruise went very quickly.这次乘船游览时间过得很快。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • quickly
    • slowly
    • by
  17. disappear消失

    [intransitive] to stop existing; to be lost or stolen不复存在;不见了;丢失;失窃 synonym disappear
    • Has your headache gone yet?你还头痛吗?
    • I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone.我把自行车放在图书馆外面,出来时它就不翼而飞了。
  19. lead通向

    [intransitive] to lead or extend in a particular direction(从…)通向,延伸到
    • + adv./prep. Where does this road go?这条路通到哪里?
    • The trail goes north at this point.这条小路在这里向北延伸。
    • go from something to something I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground.我想要一根可从顶楼窗户垂到地面的绳子。
  21. place/space地方;空处

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. to have as a usual or correct position; to be placed被放置,被置于,被安放(在通常或合适的位置)
    • This dictionary goes on the top shelf.这部词典放在书架最上层。
    • Where do you want the piano to go (= be put)?你想把钢琴放在什么地方?
    [intransitive] will/would not go (in/into something) used to say that something does/did not fit into a particular place or space(不)适合;放(不)进
    • My clothes won't all go in that one suitcase.一个手提箱装不下我所有的衣服。
    • He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn't go.他试着把手伸进豁口,可就是伸不进去。
  24. progress进展

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. used to talk about how well or badly something makes progress or succeeds(事情)进展,进行
    • ‘How did the interview go?’ ‘It went well, thank you.“面试怎么样,”。很顺利,谢谢。
    • Did everything go smoothly?一切进行得都顺利吗?
    • How's it going (= is your life enjoyable, successful, etc. at the moment)?近况可好?
    • The way things are going, the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year.从事态发展的情况看,到年底公司就得破产。
    Topics Successa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • smoothly
    • well
    • badly
  26. state/condition状态;状况

    [intransitive] used in many expressions to show that somebody/something has reached a particular state/is no longer in a particular state进入…状态;处于…状况;脱离…状态
    • go to something She went to sleep.她睡着了。
    • The US and Mexico went to war in 1846.美国和墨西哥于1846年开战。
    • go into something The law went into effect on 1 August.该法律于8月1日生效。
    • go on something Shares went on sale this morning.股票今天上午开始出售。
    • They're threatening to go on strike again.他们威胁要再次举行罢工。
    • go out of something That colour has gone out of fashion.那种颜色已不时兴了。
    linking verb + adj. to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way变成,变为,变得(尤指朝坏的方面)
    • to go crazy/mad/nuts/insane发疯/发疯/发疯/发疯
    • She's beginning to go blind.她开始失明了。
    • He suddenly went quiet.他突然安静了。
    • The company went bankrupt last year.公司去年破产了。
    • The two little girls went missing over a week ago.这两个小女孩一周前失踪了。
    • Her hair is going grey.她的头发日渐花白。
    • The children went wild with excitement.孩子们欣喜若狂。
    • I can't believe I'm going bald—I'm only thirty!我真不敢相信我快秃顶了——我才30岁!
    • She went bright red with embarrassment.她尴尬得脸色通红。
    • The milk has gone sour.牛奶酸了。
    [intransitive] + adj. to live or move around in a particular state(在某种状态下)生活,过活,移动
    • to go naked/barefoot 光着身子;赤着脚
    • She cannot bear the thought of children going hungry.想到孩子们挨饿她就受不了。
  30. [intransitive] to spend a period of time in a particular way
    • They went for two weeks without receiving any news.他们去了两个星期,没有收到任何消息。
  31. [intransitive] go unnoticed, unreported, etc. to not be noticed, reported, etc.未被注意到(或报告等)
    • Pippa's absence went unnoticed.皮帕的缺席没有引起注意。
    • Police are worried that many crimes go unreported.警方感到不安的是,许多罪行发生后无人报案。
    • In these traditional stories, no crime goes unpunished.在这些传统故事中,没有一种罪行是不受惩罚的。
    • Customer service calls went unanswered.客服电话无人接听。
  32. sound/movement声音;动作

    [intransitive] to make a particular sound or movement发出(某种声音);做(某种动作)
    • + noun The gun went ‘bang’.枪 “砰” 的一声响了。
    • + adv./prep. She went like this with her hand.她用手这样比画着。
    [intransitive] to be sounded as a signal or warning发出信号(或警告)
    • The whistle went for the end of the game.比赛结束的哨声响了。
  35. numbers数字

  36. [intransitive] if a number will go into another number, it is contained in that number an exact number of times除尽;除
    • (+ adj.) 3 into 12 goes 4 times.3 除 12 得 4。
    • 7 into 15 won’t go.7 除 15 除不尽。
    • (North American English) 7 into 15 doesn’t go.7 除 15 除不尽。
    • go into something 7 won’t go into 15.7 除不尽 15。
  37. combine well匹配

  38. to combine well with something与某物相配(或协调、和谐) synonym match
    • go with something Does this jacket go with this skirt?这件上衣与这条裙子相配吗?
    • go (together) Those colours don’t really go (together).那些颜色并不十分协调。
    • Leeks and potatoes go well together in a soup.汤中放韭葱和土豆吃起来很对味。
    • That tie goes well with that shirt.那件衬衫配那条领带效果很好。
  39. song/story歌曲;故事

  40. [intransitive, transitive] used to talk about what tune or words a song or poem has or what happens in a story(歌曲)唱道;(诗歌)写道;(歌词或故事)内容是
    • + adv./prep. How does that song go?那首歌怎么唱?
    • I forget how the next line goes.我忘记下一句台词怎么说了。
    • go that… The story goes that she's been married five times.据传她结过五次婚。
  41. say

  42. [transitive] + speech (informal) (used when telling a story讲故事时说) to say
    • I asked ‘How much?’ and he goes, ‘Fifty’ and I go, ‘Fifty? You must be joking!’我问:“多少钱?” 他回答说:“五十。” 我又说:“五十?你是在开玩笑吧!”
  43. start开始

  44. [intransitive] (often used as an order) to start an activity开始(活动)
    • I'll say ‘One, two, three, go!’ as a signal for you to start.我喊 “一、二、三,开始!” 作为你开始的信号。
    • As soon as he gets here we're ready to go.他一到我们就可以开始。
  45. machine机器

  46. [intransitive] if a machine goes, it works运行;运转;工作
    • This clock doesn't go.这钟不走了。
    • What makes it go?是什么让它运转起来?
  47. be thrown out被扔掉

  48. [intransitive] somebody/something must/has to/can go used to talk about wanting to get rid of somebody/something(必须或可以)辞掉(或扔掉、废弃)
    • The old sofa will have to go.那旧沙发该扔掉了。
    • He's useless—he'll have to go.他毫无用处,得辞掉他。
  49. not work不起作用

  50. [intransitive] to get worse; to become damaged or stop working correctly变坏;损坏;不起作用
    • Her sight is beginning to go.她的视力开始下降。
    • His mind is going (= he is losing his mental powers).他心智日衰。
    • I was driving home when my brakes went.我正开车回家,突然刹车失灵了。
  51. die

  52. [intransitive] to die. People say go to avoid saying die.走(委婉说法,与 die 同义)
    • You can't take your money with you when you go.你不可能把钱带进棺材。
  53. money

  54. [intransitive] when money goes, it is spent or used for something用于;花掉
    • I don't know where the money goes!我不知道钱都花到什么地方去了!
    • go on something Most of my salary goes on the rent.我大部分工资都花在房租上了。
    • go to do something The money will go to finance a new community centre.这笔钱将用于新的社区活动中心。
  55. [intransitive] go (to somebody) (for something) to be sold被卖掉;被出售
    • We won't let the house go for less than $200 000.这房子低于 20 万美元我们是不会卖的。
    • There was usually some bread going cheap (= being sold cheaply) at the end of the day.在收市前常常有些面包降价出售。
  56. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to be willing to pay a particular amount of money for something愿出价购买
    • He's offered £3 000 for the car and I don't think he'll go any higher.他出价 3 000 英镑买这辆汽车,我看他不会愿意再多付了。
    • I'll go to $1 000 but that's my limit.我愿意出 1 000 美元,这可是最大限度了。
  57. help有助于

  58. [intransitive] go to do something to help; to play a part in doing something有助于;促成;起作用
    • This all goes to prove my theory.这一切都有助于证明我的说法是对的。
    • It (= what has just happened) just goes to show you can't always tell how people are going to react.这正好说明你不可能总是知道人们会如何反应。
  59. be available可得到

  60. be going
    [intransitive] (informal) to be available可得到;可买到;现成可用
    • There just aren't any jobs going in this area.此地几乎没有工作可找。
  61. use toilet用厕所

  62. [intransitive] (informal) to use a toilet用厕所;上厕所
    • Do you need to go, Billy?你要上厕所吗,比利?
  63. 词源Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaan and German gehen; the form went was originally the past tense of wend.
Idioms Most idioms containing go are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example go it alone is at alone. 
anything goes
  1. (informal) anything that somebody says or does is accepted or allowed, even if it shocks or surprises people无奇不有;什么事都不新鲜
    • Almost anything goes these days.这个年月几乎是无奇不有。
as people, things, etc. go
  1. in comparison with the average person, thing, etc.和一般人(或事物等)相比
    • As teachers go, he's not bad.和一般教师相比,他是不错的。
be going on (for) something
  1. (British English) to be nearly a particular age, time or number接近(或将近、快到)某一年龄(或时间、数字)
    • It was going on (for) midnight.快半夜了。
be going to do something
    used to show what somebody intends to do in the future打算做某事
    • We're going to buy a house when we've saved enough money.我们打算攒够钱后买所房子。
    used to show that something is likely to happen very soon or in the future快要发生某事;某事将要发生
    • I think I'm going to faint.我看我快昏倒了。
    • If the drought continues there's going to be a famine.如果旱灾继续下去很可能要发生饥荒。
don’t go doing something
  1. (informal) used to tell or warn somebody not to do something(告诉或警告某人)别做某事
    • Don't go getting yourself into trouble.别惹麻烦。
enough/something to be going on with
  1. (British English) something that is enough for a short time暂且够用;足以应付一时
    • £50 should be enough to be going on with.50 英镑该够应付一时半会儿的了。
go all out for something | go all out to do something
  1. to make a very great effort to get something or do something竭力获取某物;全力以赴做某事;鼓足干劲做某事
go and do something
  1. used to show that you are angry or annoyed that somebody has done something stupid(对某人做了蠢事感到愤怒或烦恼)竟然干出某事,居然干出某事
    • Trust him to go and mess things up!就知道他会把事情弄得一团糟!
    • Why did you have to go and upset your mother like that?你干吗非得让你母亲那样伤心呢?
    • You've really gone and done it (= done something very stupid) now!你竟然干出这样的事来!
go off on one
  1. (British English, informal) to suddenly become very angry突然大怒;暴跳如雷
    • Now and again she really goes off on one.她有时真的会对一个人发火。
    Topics Feelingsc2
go on (with you)
  1. (old-fashioned) used to express the fact that you do not believe something, or that you think something is bad(表示不相信或不赞同)去你的,我才不信呢
    • Go on with you—you’re never forty. You don’t look a day over thirty.去你的吧─你哪有四十啊,你看上去决不超过三十岁。
(have) a lot, nothing, etc. going for you
  1. (to have) many/not many advantages有(或没有)很多有利条件
    • You're young, intelligent, attractive—you have a lot going for you!你年轻、聪明、漂亮,有利条件可多啦!
no go
  1. (informal) not possible or allowed不可能;不行;不允许
    • If the bank won't lend us the money it's no go, I'm afraid.如果银行不愿贷款给我们,这恐怕就行不通了。
    see also no-go areaTopics Permission and obligationc2
not (even) go there
  1. (informal) used to say that you do not want to talk about something in any more detail because you do not even want to think about it不想细谈;甚至不愿想起
    • Don't ask me to choose. I don't want to go there.别让我挑选。我连想都不愿想。
    • ‘There was a problem with his parents, wasn't there?’ ‘Don't even go there!’“他的父母有问题,是不是?” “别往下说了!”
ready, steady, go! (British English)
(also (get) ready, (get) set, go North American English, British English)
  1. what you say to tell people to start a race用厕所;上厕所
to be going on with (British English)
  1. to start with; for now
    • ‘One slice or two?’ ‘Just one to be going on with.’“一片还是两片?只是一个要继续的。
to go
  1. that remains; still left剩下的;还有的
    • I only have one exam to go.我只剩一门考试了。
  2. (North American English, informal) if you buy cooked food to go in a restaurant or shop, you buy it to take away and eat somewhere else(食品)外卖的;带出餐馆(或商店)吃的
    • Two pizzas to go.来两份比萨饼,带走。
    Topics Cooking and eatingc1
what goes around comes around (saying)
  1. the way somebody behaves towards other people will affect the way those people behave towards them in the future你怎么待人,人就怎么待你
  2. something that is not fashionable now will become fashionable again in the future现在过时的还会再时兴起来
where does somebody go from here?
  1. used to ask what action somebody should take, especially in order to improve the difficult situation that they are in(尤指为了改变困境而询问)下一步该怎么办,往下怎么做呢
who goes there?
  1. used by a soldier who is guarding a place to order somebody to say who they are(哨兵喝问对方身份用语)谁,什么人
    • Halt, who goes there?站住,什么人?


(plural goes
    [countable] (British English)
    (also turn North American English, British English)
    a person’s turn to move or play in a game or an activity(游戏或活动中)轮到的机会
    • Whose go is it?轮到谁了?
    • It's your go.轮到你啦。
    • ‘How much is it to play?’ ‘It's 50p a go.’“玩这游戏多少钱?” “ 50 便士一回。”
    • go on something Can I have a go on your new bike?我能骑骑你的新自行车吗?
    Topics Games and toysb1
    (also try)
    an attempt at doing something(做某事的)尝试,一番努力
    • It took three goes to get it right.试了三次才把它弄好。
    • I doubt if he'll listen to advice from me, but I'll give it a go (= I'll try but I don't think I will succeed).我怀疑他是不是会听我劝,不过我想试试看。
  3. [uncountable] (British English) energy and enthusiasm精力;活力;热情;干劲
    • Mary's always got plenty of go.玛丽总是精力充沛。
    see also get-up-and-go
  4. 词源Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaan and German gehen; the form went was originally the past tense of wend.
at a/one go | at/in a single go
  1. (British English) in one single attempt or try一下子;一举;一口气
    • She blew out the candles at one go.她一口气把蜡烛全吹灭了。
be all go
  1. (British English, informal) to be very busy or full of activity忙得要命;事儿特别多;手忙脚乱
    • It was all go in the office today.今天办公室里忙得要死。
be a go
  1. (North American English, informal) to be planned and possible or allowed可行;得到允许
    • I'm not sure if Friday's trip is a go.我说不准星期五是否能成行。
be on the go
(also be on the move)
  1. (informal) to be very active and busy十分活跃;非常忙碌
    • I've been on the go all day.我一整天忙得马不停蹄。
    • Having four children keeps her on the go.她那四个孩子把她忙得不可开交。
fair go
  1. (Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) used to ask somebody to be reasonable可得到;可买到;现成可用
    • I just wanted to say, ‘Hey mate, fair go!’我只想说,‘嘿,伙计,说得好!
(give somebody/get) a fair shake (North American English)
(Australian English, New Zealand English (give somebody/get) a fair go)
  1. (informal) (to give somebody/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as somebody else被卖掉;被出售
    • Are minority students getting a fair shake at college?少数民族学生在大学受到公平对待吗?
    • We need a government that cares about equity and a fair go for all.我们需要一个关心公平和人人平等的政府。
first, second, etc. go
  1. (British English) at the first, second, etc. attempt第一次(或第二次等)尝试
    • I passed my driving test first go.我考驾照一次就通过了。
have a go
  1. (informal, especially British English) to attack somebody physically(对身体)攻击,袭击
    • There were about seven of them standing round him, all waiting to have a go.他们大约有七个人把他围起来,个个都等着下手。
have a go (at something/at doing something)
  1. to make an attempt to do something尝试,试图(做某事)
    • ‘I can't start the engine.’ ‘Let me have a go.’“这发动机我发动不起来了。” “让我来试试。”
    • I'll have a go at fixing it tonight.我今晚试着修一下。
    • You should have a go at answering all the questions.你应该试着回答所有的问题。
have a go at somebody
  1. (informal, British English) to criticize somebody or complain about somebody指责,数落(某人)
    • The boss had a go at me for being late for work.我上班迟到,老板剋了我一顿。
    • The government are always having a go at teachers.政府总是在教师身上做文章。
have something on the go
  1. (British English, informal) to be in the middle of an activity or a project正忙于(活动或计划)
    • The award-winning novelist often has three or four books on the go at once.那位获奖小说家经常是三四部小说同时写的。
in one go
  1. (informal) all together on one occasion一举;一下子
    • I'd rather do the journey in one go, and not stop on the way.我宁愿一次走完全程,中途不停。
    • They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。
leave go (of something)
  1. (British English, informal) to stop holding on to something松手;撒手;放开 synonym let go
    • Leave go of my arm—you're hurting me!放开我的手臂,你弄痛我了!
let go (of somebody/something) | let somebody/something go
  1. to stop holding somebody/something放开;松手
    • Don't let go of the rope.别松开绳子。
    • Don't let the rope go.别松开绳子。
    • Let go! You're hurting me!放手!你把我弄疼了!
  2. to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of something放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)
    • It's time to let go of the past.该忘掉过去了。
    • It's time to let the past go.该忘掉过去了。
let somebody/something go | let go (of somebody/something)
  1. to stop holding somebody/something放开;松手
    • Don't let the rope go.别松开绳子。
    • Don't let go of the rope.别松开绳子。
    • Let go! You're hurting me!放手!你把我弄疼了!
  2. to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of something放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)
    • It's time to let the past go.该忘掉过去了。
    • It's time to let go of the past.该忘掉过去了。
make a go of something
  1. (informal) to be successful in something在…方面成功(或有所成就)
    • We've had a few problems in our marriage, but we're both determined to make a go of it.我们的婚姻有过一些问题,但现在我们俩都决心好好过日子。
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