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词汇 god


    [singular] (not used with the不与定冠词连用) (in Christianity, Islam and Judaism基督教、伊斯兰教和犹太教) the being or spirit that is worshipped and is believed to have created the universe上帝;天主;真主
    • Do you believe in God?你信仰上帝吗?
    • Good luck and God bless you.祝你好运,愿上帝保佑你。
    • Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.基督徒相信耶稣是神的儿子。
    • I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give… (= in a court of law)我对全能的神发誓,我提出的证据 。
    Collocations ReligionReligion宗教Being religious笃信宗教的
    • believe in God/​Christ/​Allah/​free will/​predestination/​heaven and hell/​an afterlife/​reincarnation信仰上帝/耶稣基督/真主/自由意志/宿命论/天堂与地狱/来生/转世说
    • be/​become a believer/​an atheist/​an agnostic/​a Christian/​Muslim/​Hindu/​Buddhist, etc.是/成为信徒/无神论者/不可知论者/基督徒/穆斯林/印度教教徒/佛教徒等
    • convert to/​practise a religion/​Buddhism/​Catholicism/​Christianity/​Islam/​Judaism, etc.
    • go to church/(North American English) temple (= the synagogue)去教堂/会堂做礼拜
    • go to the local church/​mosque/​synagogue/​gurdwara去当地的教堂/清真寺/犹太教会堂/谒师所做礼拜
    • belong to a church/​a religious community是教堂/宗教团体的成员
    • join/​enter the church/​a convent/​a monastery/​a religious sect/​the clergy/​the priesthood成为牧师/女修道士/僧侣/宗教人员/神职人员/司祭
    • praise/​worship/​obey/​serve/​glorify God赞美/敬拜/遵从/侍奉/颂扬上帝
    Celebrations and ritual庆典与仪式
    • attend/​hold/​conduct/​lead a service参加/举行/组织/主持礼拜仪式
    • perform a ceremony/​a rite/​a ritual/​a baptism/​the Hajj/​a mitzvah举行典礼/仪式/宗教仪式/洗礼/朝觐/受戒仪式
    • carry out/​perform a sacred/​burial/​funeral/​fertility/​purification rite举行宗教/安葬/葬礼/丰收/净化仪式
    • go on/​make a pilgrimage前往朝圣
    • celebrate Christmas/​Easter/​Eid/​Ramadan/​Hanukkah/​Passover/​Diwali庆祝圣诞节/复活节/开斋节/斋月/修殿节/逾越节/排灯节
    • observe/​break the Sabbath/​a fast/​Ramadan守/不守安息日/斋戒/斋月
    • deliver/​preach/​hear a sermon传道;讲道;听布道
    • lead/​address the congregation带领会众;对会众发表演讲
    • say/​recite a prayer/​blessing念诵/背诵经文;祝祷
    Religious texts and ideas宗教经文与思想
    • preach/​proclaim/​spread the word of God/​the Gospel/​the message of Islam传布/颂扬/传播上帝的话/《福音》/伊斯兰教义
    • study/​follow the dharma/​the teachings of Buddha研究/遵循达摩/佛教教义
    • read/​study/​understand/​interpret scripture/​the Bible/​the Koran/​the gospel/​the Torah阅读/研究/理解/阐释经文/《圣经》/《古兰经》/《福音》/托拉
    • be based on/​derive from divine revelation基于/来源于上帝的启示
    • commit/​consider something heresy/​sacrilege犯异端/渎圣罪;认为…是异端邪说/亵渎圣物
    Religious belief and experience宗教信仰与体验
    • seek/​find/​gain enlightenment/​wisdom寻求/找到/获得启迪/智慧
    • strengthen/​lose your faith增强/失去信德
    • keep/​practise/​practice/​abandon the faith忠于/践行/放弃信仰
    • save/​purify/​lose your soul拯救/净化/失去灵魂
    • obey/​follow/​keep/​break/​violate a commandment/​Islamic law/​Jewish law服从/遵循/恪守/违反/亵渎诫条/伊斯兰教法/犹太教法
    • be/​accept/​do God’s will是/接受/践行上帝的旨意
    • receive/​experience divine grace得到/感受神的恩宠
    • achieve/​attain enlightenment/​salvation/​nirvana获得启迪/拯救/涅槃
    • undergo a conversion/​rebirth/​reincarnation经历皈依/重生/转世化身
    • hear/​answer a prayer聆听/回应祷告
    • commit/​confess/​forgive a sin犯罪;忏悔;宽恕罪过
    • do/​perform penance进行补赎
    • He has given up drinking and found God.他戒酒信神,找到了精神寄托。
    • He saw the accident as the will of God.他把这次事故看成是上帝的意旨。
    • Muslims have only one God.伊斯兰教里只有一个真主。
    • Nothing ever shook her faith in God.任何事情都不曾改变她对上帝的信仰。
    • the Jewish God犹太教的上帝
    Topics Religion and festivalsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • pagan
    • Christian
    • Greek
    verb + god
    • believe in
    • follow
    • have
    god + verb
    • exist
    • god of
    • faith in God
    • God’s will
    • the will of God
    [countable] (in some religions) a being or spirit who is believed to have power over a particular part of nature or who is believed to represent a particular quality(某些宗教中主宰某个领域的)神
    • Greek gods希腊诸神
    • the sun/rain god太阳神/雨神
    • god of something Mars was the Roman god of war.马尔斯是古罗马战神。
    see also goddess
    • The people worshipped pagan gods.这个民族崇拜异教神。
    • The Romans had many gods.罗马人信许多神。
    • those who follow false gods那些信奉伪神的人
    Topics Religion and festivalsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • pagan
    • Christian
    • Greek
    verb + god
    • believe in
    • follow
    • have
    god + verb
    • exist
    • god of
    • faith in God
    • God’s will
    • the will of God
  3. [countable] a person who is loved or admired very much by other people极受崇拜的人;被崇拜的偶像
    • To her fans she's a god.对她的狂热崇拜者来说,她就是偶像。
    see also goddess
  4. [countable] something to which too much importance or attention is given受到过分崇尚(或推崇)的事物
    • Money is his god.钱就是他的命。
  5. the gods
    [plural] (British English, informal) the seats that are high up at the back of a theatre(剧院中的)顶层楼座,最高楼座
    • We could only afford to sit in the gods.我们只能坐以待毙。
    Topics Film and theatrec2
  6. 词源Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch god and German Gott.
act of God
  1. (law法律) an event caused by natural forces beyond human control, such as a storm, a flood or an earthquake天灾;不可抗力(如风暴、洪水、地震)Topics The environmentc2
by God!
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to emphasize a feeling of surprise or that you are determined to do something(强调决心或惊异)老天作证 Some people find this use of God offensive.
for the love of God
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used when you are expressing anger and the fact that you are impatient(表示愤怒和不耐烦)看在上帝的分上,哎呀,求求你
    • For the love of God, tell me what he said!看在上帝的分上,告诉我他说了些什么!
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
God | God almighty | God in heaven | good God | my God | oh (dear) God
  1. (informal) used to emphasize what you are saying when you are surprised, shocked or annoyed(惊讶、震惊或烦恼时说)天哪,啊哟,主啊
    • God, what a stupid thing to do!天啊,这事干得太蠢了!
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
God bless
  1. used when you are leaving somebody, to say that you hope they will be safe, etc.(离别时的祝愿语)愿上帝保佑,祝一路平安
    • Goodnight, God bless.晚安,上帝保佑。
God/Heaven forbid (that…)
  1. (informal) used to say that you hope that something will not happen但愿这事不发生
    • ‘Maybe you'll end up as a lawyer, like me.’ ‘God forbid!’“也许你会像我一样,最终成为律师。” “但愿不会这样!”
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
God/Heaven help somebody
  1. (informal) used to say that you are afraid somebody will be in danger or that something bad will happen to them(表示担心某人将有危险或有难)
    • God help us if this doesn't work.如果这个行不通,那就要靠上帝了。
    Some people find this use of God offensive.Topics Dangerc2
God/goodness/Heaven knows (informal) Some people may find this use of God offensive.
  1. used to emphasize that you do not know something(强调不知道)谁知道,天晓得
    • God knows what else they might find.谁知道他们还可能找到什么。
    • ‘Where are they?’ ‘Goodness knows.’“他们在哪儿?” “天晓得。”
  2. used to emphasize the truth of what you are saying(强调所言属实)老天作证,确实,的确
    • She ought to pass the exam—goodness knows she's been working hard enough.她应该考试合格,她已经够努力了。
God rest his/her soul | God rest him/her
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to show respect when you are talking about somebody who is dead(对死者表示敬意)魂归天国,安息主怀
God’s gift (to somebody/something)
  1. (ironic) a person who thinks that they are particularly good at something or who thinks that somebody will find them particularly attractive上帝(对…)的恩宠;上帝恩赐的人(或物)
    • He seems to think he's God's gift to women.他似乎认为自己是上帝赐给女人的礼物。
God willing
  1. (informal) used to say that you hope that things will happen as you have planned and that there will be no problems(希望事情能按计划顺利进行)如系天意,如上帝许可,如一切顺利
    • I'll be back next week, God willing.如一切顺利,我下星期就回来。
Heaven/God forfend (that)…
  1. (humorous or old use) used to say that you are frightened of the idea of something happening但愿这事不发生
    • Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think!千万不要鼓励学生思考!
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
honest to God/goodness
  1. used to emphasize that what you are saying is true老天爷作证;说实话
    • Honest to God, Mary, I'm not joking.老天爷作证,玛丽,我不是开玩笑。
    Some people find this use of God offensive. see also honest-to-goodness
in God’s/Heaven’s name | in the name of God/Heaven
  1. used especially in questions to show that you are angry, surprised or shocked(尤用于疑问句,表示愤怒、惊奇或震惊)看在上帝的分上,到底,究竟
    • What in God's name was that noise?那噪音究竟是怎么回事?
    • Where in the name of Heaven have you been?你到底上哪儿去了?
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
in the lap of the gods
  1. if the result of something is in the lap of the gods, you do not know what will happen because it depends on luck or things you cannot control由神掌管;结果难以预料;非人力所能左右
a man of God/the cloth
  1. (old-fashioned, formal) a religious man, especially a priest or a clergyman神职人员;(尤指)牧师,司铎
play God
  1. to behave as if you control events or other people’s lives俨然如主宰一切的上帝
    • It is unfair to ask doctors to play God and end someone's life.让医生扮演上帝的角色去结束一个人的生命是不公平的。
please God
  1. used to say that you very much hope or wish that something will happen or not happen(表示殷切期望)但愿老天帮忙,上帝保佑
    • Please God, don't let him be dead.老天爷呀!千万别让他死啊。
put the fear of God into somebody
  1. to make somebody very frightened, especially in order to make them do something恐吓;(尤指)威胁某人服从
so help me (God)
  1. used to swear that what you are saying is true, especially in a court of law我发誓,上帝作证(尤用于法庭)
thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for something)
  1. used to say that you are pleased about something谢天谢地
    • Thank God you're safe!谢天谢地,你平安无事!
    • ‘Thank goodness for that!’ she said with a sigh of relief.“这可要谢天谢地!” 她宽慰地舒了一口气。
    • Thank heavens I've found my keys.谢天谢地,我找到了我的钥匙。
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
there but for the grace of God (go I)
  1. (saying) used to say that you could easily have been in the same difficult or unpleasant situation that somebody else is in若非天助,区区岂能幸免
to God/goodness/Heaven
  1. used after a verb to emphasize a particular hope, wish, etc.(用于动词之后,强调希望、愿望等)的确,真
    • I wish to God you'd learn to pay attention!我真希望你能学会集中注意力!
    Some people find this use of God offensive.
ye gods!
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to show surprise, lack of belief, etc.(表示惊讶、不相信等)我的天哪,好家伙




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