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词汇 government


    [countable + singular or plural verb]
    (often the Government)
    (abbreviation govt)
    the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state政府;内阁
    • to lead/form a government领导政府;组成内阁
    • She has resigned from the Government.她已辞去内阁职位。
    • The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts.政府一直在考虑进一步减税的问题。
    • The government announced further austerity measures.政府宣布了进一步的紧缩措施。
    • This legislation was passed under the last Conservative government.这项立法是上届保守党政府通过的。
    • EU national governments欧盟国家政府
    • the Nebraska state government内布拉斯加州政府
    • Ontario's new provincial government安大略省新的省政府
    • The country still has an interim government.这个国家仍然有一个临时政府。
    • the governments of many European countries许多欧洲国家的政府
    • This was a decision taken by the government of the day.这一决定是当时的政府作出的。
    • the three branches of the US government美国政府的三个部门
    • Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision.这一决定曾征求过他国政府的意见。
    • government officials/ministers/employees政府官员/部长/雇员
    • a government spokesman政府发言人
    • a government department/agency政府部门/机构
    • government policies/regulations政府政策/法规
    • government spending/funding政府开支/资金
    Collocations PoliticsPolitics政治Power权力
    • create/​form/​be the leader of a political party创建/组建/领导政党
    • gain/​take/​win/​lose/​regain control of Congress获得/失去/夺回对国会的控制权
    • start/​spark/​lead/​be on the brink of a revolution发起/引发/领导一场革命;革命一触即发
    • be engaged/​locked in an internal power struggle参与/陷入内部权力斗争
    • lead/​form a rival/​breakaway faction领导/组建反对派/分裂派
    • seize/​take control of the government/​power夺取/接手对政府/政权的控制权
    • bring down/​overthrow/​topple the government/​president/​regime推翻政府/总统/政权
    • abolish/​overthrow/​restore the monarchy废除/推翻/恢复君主制
    • establish/​install a military dictatorship/​a stable government建立军事独裁/稳定的政府
    • be forced/​removed/​driven from office/​power被迫离职/下台;被免职/赶下台
    • resign/​step down as party leader/​an MP/​president/​prime minister辞去政党领袖/议员/总统/总理的职位
    • enter/​retire from/​return to political life开始/退出/重回政治生涯
    Political debate政治辩论
    • spark/​provoke a heated/​hot/​intense/​lively debate引发激烈的辩论
    • engage in/​participate in/​contribute to (the) political/​public debate (on/​over something)参与(关于某事的)政治/公开辩论
    • get involved in/​feel excluded from the political process参与/感觉被排挤出政治进程
    • launch/​start/​lead/​spearhead a campaign/​movement发起/领导一场运动
    • join/​be linked with the peace/​anti-war/​feminist/​civil rights movement参与和平/反战/女权/民权运动;与和平/反战/女权/民权运动有联系
    • criticize/​speak out against/​challenge/​support the government批评/公开反对/质疑/支持政府
    • lobby/​put pressure on the government (to do something)游说/施压于政府(去做某事)
    • come under fire/​pressure from opposition parties受到来自反对党的抨击/压力
    • call for/​demand/​propose/​push for/​advocate democratic/​political/​land reform(s)呼吁/强烈要求/提议/敦促/倡导民主/政治/土地改革
    • formulate/​implement domestic economic policy制定/执行国内经济政策
    • change/​influence/​shape/​have an impact on government/​economic/​public policy改变/影响政府/经济/公共政策
    • be consistent with/​be in line with/​go against/​be opposed to government policy符合/违背政府政策
    • reform/​restructure/​modernize the tax system改革/重组/革新税收制度
    • privatize/​improve/​deliver/​make cuts in public services私有化/改善/提供/削减公共服务
    • invest (heavily) in/​spend something on schools/​education/​public services/(the) infrastructure在学校/教育/公共服务/基础设施上投入(大量)资金
    • nationalize the banks/​the oil industry使银行/石油产业国有化
    • promise/​propose/​deliver/​give ($80 billion in/​significant/​substantial/​massive) tax cuts承诺/提议/兑现/实行(800 亿美元/大幅度的)减税
    • a/​the budget is approved/ (especially North American English) passed by parliament/​congress预算经议会/国会通过
    Making laws制定法律
    • have a majority in/​have seats in Parliament/​Congress/​the Senate在议会/国会/参议院中占多数席位/占有席位
    • propose/​sponsor a bill/​legislation/​a resolution提交议案/法规/决议
    • introduce/​bring in/​draw up/​draft/​adopt/​pass a bill/​a law/​legislation/​measures推出/提出/拟定/起草/采用/通过议案/法律/法规/措施
    • amend/​repeal an act/​a law/​legislation修正/废除法案/法律/法规
    • veto/​vote against/​oppose a bill/​legislation/​a measure/​a proposal/​a resolution否决/投票反对/反对议案/法规/措施/提议/决议
    • get/​require/​be decided by a majority vote获得/需要多数票;由多数票决定
    Culture departments of governmentdepartments of governmentThe government of the United Kingdom, called Her/​His Majesty's Government (HMG), consists of a group of ministers led by the prime minister. Ministers are attached to specialist departments which carry out government policy. Ministers of the Crown, the most senior ministers, are appointed by the queen or king on the recommendation of the prime minister. Other ministers are appointed directly by the prime minister. All ministers sit in Parliament, most of them in the House of Commons.The senior minister in each department is generally called the Secretary of State, for example the Secretary of State for Health. The minister in charge of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is called the Foreign Secretary. The Home Secretary is in charge of the Home Office. The finance minister is known as the Chancellor of the Exchequer and is head of the Treasury. Ministers in charge of departments are usually members of the Cabinet. The prime minister may also appoint a Minister without Portfolio (= not in charge of a particular department) to take on special duties.A Secretary of State is usually supported by several Ministers of State, who each have a specific area of responsibility, and parliamentary undersecretaries, often called junior ministers.Departments are run by civil servants who are not allowed to show favour to any political party. Unlike ministers, they do not have to leave their jobs when the government changes. Many departments are assisted by special groups that give advice and do research. A change of government does not necessarily affect the number and general organization of departments. A new government may, however, create new departments or change the structure of existing ones.Some departments, for example the Ministry of Defence, have responsibility for the whole of the United Kingdom. Others cover only part, and the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly have responsibility for the relevant areas in Scotland and Wales. (note at devolution)The leader of the main opposition party chooses a Shadow Cabinet of shadow ministers. Each is responsible for speaking about an area of government.In the US the federal government has 15 departments. These, together with the president and various government agencies, make up the executive branch of the government and are responsible for its day-to-day operation.The people in charge of government departments are called secretaries. For example, the Department of Agriculture is led by the Secretary of Agriculture. The head of the State Department, the department that deals with US foreign policy, is called the Secretary of State. The President decides who will be the head of each department but they must be approved by the Senate. Not all secretaries are well known: many people know the name of the Secretary of State, but few know the Secretary of Agriculture.Most of the people working in US government departments are civil servants whose jobs do not depend on political influence. In this way each department has a base of employees with a lot of knowledge and experience, whose careers may last longer than a single political administration. The organization of departments may be changed according to what issues seem important at a particular time but this kind of change does not happen very often.The heads of departments form a group called the Cabinet, which meets regularly with the President. The President is not required to accept their advice, but may choose to do so.
    • abdicate
    • accede
    • crown
    • king
    • government
    • monarch
    • throne
    • reign
    • royal
    • succession
    • A new government was formed in September of that year.新政府是那年 9 月成立的。
    • A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew.占领军撤退时安插了一个傀儡政府。
    • According to government sources, two people died in the incident.据官方报道,这起事件中有两人死亡。
    • On May 23 a coalition government took office.5 月 23 日联合政府就任。
    • The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.在上个月的政府全面改组中,前任部长被解职了。
    • The government announced the cancellation of the dam project.政府宣布取消大坝工程。
    • The group aims to overthrow the military government.这个团体以推翻军政府为目标。
    • The hospital has been hit by government cuts.医院受到政府削减开支的冲击。
    • The present government was elected last year.现政府是去年选出的。
    • The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government.总统解散了议会,宣布成立临时政府。
    • The president has been meeting members of the French government.总统一直在会见法国政府官员。
    • The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments.关于世界贫困状况的报告呼吁西方政府采取紧急行动。
    • The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minority government.社会党赢得了 42% 的席位,组建了少数政府。
    • This crisis could bring down the British government.这次危机可能会使英国现政府下台。
    • a national emergency that could cause the government to fall可能导致政府垮台的全国性紧急状态
    • a new government headed by a former military leader由前军队首脑领导的新政府
    • calls for government intervention in the dispute要求政府介入纠纷的呼吁
    • measures that were introduced under the last government上届政府采取的措施
    • the country's new Communist government该国的共产党新政府
    • Similar measures are being considered by the governments of El Salvador and Panama.萨尔瓦多和巴拿马政府正在考虑类似的措施。
    • The Prime Minister was keen to emphasize his government's commitment to the agreement.首相极力强调他的政府对该协议的承诺。
    • The government has been considering further tax cuts.政府一直在考虑进一步减税的问题。
    • The interests of the state should not be confused with the interests of the government of the day.不应混淆国家利益和当时政府的利益。
    • There are bound to be cuts in government expenditure.政府开支肯定会削减。
    • It is time we had a change of government.该是换个政府的时候了。
    Topics Politicsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • central
    • federal
    • local
    verb + government
    • elect
    • establish
    • form
    government + verb
    • come to power
    • take office
    • fall
    government + noun
    • agency
    • body
    • department
    • in government
    • under a/​the government
    • a change in government
    • a change of government
    • the government of the day
    [uncountable] a particular system or method of controlling a country政体;国家体制
    • Democratic government has now replaced military rule.民主政体现已取代军事统治。
    • communist/totalitarian government共产主义/极权政府
    • a federal system of government联邦政府系统
    see also central government, federal government, local government, minority government, self-government, student government
    • The law empowers federal government to set standards which apply to all states.该法律授权联邦政府制定适用于所有州的标准。
    • We believe in low taxation and small government.我们支持低税收和小政府。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • central
    • federal
    • local
    verb + government
    • elect
    • establish
    • form
    government + verb
    • come to power
    • take office
    • fall
    government + noun
    • agency
    • body
    • department
    • in government
    • under a/​the government
    • a change in government
    • a change of government
    • the government of the day
    [uncountable] the activity or the manner of controlling a country(一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方式
    • We need strong government to take the country through this crisis.我们需要靠强有力的政府管理使国家渡过这次危机。
    • The army retained a strong role in the government of the country.军队在这个国家的政府中保持着重要的地位。
    • in government At that time the Democrats were in government.那时民主党执政。
    see also big government
    • cabinet
    • checks and balances
    • constitution
    • federal
    • government
    • minister
    • the Opposition
    • parliament
    • politics
    • system
    • The two men got into a heated debate about the government of the disputed province.这两个人就这个有争议的省份的政府展开了激烈的辩论。
    • a problem facing whichever party is in government任何党派执政均需面对的问题
    • The Nationalists had been in government for most of the 1980s.20世纪80年代的大部分时间都是民族主义者执政。
    Topics Politicsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • democratic
    • representative
    • firm
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French governement, from governer, from Latin gubernare ‘to steer, rule’, from Greek kubernan ‘to steer’.




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