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词汇 Grand Coulee Dam

Grand Coulee Dam

/ˌɡrænd ˌkuːli ˈdæm/
/ˌɡrænd ˌkuːli ˈdæm/
  1. a large dam (= barrier built across a river) on the Columbia River in the US state of Washington. It was completed in 1942 and made larger in the 1980s. It was built to produce electricity from water power. The dam is 550 feet/168 metres high and 5223 feet/1 592 metres long. It holds back the waters of Franklin D Roosevelt Lake, one of the largest US reservoirs (= places where water is stored for use).大库利水坝(Grand Coulee Dam):位于美国华盛顿州哥伦比亚河上的大型水坝。它于1942年完成,并在1980年代扩大了规模。它被建造用来从水力发电。大坝高550英尺/ 168米,长5223英尺/ 1 592米。它阻止了富兰克林·罗斯福湖(Franklin D Roosevelt Lake)的水,富兰克林·罗斯福湖是美国最大的水库之一。




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