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词汇 grow


present simple I / you / we / they grow
he / she / it grows
past simple grew
past participle grown
-ing form growing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive] to increase in size, number, strength or quality扩大;增加;增强
    • The sector is growing at a phenomenal rate.该行业正以惊人的速度增长。
    • The performance improved as their confidence grew.随着他们信心的增长,业绩有所提高。
    • Opposition to the latest proposals is growing steadily.对最新提议的反对意见正在稳步增长。
    • The market is growing rapidly.市场发展迅速。
    • Sales are growing fast.销售额增长很快。
    • The business has grown exponentially over the past ten years.在过去 10 年中,该企业发展越来越快。
    • Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago.大家对那一周前失踪少年的安危越来越担忧。
    • grow by something The economy is growing by roughly 2 per cent a year.经济正以每年约2%的速度增长。
    • The company profits frew by 5 per cent last year.该公司去年利润增长了5%。
    • grow in something The family has grown in size recently.这家人最近添丁进口了。
    • This approach is growing in popularity.这种方法越来越受欢迎。
    • She is growing in confidence all the time.她的信心在不断增强。
    • grow from something Her media empire grew from quite small beginnings.她的媒体帝国是从非常小的公司发展起来的
    • grow to something That number will grow to two billion users in 2025.到2025年,这个数字将增长到20亿用户。
    • grow from something to something The city's population has grown from about 50 000 to over a million in 20 years.这个城市的人口在20年内从大约5万增加到100多万。
    • + adj. to grow larger/stronger变得更大/更强壮
    • The company is growing bigger all the time.这家公司在不断地扩大。
    Homophones groan | growngroan   grown
    • groan verb
      • The awful jokes made us all groan.可怕的笑话让我们都呻吟起来。
    • groan noun
      • He let out a groan of pain.他发出痛苦的呻吟。
    • grown (past participle of grow)
      • The business has grown hugely in the last ten years.在过去的十年里,这个行业发展迅速。
    • grown adjective
      • Although he's a grown man, he'll always be our little boy.虽然他是个成年人,但他永远是我们的小男孩。
    • Profits are expected to grow by 10 per cent next year.预计明年利润将增长10%。
    • She continued to grow in confidence她的信心越来越强。
    • The Chinese economy has grown at a record pace.中国经济以创纪录的速度增长。
    • Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.十亿分之一秒远未逝去,宇宙已开始成指数级地迅速增大。
    Topics Change, cause and effecta1, Moneya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fast
    • quickly
    • rapidly
    verb + grow
    • seem to
    • begin to
    • start to
    • at
    • by
    • from
  2. of person/animal人;动物

    [intransitive] to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult长大;长高;发育;成长
    • You've grown since the last time I saw you!自从我上次见到你后,你又见长了!
    • The puppies grow quickly during the first six months.小狗在最初的六个月里长得很快。
    • + noun Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month.尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。
    • + adj. to grow bigger/taller/older变大/变高/变老
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fast
    • quickly
    • rapidly
    • into
    • to
  4. of plant植物

    [intransitive, transitive] to exist and develop in a particular place; to make plants grow(使)生长,发育
    • The region is too dry for plants to grow.这地区干燥得草木不生。
    • Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight.西红柿在阳光直射下长得最好。
    • grow to something These roses grow to a height of 6 feet.这些玫瑰长到6英尺高。
    • grow from something This is a tree that grows well from cuttings.这是一棵插枝长得很好的树。
    • grow something The land is used to grow crops.这块土地被用来种植庄稼。
    • We need to grow our food more efficiently.我们需要更有效地种植食物。
    • I didn't know they grew rice in France.我本来不知道法国也种稻子。
    • The plants were grown in controlled conditions.这些植物是在受控条件下生长的。
    • grow something from something I grew all these flowers from one packet of seeds.这些花全都是我用一包种子种出来的。
    see also home-grown
    • the nettles that grew thickly around the house房子周围茂密的荨麻
    • organically grown produce有机农产品
    • an attractive plant which is very hardy and easy to grow一种耐寒且易于栽培的美丽植物
    • The tree grew from a small acorn.橡树从一粒小橡子生长而来。
    • Small acorns grow into great oak trees.小橡子长成大橡树。
    • A rose had been allowed to grow unchecked up one of the walls.一株蔷薇沿着其中一面墙蔓延滋长。
    • As the island subsided the reef grew upwards and outwards.小岛下沉,暗礁开始向上方和四周延伸。
    Topics Farminga1, Gardensa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • organically
    • commercially
    • locally
    verb + grow
    • be easy to
    • grow something from seed
  6. of hair/nails头发;指甲

    [intransitive, transitive] to become longer; to allow something to become longer by not cutting it(使)留长,蓄长
    • I've decided to let my hair grow.我已决定留长发。
    • grow something I've decided to grow my hair.我已决定留长发。
    • I didn't recognize him—he's grown a beard.我没认出他来,他留胡子了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • poorly
    • fast
    verb + grow
    • allow something to
    • let something
    • from
    • into
    • to
    • grow unchecked
  8. become/begin变成;开始

    linking verb + adj. to begin to have a particular quality or feeling over a period of time逐渐变得;逐渐成为
    • He had grown old and fat.他变得又老又胖。
    • They were growing tired of her unreasonable behaviour.他们对她的无理行为越来越感到厌倦。
    • My eyes soon grew accustomed to the darkness.我的眼睛很快适应了黑暗。
    • Mark and Jenny were growing closer every day.马克和珍妮一天比一天亲密。
    • As time went on he grew more and more impatient.时间长了,他越来越没有耐心。
    • The skies grew dark and it began to rain.天渐渐黑了,又下起雨来。
    • She grew braver with time.时间慢慢过去,她变得更勇敢了。
  10. [intransitive] grow to do something to gradually begin to do something逐渐开始
    • I'm sure you'll grow to like her in time.我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了。
    • He grew to understand her reasons for leaving.他逐渐理解了她离开的原因。
  11. develop skills培养技能

  12. [intransitive] grow (as something) (of a person) to develop and improve particular qualities or skills提升品质;培养技能
    • She continues to grow as an artist.她作为艺术家不断有所提高。
    • A secure background will help a child to grow emotionally.安全的背景将有助于孩子的情感成长。
  13. business业务

  14. [transitive] grow something to increase the size, quality or number of something扩大;扩展;增加
    • We are trying to grow the business.我们正在努力扩展业务。
    Topics Change, cause and effectc1
  15. 词源Old English grōwan (originally referring chiefly to plants), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch groeien, also to grass and green.
absence makes the heart grow fonder
  1. (saying) used to say that when you are away from somebody that you love, you love them even more不相见,倍思念
great/tall oaks from little acorns grow
  1. (saying) something large and successful often begins in a very small way参天橡树长自小小橡实;合抱之树,生于毫末Topics Successc2
it/money doesn’t grow on trees
  1. (saying) used to tell somebody not to use something or spend money carelessly because you do not have a lot of it树上长不出钱来,那东西(或钱)来之不易(告诫人不要随便乱用)
not let the grass grow under your feet
  1. to not delay in getting things done(做事)不拖拉,不磨洋工




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