exclamation /hɑː/
- (also hah)the sound that people make when they are surprised or pleased, or when they have discovered something
(惊奇、高兴或有所发现时用)哈 - Ha! It serves you right!
哈!你活该! - Ha! I knew he was hiding something.
- Ha! It serves you right!
- (also ha! ha!)the word for the sound that people make when they laugh
see also funny ha-ha(笑声)哈 - (also ha! ha!)(informal, ironic) used to show that you do not think that something is funny
(认为某事并不可笑) - Ha! Ha! Very funny! Now give me back my shoes.
see also hoo-ha - Ha! Ha! Very funny! Now give me back my shoes.
词源natural utterance: first recorded in Middle English.
More Like This ExclamationsExclamations
- aargh
- ah
- aha
- ahchoo
- ahem
- aw
- bah
- boo
- coo
- d’oh
- eek
- eh
- er
- eww
- gee
- ha
- hey
- ho ho
- ho-hum
- hooray
- huh
- mm
- oh
- oho
- oi
- ooh
- oops
- ouch
- ow
- oy
- pah
- phew
- psst
- sh
- tsk tsk
- tut
- ugh
- uh
- uh-oh
- uh-uh
- um
- whoopee
- whoops
- woo hoo
- wow
- yay
- yippee
- yuck
- yum