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词汇 hate


not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时
present simple I / you / we / they hate
he / she / it hates
past simple hated
past participle hated
-ing form hating
    [transitive, intransitive] to dislike somebody/something very much厌恶,讨厌,憎恶(某事物)
    • hate somebody/yourself The two boys hated each other.那两个男孩相互仇视。
    • Sometimes I really hate him.有时候真的很讨厌他。
    • He was her most hated enemy.他是她最恨的人。
    • hate something I hate spinach.我讨厌菠菜。
    • I really hate Monday mornings.我真的很讨厌周一早上。
    • I hate the way she always criticizes me.我对她不断批评我很反感。
    • hate it… He hated it in France (= did not like the life there).他对法国的生活感到厌恶。
    • She's hating it at university.她在大学讨厌它。
    • hate it when… I hate it when people cry.我厌烦别人哭。
    • Don't you just hate it when everyone gets the joke except you?你难道不讨厌除了你之外每个人都被笑话吗?
    • hate it that… He hated it that she was right.他讨厌她是对的。
    • hate doing something She hates making mistakes.她讨厌出错。
    • I hate coming home late.我讨厌晚回家。
    • hate to do something He hated to be away from his family.他很不愿意离开家。
    • She's a person who hates to make mistakes.她是个讨厌出错的人。
    • I hate to see him suffering like this.我讨厌看到他这样受苦。
    • I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there.我真不敢想要是你不在那里会出什么事。
    • hate somebody/something doing something He hates anyone parking in his space.他讨厌别人占他的车位停车。
    • hate somebody/something to do something I'd hate anything to happen to him.但愿他平安无事。
    • She would have hated him to see how her hands shook.她会很不愿意让他看到她的双手抖得厉害。
    • hate for somebody/something to do something I'd hate for all this to go to waste.我不想让这一切白白浪费掉。
    • hate somebody/yourself for something The country's police force was widely hated for its brutality.该国的警察部队因其残暴而广受憎恨。
    • hate somebody/yourself for doing something I hated myself for feeling jealous.我恨自己的嫉妒心。
    • When children are taught to hate, the whole future of society is in danger.当孩子们学会憎恨,整个社会的未来就不妙了。
    Grammar Point want / like / love / hate / thinkwant / like / love / hate / think
    • These verbs belong to a group known as stative verbs because they describe a state rather than an action (although think can describe either an action or a state). Stative verbs are not usually used in the progressive tenses. However, it is becoming more common for some stative verbs to be used with progressive tenses. Stative verbs such as want, like, love, hate and think are sometimes used in informal language to describe a state at a particular moment, or a state that continues for a period of time:
      • Why are you wanting a new phone when your current one works perfectly well?为什么你想要一部新手机,而你现在的手机工作得很好?
      • What shall we do tonight? I’m thinking bowling.今晚我们做什么?我在想保龄球。
      • I’m loving the weather today! 我喜欢今天的天气!
      Other stative verbs that can be used this way include prefer, remember, taste and understand
    Synonyms hatehate
    • dislike
    • can’t stand
    • despise
    • can’t bear
    • loathe
    • detest
    These words all mean to have a strong feeling of dislike for somebody/​something.
    • hate to have a strong feeling of dislike for somebody/​something. 指厌恶、讨厌、憎恶Although hate is generally a very strong verb, it is also commonly used in spoken or informal English to talk about people or things that you dislike in a less important way, for example a particular type of food: He hates violence in any form.I’ve always hated cabbage.
    • dislike (rather formal) to not like somebody/​something. 指不喜欢、厌恶Dislike is a rather formal word; it is less formal, and more usual, to say that you don't like somebody/​something, especially in spoken English: I don’t like it when you phone me so late at night.
    • can’t stand (rather informal) used to emphasize that you really do not like somebody/​something:强调不喜欢、受不了、不能容忍:
      • I can’t stand his brother.他弟弟让我受不了。
      • She couldn’t stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了。
    • despise to dislike and have no respect for somebody/​something:
      • He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。
    • can’t bear used to say that you dislike something so much that you cannot accept or deal with it:
      • I can’t bear having cats in the house.家里有猫我可受不了。
    can’t stand or can’t bear?用 can't stand 还是 can't bear?In many cases you can use either word, but can’t bear is slightly stronger and slightly more formal than can’t stand.
    • loathe to hate somebody/​something very much:
      • They loathe each other.他们相互讨厌。
      Loathe is generally an even stronger verb than hate, but it can also be used more informally to talk about less important things, meaning ‘really don’t like’: Whether you love or loathe their music, you can’t deny their talent.
    • detest (rather formal) to hate somebody/​something very much:指极不喜欢、厌恶:
      • They absolutely detest each other.他们完全是相互憎恨。
    • I hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​can’t bear/​loathe/​detest doing something.
    • I hate/​can’t bear to do something.
    • I hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​can’t bear it when…
    • I really hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​despise/​can’t bear/​detest somebody/​something.
    • I absolutely hate/​can’t stand/​loathe/​detest somebody/​something.
    • He came to hate the town, with its narrow prejudices.小镇的种种狭隘偏见令他渐生厌恶之情。
    • I absolutely hate cooking.我对做饭厌恶透顶。
    • She hated the idea of moving to Scotland.她讨厌搬到苏格兰去的想法。
    • I hate it when you lose your temper like that.我很讨厌你发那么大脾气。
    • He hates violence in any form.他憎恶任何形式的暴力。
    • He was beginning to hate his job.他开始讨厌他的工作。
    • I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there.我真不敢想要是你不在那里会出什么事。
    • I would hate him to think he wasn't welcome here.我很不希望他觉得自己在这儿不受欢迎。
    • She hated every moment of school.她讨厌学校的每一刻。
    • I hate the fact that the rich can simply pay for better healthcare.我讨厌富人可以为更好的医疗保健买单的事实。
    • Don't you just hate people who are always right?难道你不讨厌那种一贯正确的人吗?
    • For a moment she almost hated him.她一度差不多把他当成了仇人。
    • He hated me for standing up to him.因为我顶撞他,他就恨我。
    • He was the teacher that we all loved to hate.他是我们都爱恨的老师。
    • I hated him with a passion.我满怀激情地恨着他。
    • They were brought up to hate anyone of a different religion.他们从小就讨厌不同宗教的人。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsa1, Feelingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • particularly
    • really
    • absolutely
    verb + hate
    • begin to
    • come to
    • grow to
    • for
    • hate it when
    • hate to say, see, think, etc.
  2. [no passive] hate to do something used when saying something that you would prefer not to have to say, or when politely asking to do something(表示不愿说某事,或客气地请求)不愿,不想
    • I hate to say it, but I don't think their marriage will last.我不愿这么说,但我觉得他们的婚姻不会长久。
    • I'd hate to say how many hours I've spent trying to fix my computer.提起我花了多长时间修我的电脑,我就感到愤恨。
    • I hate to trouble you, but could I use your phone?我不愿麻烦你,但我能用一下你的电话吗?
  3. 词源Old English hatian (verb), hete (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch haten (verb) and German hassen (verb), Hass ‘hatred’.
hate somebody’s guts
  1. (informal) to dislike somebody very much憎恨,憎恶,仇恨(某人)


    [uncountable] a very strong feeling of dislike for somebody 憎恨;厌恶;仇恨synonym hatred
    • She gave him a look of real hate.她给了他一个真正憎恨的表情。
    • a strange relationship built on love and hate建立在爱与恨基础上的奇怪关系
    • hate for somebody/something She was full of hate for the people who had betrayed her.她对背叛她的人充满了仇恨。
    • a hate campaign (= cruel comments made about somebody over a period of time in order to damage their reputation)对某人名誉的诋毁
    Which Word? hate / hatredhate / hatred
    • These two words have a similar meaning. Hatred is more often used to describe a very strong feeling of dislike for a particular person or thing:这两个词意义相似。hatred 较常指对某人或某事物的强烈仇恨、憎恨:
      • Her deep hatred of her sister was obvious.一眼便能看出她对姐姐恨之入骨。
      • a cat’s hatred of water.猫对水的憎恨
      Hate is more often used when you are talking about this feeling in a general way:hate 较常泛指仇恨、憎恨、厌恶:
      • a look of pure hate充满憎恨的目光
      • people filled with hate.充满仇恨的人们
    • In her eyes he could see naked hate.他可以看到她的眼中充满不加掩饰的憎恨。
    • She became a hate figure for politicians on the left.她成为左翼政客仇视的对象。
    • He had received racist hate mail.他收到了充满种族仇恨的诋毁信件。
    • His eyes were flashing with hate and anger.他的眼睛喷发着仇恨和愤怒的火焰。
    • I have so much hate for that man.我非常讨厌那个人。
    • There were allegations of a hate campaign against the councillor.有人指控针对该议员的仇恨运动。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb1, Feelingsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • absolute
    • pure
    verb + hate
    • be filled with
    • be full of
    • burn with
    hate + noun
    • campaign
    • figure
    • mail
    • hate for
  2. [countable] (informal) a person or thing that you hate所憎恶的人(或事物)
    • Plastic flowers have always been a particular hate of mine.我一向特别厌恶塑料花。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • pet
  3. 词源Old English hatian (verb), hete (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch haten (verb) and German hassen (verb), Hass ‘hatred’.
somebody’s pet hate (British English)
(North American English somebody’s pet peeve)
  1. something that you particularly dislike特别厌恶的东西Topics Preferences and decisionsc2




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