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词汇 accept


present simple I / you / we / they accept
he / she / it accepts
past simple accepted
past participle accepted
-ing form accepting


    [intransitive, transitive] to take willingly something that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc.收受;接受(建议、邀请等)
    • He asked me to marry him and I accepted.他向我求婚,我答应了。
    • accept something Please accept our sincere apologies.请接受我们真诚的歉意。
    • It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift.天正下着瓢泼大雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。
    • I am unfortunately unable to accept your kind invitation.很遗憾,我不能接受您的盛情邀请。
    • The board of directors accepted our proposal.董事会接受了我们的提议。
    • She's decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这项工作。
    • Please accept this small token of my appreciation.请接受我这小小的谢意。
    • accept something from somebody He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers.他被控收受了一家供应商的贿赂。
    • accept something for something She said she'd accept $15 for it.她说她要 15 美元才卖。
    opposite refuse1
    • I accepted the gift from my sister.我接受了姐姐的礼物。
    • She graciously accepted my apology.她很有风度地接受了我的道歉。
    • She accepted a bribe from an undercover policeman.她接受了一名秘密警察的贿赂。
    Topics Businessa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • eagerly
    • gladly
    • graciously
    verb + accept
    • be glad to
    • be happy to
    • be reluctant to
    • from
  2. agree同意

    [transitive] to agree to or approve of something同意;认可
    • accept something They accepted the court's decision.他们接受法院的判决。
    • The judge refused to accept his evidence.法官拒绝接受他的证据。
    • He accepted all the changes we proposed.他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。
    • Are you willing to accept the challenge?你愿意接受挑战吗?
    • accept something from somebody She won't accept advice from anyone.她不会接受任何人的忠告。
    • accept something for something My article has been accepted for publication.我的文章已被采用准备发表。
    opposite reject
    Synonyms agreeagree
    • accept
    • approve
    • go along with somebody/​something
    • consent
    These words all mean to say that you will do what somebody wants or that you will allow something to happen.
    • agree to say that you will do what somebody wants or that you will allow something to happen:
      • He agreed to let me go early.他容许我早走。
    • accept to be satisfied with something that has been done, decided or suggested:
      • They accepted the court’s decision.他们接受法院的判决。
    • approve to officially agree to a plan, suggestion or request:
      • The committee unanimously approved the plan.委员会一致通过了计划。
    • go along with somebody/​something (rather informal) to agree to something that somebody else has decided; to agree with somebody else’s ideas:指赞同某事,同意某人的观点:
      • She just goes along with everything he suggests.他的一切建议她都赞同。
    • consent (rather formal) to agree to something or give your permission for something:指同意、准许、允许:
      • She finally consented to answer our questions.她最终同意回答我们的问题。
    • to agree/​consent to something
    • to agree/​consent to do something
    • to agree to/​accept/​approve/​go along with/​consent to a plan/​proposal
    • to agree to/​accept/​approve a request
    • I had no choice but to accept the committee's decision.我别无选择,只能接受委员会的决定。
    • I was very unwilling to accept her resignation.我非常不愿意接受她的辞职。
    • He would not accept my advice.他不会接受我的建议。
    • These figures should not be accepted at face value.不应该对这些数字信以为真。
    Topics Discussion and agreementb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • happily
    • readily
    • fully
    verb + accept
    • be happy to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • be commonly accepted
    • be generally accepted
    • be universally accepted
  4. payment

    [transitive] accept something to take payment in a particular form(认为合适或足够好而)接受
    • This machine only accepts coins.这台机器只收硬币。
    • Credit cards are widely accepted.信用卡被广为接受。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • eagerly
    • gladly
    • graciously
    verb + accept
    • be glad to
    • be happy to
    • be reluctant to
    • from
  6. responsibility责任

    [transitive] accept something to admit that you are responsible or to blame for something承认,承担(责任等)
    • He accepts full responsibility for what happened.他承认对发生的事负全部责任。
    • You have to accept the consequences of your actions.你得对你的行为后果负责。
    • The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.该公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。
    • The college cannot accept responsibility for items lost or stolen on its premises.对在校园内丢失或被盗的物品,学院概不负责。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • happily
    • readily
    • fully
    verb + accept
    • be happy to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • be commonly accepted
    • be generally accepted
    • be universally accepted
  8. difficult situation困境

    [transitive] to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you realize that you cannot change it容忍,忍受(困境等)
    • accept something You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich.你只得接受我们永远也富不起来这个事实。
    • to be willing/prepared to accept something愿意/准备接受某事
    • Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions.只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。
    • accept something as something They accept the risks as part of the job.他们甘冒风险,把这当成工作的一部分。
    • accept that… He just refused to accept that his father was no longer there.他就是不肯接受他父亲已不在的现实。
    • Some people readily accept that they may have to pay for medical treatment.一些人欣然同意自己承担医疗费用。
    • He would not accept the fact that his father was dead.他不愿接受他父亲已经去世的事实。
  10. welcome欢迎

    [transitive] to make somebody feel welcome and part of a group欢迎;接纳
    • accept somebody It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community.也许需要多年方能被当地居民完全接纳。
    • accept somebody into something She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world.她从未被这个基本上属于男人的世界所接受。
    • accept somebody as something He never really accepted her as his own child.他一直没有真正接纳她为自己的女儿。
    opposite rejectTopics Social issuesb1
  12. believe相信

    [transitive] to believe that something is true相信(某事属实)
    • accept something I don't accept his version of events.我不相信他对事件的说法。
    • accept something as something Can we accept his account as the true version?我们能相信他说的是事实吗?
    • accept that… I accept that this will not be popular.我认为这是不会受欢迎的。
    • I am not prepared to accept that this decision is final.我不准备接受这个决定是最终的。
    • it is accepted that… It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success. 普遍认为,成功催人奋进。
    • something is accepted to be, have, etc. something Their workforce is widely accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.他们的劳动力被广泛认为拥有欧洲最好的条件。
    • It was true, but hard to accept.这是真的,但很难接受。
    • Most people had come to accept that war was inevitable.大部分人渐渐认识到这场战争已不可避免。
    • The government now accepts the need for change.政府现在接受了变革的需要。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • happily
    • readily
    • fully
    verb + accept
    • be happy to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • be commonly accepted
    • be generally accepted
    • be universally accepted
  14. allow somebody to join准许加入

    [transitive] to allow somebody to join an organization, attend an institution, use a service, etc.接纳,接受(为成员、会员等)
    • accept somebody The college he applied to has accepted him.他申请的那所学院录取了他。
    • accept somebody into something She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club.她没有获准加入俱乐部,感到失望。
    • accept somebody as something The landlord was willing to accept us as tenants.房东愿意把房子租给我们住。
    • accept somebody to do something She was accepted to study music.她获录取学习音乐。
    opposite rejectTopics Social issuesb1
  16. 词源late Middle English: from Latin acceptare, frequentative of accipere ‘take something to oneself’, from ad- ‘to’ + capere ‘take’.




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