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词汇 history


(plural histories)
    [uncountable] all the events that happened in the past历史(指过去发生的所有事情)
    • in history The battle was a turning point in human history.这场战斗是人类历史的转折点。
    • one of the worst disasters in recent history近代史上最大的灾难之一
    • throughout history Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war.历史上有很多人梦想过没有战争的世界。
    • a people with no sense of history一个没有历史感的民族
    • The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events).早在还没有历史记载的很久以前这个地区就有人居住了。
    • These events changed the course of history.这些事件改变了历史的进程。
    • This was her attempt to rewrite history with herself in the role of heroine.这是她试图以女主角的身份改写历史。
    • At that time in history, women did just what they were expected to do.在历史上的那个时候,女人做的正是她们被期望做的事情。
    • History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf.以往的记录表明新西兰队在主场比赛中几乎从来没有输给英国队。
    • History shows that high approval ratings are no guarantee of re-election.历史记录表明,高支持率并不能保证再次当选。
    • She created a piece of history by winning her fourth title.她第四次赢得冠军,创造了一项历史纪录。
    • The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。
    • The team grabbed a slice of history here today.这支队伍今天在此地的表现将载入史册。
    • The war has now faded into history.这场战争现在已经淡出成为历史。
    • There have been conflicts such as this throughout history.像这样的冲突事件贯穿了整个历史。
    • This is a fascinating period of history.这是一段饶有趣味的历史。
    • the most extraordinary meeting in history历史上最不同寻常的会议
    • things that happened in recent history近代历史事件
    • It was one of the worst disasters in recent history.这是近代历史上最严重的灾难之一。
    Topics Historya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • early
    • recent
    … of history
    • piece
    verb + history
    • be steeped in
    • go down in
    • make
    history + verb
    • go back to something
    • go back…
    • reveal something
    history + noun
    • book
    • during something’s history
    • in (something’s) history
    • history of
    • change the course of history
    • a period of history
    • the lessons of history
    [singular, uncountable] the past events connected with the development of a particular place, subject, etc.(有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史
    • the history of science/music/philosophy科学/音乐/哲学史
    • She is an expert in the history of the United States.她是美国历史专家。
    • The local history of the area is fascinating.这个地区的历史很有意思。
    • The museum traces the history of the slave trade.博物馆追溯了奴隶贸易的历史。
    • The city has a rich and colourful history.这座城市的历史丰富多彩。
    • the official history of the Labour Party工党的官方历史
    • the early history of the trade union movement早期的工会运动史
    • a building that is steeped in history一栋饱经历史沧桑的建筑物
    • The town's history goes back to Roman times.这座城镇的历史可以追溯到罗马时代。
    • The history of this organization goes back many years.该组织的历史可追溯到很多年以前。
    • The regiment traces its history back to 1803.这个团的历史可以追溯到 1803 年。
    • The country has suffered several invasions during its history.该国历史上经历了几次外国入侵。
    • the best player in the sport's history体育史上最优秀的运动员
    • the history of the world世界史
    • The school traces its history back to 1865.这个学校的历史可以追溯到 1865 年。
    • the history of Ireland/​democracy/​popular music爱尔兰/民主/流行音乐的历史
    • One of the puzzles of the history of science is why science never really took off in China. 科学史的困惑之一是为什么科学从未在中国真正起飞。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • early
    • recent
    … of history
    • piece
    verb + history
    • be steeped in
    • go down in
    • make
    history + verb
    • go back to something
    • go back…
    • reveal something
    history + noun
    • book
    • during something’s history
    • in (something’s) history
    • history of
    • change the course of history
    • a period of history
    • the lessons of history
    (also History)
    the study of past events, especially as a subject at school or university历史课;历史学
    • a history professor/teacher历史教授/老师
    • a history lesson/textbook历史课/教科书
    • a degree in History历史学学位
    • cultural/social/economic/political history文化/社会/经济/政治历史
    • modern/ancient history现代/古代历史
    • She's studying art history.她正在研读艺术史。
    • She studies history of art.她学习艺术史。
    see also natural historyTopics Historya1, Educationa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • early
    • recent
    … of history
    • piece
    verb + history
    • be steeped in
    • go down in
    • make
    history + verb
    • go back to something
    • go back…
    • reveal something
    history + noun
    • book
    • during something’s history
    • in (something’s) history
    • history of
    • change the course of history
    • a period of history
    • the lessons of history
    [countable, uncountable] a written or spoken account of real past events历史(指历史记载或历史传说)
    • She's writing a new history of Europe.她正在写一部新的欧洲史。
    • She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters.接下来她列举了一长串灾难。
    • the oral histories of ordinary people普通人的口述历史
    see also oral history
    • Ours is the oldest written history in the world.我们的历史是世界上最古老的书面历史。
    • There is no true written history of the Pashtun in their own land. 普什图人在他们自己的土地上没有真正的书面历史。
    Topics Historya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • early
    • recent
    … of history
    • piece
    verb + history
    • be steeped in
    • go down in
    • make
    history + verb
    • go back to something
    • go back…
    • reveal something
    history + noun
    • book
    • during something’s history
    • in (something’s) history
    • history of
    • change the course of history
    • a period of history
    • the lessons of history
    [countable] the set of facts that are known about somebody/something's past历史:已知的关于某人/某事的一系列事实。
    • I know nothing about his personal history.我对他的来历一无所知。
    • The group has quite a history.该集团公司颇有一段历史。
    • The doctor will need some details of your medical history.医生将要详细了解你的病史。
    [countable, usually singular] a history of something a record of something happening frequently in the past life of a person, family or place (某人的)履历,经历;家族史;(某地的)沿革
    • He has a history of violent crime.他有暴力犯罪的前科。
    • She has a long history of mental illness.她的精神病史很长。
    • There is a history of heart disease in my family.我家有家族心脏病史。
    see also case history, life history
    • They have a history of trying to interfere.他们曾试图干涉。
    • The area has a history of subsidence problems.该地区的地面沉降是个老问题。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • chequered/​checkered
    • colourful/​colorful
    • fascinating
    verb + history
    • have
    • history of
  7. [uncountable, singular] history between A and B a relationship between two people, groups, companies, etc. that started in the past and continued for a period of time, especially one involving bad or complicated feelings历史:两个人,团体,公司等之间的关系,该关系从过去开始并持续了一段时间,尤其是涉及不良或复杂情绪的人
    • Sure there's history between Anna Mae and me, like you said.当然,就像你说的,我和安娜·梅之间是有历史的。
  8. [countable] a historical play历史课;历史学
    • Shakespeare's comedies, histories and tragedies莎士比亚的喜剧、历史剧和悲剧。
  9. 词源late Middle English (also as a verb): via Latin from Greek historia ‘finding out, narrative, history’, from histōr ‘learned, wise man’, from an Indo-European root shared by wit ‘have knowledge’.
be history
  1. (informal) to be dead or no longer important完蛋;已过去了;不再重要;成为历史
    • Another mistake like that and you're history.要是再犯那种错误你就完了。
    • We won't talk about that—that's history.我们不会谈论那件事的,那都已经过去了。
    • That's past history now.那是以前的事了。
    • They had an affair once, but that's past history now.他们曾有过一段风流韵事,但那是过去的事了。
the history books
  1. the record of great achievements in history历史上重大成就的记载
    • She has earned her place in the history books.她名垂青史。
    Topics Historyc2
history repeats itself
  1. used to say that things often happen later in the same way as before历史时常重演
    • Years later family history repeated itself with Eve’s daughters.多年以后,家族历史又在伊夫的女儿们身上重演。
make history | go down in history
  1. to be or do something so important that it will be recorded in history载入史册;青史留名;创造历史
    • a discovery that made medical history载入医学史册的一项重大发现
    • He will go down in history as a wise adviser and a kind man.他将作为一名智者和仁人被载入史册。
    • Neil Armstrong made history by being the first man to walk on the moon.尼尔·阿姆斯特朗作为第一个在月球上行走的人创造了历史。
    Topics Historyc1
the rest is history
  1. used when you are telling a story to say that you do not need to tell the end of it, because everyone knows it already结局是尽人皆知的;结果如何不必赘述




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