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词汇 argue


present simple I / you / we / they argue
he / she / it argues
past simple argued
past participle argued
-ing form arguing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [intransitive] to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them争论;争吵;争辩
    • My brothers are always arguing.我的兄弟们总是争论不休。
    • He's offering to pay so who am I to argue?他提出付钱,那我有什么资格争辩?
    • argue with somebody about/over something We're always arguing with each other about money.我们总是为钱吵嘴。
    • argue about something I know it was a stupid thing to argue about. 我知道争论这件事很愚蠢。
    • argue over something All families seem to argue over money.所有家庭似乎都在为钱争吵。
    • argue with somebody I don't want to argue with you—just do it!我不想和你争辩,干吧!
    • She's always arguing with her mother.她老是和妈妈斗嘴。
    • They were arguing over who should have the car that day.他们在为那天该谁用车而争吵。
    • Magda walked out of the room before her husband could argue back.玛格达没等丈夫反驳就走出了房间。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2, Feelingsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • bitterly
    • fiercely
    • furiously
    • about
    • over
    • with
    [intransitive, transitive] to give reasons why you think that something is right/wrong, true/not true, etc., especially to persuade people that you are right论证;说理;争辩
    • argue for/against something/doing something They argued for the right to strike.他们据理力争罢工权利。
    • He argues persuasively against nationalism.他令人信服地反对民族主义。
    • argue something She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty.她为恢复死刑的主张提供论据。
    • He was too tired to argue the point (= discuss the matter).他太倦了,不想讨论这个问题。
    • a well-argued article凿凿有据的文章
    • argue that… Critics argue that Britain is not investing enough in broadband.批评者认为英国在宽带方面投资不足。
    • It could be argued that laws are made by and for men.法律由人并为人制定的这一点颇有道理。
    • He argued that they needed more time to finish the project.他提出理由说明他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。
    • His lawyer successfully argued that the punishment was excessive. 他的律师成功地证明了惩罚是过分的。
    Language Bank argueargueVerbs for reporting an opinion陈述观点的动词
      • Some critics argue that Picasso remained a great master all his life.一些评论家认为毕加索毕生都是一位大师。
      • Others maintain that there is a significant deterioration in quality in his post-war work.其他人坚称他战后的作品质量明显下降。
      • Picasso himself claimed that good art is created, but great art is stolen.毕加索自己声称,好的艺术是创造出来的,伟大的艺术却是偷来的。
      • As Smith has noted, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如史密斯所述,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。
      • As the author points out, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如作者指出的那样,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。
      • The writer challenges the notion that Picasso’s sculpture was secondary to his painting.作者对这种观点表示质疑,即毕加索的雕塑不及他的绘画。
      • It has been suggested that Picasso’s painting was influenced by jazz music.据说毕加索的绘画受到爵士乐的影响。
    language bank at about, according to
    Language Bank neverthelessneverthelessConceding a point and making a counterargument承认一个观点的正确性,并提出一个对立的观点
      • While the film is undoubtedly too long, it is nevertheless an intriguing piece of cinema.虽然这部电影的确太长了,但它不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • It can be argued that the movie is too long. It is nonetheless an intriguing piece of cinema.可以认为这部电影太长了,但它不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • The film is undoubtedly too long. Still, it is an intriguing piece of cinema.这部电影的确太长了,但它仍不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • Of course, huge chunks of the book have been sacrificed in order to make a two-hour movie, but it is nevertheless a successful piece of storytelling.当然,为了制作一部两小时的电影,该书中的大部分内容都被舍弃了,不过它仍不失为一部成功的故事片。
      • Critics are wrong to argue that the film’s plot is too complicated. Certainly there are a couple of major twists, but audiences will have no difficulty following them.批评家认为这部电影的情节过于复杂,这种观点是不恰当的。影片中确实有几次大的情节变化,但观众还是不难看懂的。
      • It is true that you cannot make a good movie without a good script, but it is equally true that a talented director can make a good script into an excellent film.的确,没有好的剧本不可能拍出好的电影,但有天赋的导演能将较好的剧本制作成非常好的电影,这一点也是没有疑问的。
      • It remains to be seen whether these two movies herald a new era of westerns, but there is no doubt that they represent welcome additions to the genre.这两部电影是否预示着西部片新时代的来临还有待观察。但是毫无疑问,它们作为这一电影类型的新作而受到欢迎。
    Language Bank perhapsperhapsMaking an opinion sound less definite以不确定的语气表达意见
      • Most cybercrime involves traditional crimes, such as theft and fraud, being committed in new ways. Phishing is perhaps/possibly/probably the best-known example of this.大多数网络犯罪都包含盗窃、诈骗等传统犯罪,只是犯罪的方式有了新的变化。网络钓鱼大概是这类犯罪中最著名的例子。
      • It seems/appears that the more personal data which organizations collect, the more opportunity there is for this data to be lost or stolen.看来各种机构收集的个人资料越多,这些资料丢失或被盗的可能性就越大。
      • It seems clear that introducing national ID cards would do little to prevent identity theft.看来很明显的是,采用全国通用身份证对防止身份盗用起不了什么作用。
      • It could be argued that the introduction of national ID cards might actually make identity theft easier.可以说采用全国通用身份证实际上可能使身份盗用更容易。
      • It is possible that/It may be that the only way to protect ourselves against DNA identity theft is to avoid the creation of national DNA databases.或许保护自己免遭 DNA 身份盗用的唯一途径就是不要建立全国 DNA 数据库。
    • The general argued for extending the ceasefire.这位将军提出了延长停火时间的理由。
    • They argued in favour of stricter punishments.他们据理辩论,支持更严厉的惩罚。
    • She argued against a rise in interest rates.她据理反对提高利率。
    • I would wish to argue that appreciation of the arts should be encouraged for its own sake.我倒是认为,应该提倡为艺术而欣赏艺术。
    • In her paper she goes on to argue that scientists do not yet know enough about the nature of the disease.她在论文中继续论证,说科学家对于这种疾病的本质还没有足够的认识。
    • It is possible to argue that the rules are too strict.可以论证说明这些规则过于严格了。
    • The report argues convincingly that economic help should be given to these countries.该报告提出有力论据,指出应该给予这些国家经济援助。
    • You could easily argue that this policy will have no effect.你可以轻易就论证出这项政策不会有效。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1, Discussion and agreementb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • forcefully
    • passionately
    • strenuously
    verb + argue
    • wish to
    • be prepared to
    • attempt to
    • against
    • for
    • in favour/​favor of
  3. [transitive] argue something (formal) to show clearly that something exists or is true证明;表明
    • These latest developments argue a change in government policy.最近的事态发展表明政府改变了政策。
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French arguer, from Latin argutari ‘prattle’, frequentative of arguere ‘make clear, prove, accuse’.
argue the toss
  1. (British English, informal) to continue to disagree about a decision, especially when it is too late to change it or it is not very important(对决定)徒然反对,作无谓的争执Topics Opinion and argumentc2




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