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词汇 hold


present simple I / you / we / they hold
he / she / it holds
past simple held
past participle held
-ing form holding
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    in hand/arms手;双臂

    [transitive] to have somebody/something in your hand, arms, etc.拿着;抓住;抱住;夹着
    • hold somebody/something She was holding a large box.她提着一只大箱子。
    • They were holding hands (= the right hand of one person holding the left hand of the other).他们手握着手。
    • hold somebody/something + adv./prep. I held the mouse by its tail.我抓着耗子的尾巴倒提起来。
    • The girl held her father's hand tightly.女孩紧紧地拉着她父亲的手。
    • He was holding the baby in his arms.他抱着婴儿。
    • The winning captain held the trophy in the air.获胜队的队长把奖杯高举到空中。
    • The lovers held each other close.这对恋人紧紧相拥着。
    • A man holding a map beckoned to me.一个拿着地图的人向我招手。
    • The person holding most cards when the time limit is reached is the winner.到了时限,拿牌最多的人就是赢家。
    • People were holding banners and placards as they stood outside the building.人们站在大楼外面,举着横幅和标语牌。
    • Each woman held a bottle in her hand.每个女人手里都拿着一个瓶子。
    • The family made a circle, held hands, and bowed their heads.一家人围成一圈,牵手,低头。
    • It had started to rain, so several people held umbrellas over me.开始下雨了,所以几个人拿着雨伞挡着我。
    • They walked along the street, holding hands.他们手拉手在街上走。
    • I held the baby gently in my arms.我把婴儿轻轻地抱在怀里。
    • He held her by the shoulders.他搂着她的双肩。
    Synonyms holdhold拿住
    • hold on
    • cling
    • clutch
    • grip
    • grasp
    • clasp
    • hang on
    These words all mean to have somebody/​something in your hands or arms.
    • hold to have somebody/​something in your hand or arms:
      • She was holding a large box.她提着一只大箱子。
      • I held the baby gently in my arms.我把婴儿轻轻地抱在怀里。
    • hold on (to somebody/​something) to continue to hold somebody/​something; to put your hand on somebody/​something and not take your hand away:
      • Hold on and don’t let go until I say so.握紧,我让你松手时才松开。
    • cling to hold on to somebody/​something tightly, especially with your whole body:
      • Survivors clung to pieces of floating debris.生还者紧紧抱住漂浮在水面上的残骸。
    • clutch to hold somebody/​something tightly, especially in your hand; to take hold of something suddenly:
      • She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那里,手里仍然紧握着花束。
      • He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感到自己滑了一下,便一把抓住一根树枝。
    • grip to hold on to something very tightly with your hand:
      • Grip the rope as tightly as you can.尽可能紧紧抓住绳子。
    • grasp to take a strong hold of somebody/​something:
      • He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.他热情地抓着我的手握了起来。
      The object of grasp is often somebody’s hand or wrist.
    • clasp (formal) to hold somebody/​something tightly in your hand or in your arms:指紧握、攥紧、抱紧:
      • They clasped hands (= held each other’s hands).他们相互紧握着对方的手。
      • She clasped the children in her arms.她把孩子紧紧地搂在怀里。
      The object of clasp is often your hands, somebody else’s hand or another person.
    • hang on (to something) to hold on to something very tightly, especially in order to support yourself or stop yourself from falling:
      • Hang on tight. We’re off!抓紧,我们出发了!
    • to hold/​clutch/​grip/​clasp something in your hand/​hands
    • to hold/​clutch/​clasp somebody/​something in your arms
    • to hold/​clutch/​grip/​grasp/​clasp/​hang on to something
    • to hold/​cling/​hang on
    • to hold/​clutch/​clasp somebody/​something to you
    • to hold/​hold on to/​cling to/​clutch/​grip/​grasp/​clasp/​hang on to somebody/​something tightly
    • to hold/​hold on to/​cling to/​clutch/​grip/​grasp/​clasp somebody/​something firmly
    • to hold/​hold on to/​clutch/​grip/​clasp/​hang on to somebody/​something tight
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • firmly
    • securely
    • tightly
    [transitive] to put your hand on part of your body, usually because it hurts抱住,捂住,按住(受伤的身体部位等)
    • hold something She groaned and held her head.她呻吟着,用手抱住头。
    • hold something + adv./prep. The prisoner held his head in his hands.囚犯双手抱着头。
    • She started to dance, holding her hands rapturously to her chest.她开始跳舞,双手全神贯注地握在胸前。
  3. in position位置

    [transitive] to keep somebody/something in a particular position使保持(在某位置)
    • hold something + adv./prep. Hold your head up.抬起头来。
    • Hold this position for a count of 10.保持这个姿势别动,数到 10。
    • The wood is held in position by a clamp.这木头用夹钳固定住了。
    • People held handkerchiefs over their mouths.人们用手帕捂着嘴。
    • I had to hold my stomach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans.我得把肚皮收紧才能拉上牛仔裤的拉链。
    • hold something + adj. I'll hold the door open for you.我会把门给你开着的。
  5. support支撑

    [transitive] hold somebody/something to support the weight of somebody/something支撑…的重量
    • I don't think that branch will hold your weight.我觉得那根树枝撑不住你的重量。
    • She let him hold most of her weight as he led her upstairs.当他带她上楼时,她让他支撑着她的大部分重量。
    • Several pieces of wood joined together can hold more weight than just one piece.几块木头连在一起比一块更能承重。
  7. contain容纳;包含

    [transitive] hold something/somebody to have enough space for something/somebody; to contain something/somebody容纳;包含
    • This barrel holds 25 litres.这只桶能盛 25 升。
    • The plane holds about 300 passengers.这架飞机可容纳大约 300 名乘客。
    • The inner box holds the cheese and has holes in it.内盒装着奶酪,里面有洞。
    • Each 180-litre container will hold up to three black bags of rubbish.每个180升的容器最多可以装三袋黑色垃圾。
    hold something to have or offer something; to be going to bring something容纳;包含
    • I don't know what the future holds.我不知道未来是什么样子。
    • This research holds the key to understanding life.这项研究掌握着理解生命的关键。
  10. meeting会议

    [transitive] hold something to have a meeting, competition, conversation, etc.召开;举行;进行
    • Each month she holds a meeting with her entire staff.每个月她都会和她的全体员工开一次会。
    • The British Foreign Minister held talks with the leaders of the two countries.英国外交大臣与两国领导人举行了会谈。
    • He has already held discussions with Irish shareholders.他已经与爱尔兰股东进行了讨论。
    • It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise.噪音这么大,根本没法进行交谈。
    • The next conference will be held in Ohio.下一次会议将在俄亥俄州举行。
    • The country is holding its first free elections for 20 years.该国正在举行20年来的首次自由选举。
    • to hold an event/a party/a competition举行活动/聚会/比赛
    • The premiere was held in the Four Seasons Hotel.首映式在四季酒店举行。
    • The Lisburn Social Club is holding a special Mother's Day lunch next Sunday.里斯伯恩社会俱乐部下周日将举行一次特殊的母亲节午餐。
    • Special events are held annually as part of a fund-raising strategy.作为筹资战略的一部分,每年举行特别活动。
    • The Prime Minister announced his intention to hold a referendum.首相宣布他打算举行全民公决。
    • She held a garden party to celebrate the artist's 60th birthday.她举办了一个花园聚会来庆祝这位艺术家的60岁生日。
    • The meeting will be held in the community centre.会议将在社区活动中心举行。
    Topics Working lifeb1
  12. record/title纪录;称号

    [transitive] hold something to have something you have gained or achieved获得;赢得
    • Who holds the world record for the long jump?跳远世界纪录的保持者是谁?
    • She held the title of world champion for three years.她保持了三年的世界冠军头衔。
    Topics Successb2
  14. job工作

    [transitive] hold something to have a particular job or position担任;任职
    • How long has he held office?他任职有多久了?
    • Mrs Thatcher held the post of prime minister longer than anyone else last century.上个世纪,撒切尔夫人担任首相的时间比任何人都长。
    • Men still hold most positions of power in this country.在这个国家,男人仍然占据着大部分权力职位。
    • The company has held the advertising contract since 2005.这家公司自2005年起一直拥有这份广告合同。
    • The professor will hold a seat on the advisory board.教授将在顾问委员会中占有一席之地。
    • Labour's John Taylor and Mary Smith both held seats in this constituency.工党的约翰·泰勒和玛丽·史密斯都在这个选区占有席位。
  16. somebody prisoner监禁

    [transitive] to keep somebody and not allow them to leave监禁;拘留
    • hold somebody Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid.警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行抢劫案有关的男子。
    • hold somebody + noun He was held prisoner for two years.他被囚禁了两年。
    • Eight people were held hostage for four months.8 个人作为人质被扣留了 4 个月。
    • She was held captive in a castle.她被关押在一个城堡里。
    • She was arrested and held in custody in a police station.她被逮捕并关押在警察局。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2
  18. keep使持续

    [transitive] hold something to keep somebody’s attention or interest使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减;吸引住
    • There wasn't much in the museum to hold my attention.博物馆中没有很多让我感兴趣的东西。
    • These discussions held little interest for Lucy.露西对这些讨论不感兴趣。
  20. [transitive, intransitive] to keep something at the same level, rate, speed, etc.; to stay at the same level, rate, etc.使保持同样程度(或比率、速度等)
    • hold something (at something) Hold your speed at 70.把速度保持在 70。
    • Interest rates have been held at 8% for a year now.利率已经保持在8%一年了。
    • hold something to something They are trying to hold public spending to £300 billion.他们正试图将公共支出控制在3000亿英镑。
    • hold at something The company's shares held at £3.47.该公司的股价为3.47英镑。
    • In trading today the dollar held steady against the yen.在今天的交易中,美元对日元的汇率保持稳定。
  21. [transitive] hold something to keep something so that it can be used later保存;存储
    • Employees do not have access to personal records held on computer.雇员没有机会看到存储在计算机中的个人记录。
    • Our solicitor holds our wills.律师保存着我们的遗嘱。
    • We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。
  22. on phone

  23. [intransitive, transitive] to wait until you can speak to the person you have phoned(打电话时)等待,不挂断
    • That extension is busy right now. Can you hold?分机现在占线。您能等一会吗?
    • hold the line She asked me to hold the line.她要我别挂断电话。
    • area code
    • call
    • dial
    • engaged
    • hold
    • line
    • message
    • phone
    • ring off
    • voicemail
    Topics Phones, email and the internetb2
  24. own拥有

  25. [transitive] hold something (rather formal) to own or have something拥有;持有
    • Employees hold 30% of the shares.雇员持有 30% 的股份。
    • He was born in South Africa but he holds a British passport.他出生在南非,但持有英国护照。
    • Applicants must hold a full driving licence.申请人必须持有正式驾照。
  26. control控制

  27. [transitive] hold something to defend something against attack; to have control of something守卫;控制
    • The rebels held the radio station.叛乱者占据了电台。
  28. remain保持

  29. [intransitive] to remain strong and safe or in position承受住;坚持住;保持原位
    • They were afraid the dam wouldn't hold.他们担心大坝会承受不住。
  30. [intransitive] to remain the same保持不变
    • How long will the fine weather hold?好天气会持续多久?
    • If their luck holds, they could still win the championship.如果他们的好运持续下去,他们仍能赢得冠军。
  31. opinion意见

  32. [transitive] to have a belief or an opinion about somebody/something怀有,持有(信念、意见)
    • hold something He holds strange views on education.他对教育的看法不同寻常。
    • hold somebody/something + adv./prep./adj. She is held in high regard by her students (= they have a high opinion of her).学生对她评价很高。
    • to be held in high esteem受到高度尊重
    • He has very firmly held religious beliefs.他的宗教信仰极其坚定。
    • deeply held religious beliefs深深植根的宗教信仰
    • privately held views个人持有的想法
    • This view is not widely held.这种观点没有被广泛接受。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • commonly
    • widely
    • deeply
  33. [transitive] (formal) to consider that something is true认为;相信
    • hold that… I still hold that the government's economic policies are mistaken.我仍然认为政府的经济政策是错误的。
    • hold somebody/something + adj. Parents will be held responsible for their children's behaviour.父母将要对孩子的行为负责。
    • be held to be something These vases are held to be the finest examples of Greek art.这些花瓶被视为希腊艺术的最佳典范。
  34. road/course道路;路线

  35. [transitive] hold the road (of a vehicle机动车) to be in close contact with the road and easy to control, especially when driven fast(尤指高速行驶时)平稳行驶Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
  36. [transitive] hold a course (of a ship or an aircraft船或飞机) to continue to move in a particular direction保持航线
  37. in music音乐

  38. [transitive] hold something to make a note continue for a particular time延长,继续唱(某音符)
  39. alcohol

  40. hold your drink be able to drink a reasonable amount of alcohol without becoming drunk正确;适用
    • I can hold my drink as well as anyone.我的酒量不比任何人差。
  41. in sport体育运动

  42. [transitive, intransitive] (in tennis, badminton, etc.) to win a game in which you are serving拥有;持有
    • hold (your) serve Zverev held serve to take the set.泽维雷夫发球得分。
    • Halep held to love.哈利普坚持爱。
  43. stop停止

  44. [transitive] hold something used to tell somebody to stop doing something or not to do something停下;不要做
    • Hold your fire! (= don't shoot)别开枪!
    • Hold the front page! (= don't print it until a particular piece of news is available)把头版暂时空着!
    • (North American English, informal) Give me a hot dog, but hold the (= don't give me any) mustard.给我来份热狗,但别加芥末。
  45. 词源verb Old English haldan, healdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch houden and German halten; the noun is partly from Old Norse hald ‘hold, support, custody’.
Idioms Most idioms containing hold are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example hold the fort is at fort. 
hold good
  1. to be true正确;适用
    • The same argument does not hold good in every case.同样的论点并非在所有的情况下都适用。
hold it
  1. (informal) used to ask somebody to wait, or not to move稍等;别动
    • Hold it a second—I don't think everyone's arrived yet.请稍候,我想人还没有到齐。
hold/hang on for/like grim death (British English)
(also hold/hang on for dear life North American English, British English)
  1. (informal) to hold somebody/something very tightly because you are afraid(害怕得)死死抓住不放,紧紧抓住不松手
there is no holding somebody
  1. a person cannot be prevented from doing something阻拦不住某人
    • Once she gets on to the subject of politics there's no holding her.她一谈起政治就滔滔不绝。



    with hand用手

    [singular, uncountable] the action of holding somebody/something; the way you are holding somebody/something抓;握;拿;支撑 synonym grip
    • hold on somebody/something His hold on her arm tightened.他把她的胳膊抓得更紧了。
    • He lost his hold on the rock and was swept away by the tide.他没有抓牢岩石,被潮水卷走了。
    • Make sure you've got a steady hold on the camera.一定要拿稳相机。
    • She tried to keep hold of the child's hand.她尽力拉住那孩子的手不放。
    • He kept a firm hold on my hand.他紧紧握着我的手。
    • He tightened his hold on her.他把她抓得更紧了。
    • She finally released her hold on me.她总算撒手放开了我。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • firm
    • tight
    verb + hold
    • catch
    • get
    • grab
    • hold on
  2. in sport/a fight

  3. [countable] a particular way of holding somebody, especially in a fight or in a sport such as wrestling持;握;抓;抱;(尤指摔跤、打斗中的)擒拿法
    • in a hold He still had me in a tight hold.他仍然紧紧地抓着我。
    • The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold.那位摔跤手给对手来了个头部擒拿。
    • The exercise called for the recruits to get out of various holds.演习要求新兵离开各种各样的据点。
    see also scissor holdTopics Sports: other sportsb2
  4. power/control权力;控制

  5. [singular] influence, power or control over somebody/something影响;权威;控制
    • He struggled to get a hold of his anger.他竭力压制自己的怒火。
    • hold over somebody/something What she knew about his past gave her a hold over him.她知道他的过去,所以能够控制他。
    • hold on somebody/something This crisis had weakened his hold on power.这场危机削弱了他的权力。
    see also stranglehold
    • an attempt to break the hold of the Church冲破教会控制的尝试
    • The allies lost their hold on the south of the country.盟军丧失了对该国南部的控制。
    • Her hold on power was now quite tenuous.她不再能牢牢掌握手中的权力。
    • He still has a firm hold on the party.他仍然牢牢地控制着该党。
    • He no longer had any hold over her.他对她再也没有什么影响力了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • firm
    • powerful
    • secure
    verb + hold
    • have
    • maintain
    • lose
    • hold on
    • hold over
  6. in climbing攀登

  7. [countable] a place where you can put your hands or feet when climbing支撑点(可手攀或脚踏的地方)
    • in a hold She put her foot firmly in the hold and pulled herself up.她把脚牢牢地放在货舱里,然后爬了起来。
    see also foothold, handhold, toehold
  8. on ship/plane船;飞机

  9. enlarge image
    the part of a ship or plane where the goods being carried are stored货舱
    Topics Transport by waterc1, Transport by airc1
  10. 词源noun senses 1 to 4 Old English haldan, healdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch houden and German halten; the noun is partly from Old Norse hald ‘hold, support, custody’. noun sense 5 late 16th cent.: from obsolete holl, from Old English hol, holian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hol (noun) ‘cave’, (adjective) ‘hollow’, and German hohl ‘hollow’, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘cover, conceal’. The addition of -d was due to association with hold (all other senses).
catch, get, grab, take, etc. (a) hold of somebody/something
  1. to have or take somebody/something in your hands抓住;拿着;握着;握住
    • He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn't get away.他抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。
    • Lee got hold of the dog by its collar.李拉住了狗的项圈。
    • Quick, grab a hold of that rope.快,抓住那条绳子。
    • Gently, she took hold of the door handle and turned it.她轻轻地握住门把手扭动了它。
    • Take hold of the handle and give it a hard pull.握住把手,用力拉。
    • She grabbed hold of a plate and smashed it.她抓住一个盘子,把它打碎了。
get hold of somebody
  1. to contact or find somebody和某人联系;找到某人
    • Where have you been? I've been trying to get hold of you all day.你去哪了?我一整天都在找你。
    • Eventually, we got hold of Dan in New York.最终,我们在纽约找到了丹。
    • Do you know where I can get hold of a good plumber?你知道我在哪里可以找到一个好的水管工吗?
    Topics Phones, email and the internetc2
get hold of something
  1. to find something that you want or need找到所需要的东西
    • I need to get hold of Tom's address.我需要找到汤姆的地址。
    • It's almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.几乎不可能搞到决赛的门票。
    • The police do not know how the boy got hold of the knife.警察不知道这个男孩是如何拿到刀的。
    • How did the press get hold of the story?新闻界是怎么得到这个消息的?
  2. to learn or understand something学会;理解
get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick
  1. (British English, informal) to understand something in the wrong way误解;误会
no holds barred
  1. with no rules or limits on what somebody is allowed to do不加约束;没有限制
    • There will be no holds barred in his interview with the president this evening.今晚他与总统的会见不会被禁止。
    Topics Permission and obligationc2
on hold
  1. delayed until a later time or date推迟;中断
    • She put her career on hold to have a baby.她中断了事业以便生孩子。
    • The project is on hold until more money is available.这项工程暂停,等到有更多的资金时再进行。
    • The department has placed its plans on hold pending the results of the elections.在选举结果出来之前,该部门已经搁置了它的计划。
  2. if a person on the phone is put on hold, they have to wait until the person they want to talk to becomes free or has found out the information that is needed(电话接通后)等某人接电话
    • (British English) I’ll just pop you on hold.我就让你等着。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetc1
take (a) hold
  1. to begin to have complete control over somebody/something; to become very strong开始完全控制;变得十分强大
    • Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move.他突然惊慌得动弹不得。
    • They got out of the house just before the flames took hold.他们就在大火吞噬房子之前逃了出来。
    • It is best to treat the disease early before it takes a hold.最好还是病向浅中医。




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