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词汇 honour


(US English honor)
Use an, not a, before honour.Idioms


    [uncountable] great respect for somebody尊敬;尊重;崇敬
    • the guest of honour (= the most important one)贵宾
    • the seat/place of honour (= given to the most important guest)上座;上席
    • They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.他们肃立以示对她的敬意。
    • do honour to somebody/something This biography does great honour to the poet's achievements.这部传记为诗人的成就增光添彩。
    see also maid of honour, matron of honour
    • The president was guest of honour at the society's banquet.总统是该协会宴会上的贵宾。
    • The prime minister sought an agreement that would bring peace with honour.首相希望达成的协议既能够带来和平,又要不失体面。
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • in somebody’s honour
    • a guard of honour
    • (the) guest of honour
    • a lap of honour
  2. privilege荣幸

    [singular] something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect荣幸;光荣 synonym privilege
    • honour to do something It was a great honour to be invited here today.今天承蒙邀请到此,深感荣幸。
    • It is a great honour to represent my country at the Olympics.代表我国参加奥运会是一种极大的荣誉。
    • It was my honour and privilege to be Helen's friend.成为海伦的朋友是我的荣幸。
    • honour of doing something The city has the dubious honour (= something that does not make you pleased or proud) of being the road rage capital of Europe.这座城市作为欧洲公路之都的荣誉令人怀疑。
    • He shared the honour of being the season's top scorer with Andy Cole.他和安迪・科尔一起分享了本赛季最佳得分手的荣誉称号。
    Topics Feelingsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • rare
    • special
    verb + honour/​honor
    • have
    • do somebody
    • give somebody
  4. moral behaviour道德品行

    [uncountable] the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right正义感;道义;节操
    • a man of honour品德高尚的人
    • Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour.证实他的清白已经成了一件道义上的事。
    • He was a man of honour who always spoke the truth.他是个正直的人,总是说真话。
    • It is a matter of honour to keep our standards as high as possible.竭尽所能保持高水准是关系到我们声誉的事情。
    • She showed a scrupulous sense of honour in discharging her debts.她在偿还债务时表现出一丝不苟的荣誉感。
    • a man without honour小人
    Topics Personal qualitiesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • family
    • national
    • personal
    verb + honour/​honor
    • defend
    • fight for
    • preserve
    honour/​honor + verb
    • be at stake
    honour/​honor + noun
    • code
    • system
    • on your honour
    • with honour
    • without honour
    • a badge of honour
    • a code of honour
    • a man of honour
  6. reputation名誉

    [uncountable] a good reputation; respect from other people荣誉;名誉;他人的尊敬
    • upholding the honour of your country捍卫祖国的荣誉
    • The family honour is at stake.家族名誉岌岌可危。
    compare dishonour
    • He was now satisfied that the family honour had been restored.家族的声誉得到恢复,他现在心满意足了。
    • He would always fight to defend the family honour.他总是愿意为捍卫家族荣誉而战。
    • National honour is at stake in this match between France and England.英法两队比赛的胜负关乎国家的荣辱。
    • She felt she had to defend the honour of her profession.她觉得自己必须维护她所属行业的声誉。
    • In the return match the home team won 3–0 and honour was satisfied.再度交锋时,主队以3 比0 获胜,挽回了面子。
    • She brought honour to her country as an Olympic medal-winner.她赢得奥运会奖牌,为祖国增了光。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • family
    • national
    • personal
    verb + honour/​honor
    • defend
    • fight for
    • preserve
    honour/​honor + verb
    • be at stake
    honour/​honor + noun
    • code
    • system
    • on your honour
    • with honour
    • without honour
    • a badge of honour
    • a code of honour
    • a man of honour
  8. [singular] honour to something/somebody a person or thing that causes others to respect and admire something/somebody引起尊敬(或尊重、崇敬)的人(或事物)
    • She is an honour to the profession.她是这一行业的光荣。
  9. award奖励

    [countable] an award, official title, etc. given to somebody as a reward for something that they have done(为表扬某人的)奖励,荣誉称号,头衔
    • the New Year’s Honours list (= in Britain, a list of awards and titles given on January 1 each year)(英国)元旦受勋者名册
    • to receive/win the highest honour获得最高荣誉
    • to bestow an honour on somebody授予某人荣誉
    • She received nearly every honour bestowed upon a poet.她几乎获得了授予诗人的所有荣誉。
    • He received numerous honours, including the OBE in 1961.他获得了许多荣誉,包括1961年的大英帝国勋章。
    • He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect).他以隆重的军葬礼下葬。
    • He wears his scars like badges of honour (= rewards that you can see).他的伤疤像荣誉徽章一样。
    • Brokeback Mountain has taken top honours at the Venice Film Festival.断背山获得了威尼斯电影节的最高荣誉。
    • No actor deserves the honour more than Caine.没有一个演员比凯恩更值得这个荣誉。
    • television's highest honour电视界最高荣誉
    • Eastlake Studio received top honours in the interior design category.东湖工作室获得了室内设计类的最高荣誉。
    • He was made a life peer in the New Year's honours list.在元旦的受勋者名册上,他受封为终身贵族。
    • It was the British who scooped the honours at last night's Oscars.昨晚在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上摘取荣誉桂冠的是英国人。
    • The Order of Merit is the highest civilian honour that can be conferred on someone.功绩勋章是平民所能获得的最高荣誉。
    • She has confirmed that she will accept the honour of a peerage.她已经证实自己将接受贵族封号。
    see also roll of honour
    Culture honourshonoursTwice a year several hundred British people who have achieved great success and earned people's respect receive a variety of honours. A few are made life peers, some are made knights, and many others are given less important awards. The honours lists are published on New Year's Day (the New Year Honours) and in June on the present Queen's official birthday (the Birthday Honours). At the end of each parliament before a general election, the Prime Minister recommends a list of politicians for the Dissolution Honours.For a long time senior members of the armed forces and the Civil Service were almost certain to receive honours, but now there are fewer of these awards. Now more are given to members of the public suggested by colleagues and friends, or by people who admire their achievements. The Ceremonial Secretariat receives suggestions and draws up a final list, which is approved by the prime minister. As well as the names of politicians and business people, it contains charity workers, well-known sports and television personalities, actors, musicians, etc., and many ordinary people. Honours are awarded by the king or queen, or another member of the Royal Family, in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.Many of the honours are associated with one of several orders of chivalry (= groups of successful and respected people). Some of the orders have different levels, for example, 'knight', 'commander', 'officer' and 'member'. Many people are given awards in the Order of the British Empire. Famous people may be given a CBE (commander rank) or OBE (officer rank); people recommended by members of the public are usually given an MBE (member rank). Some people think the title Order of the British Empire should be changed to get rid of the reference to the Empire that is no longer appropriate, but in 2004 it was decided that the name should not be changed. Most honours allow a person to put the relevant letters after their name. In addition to these honours there are many medals and decorations (= awards) for people who have shown great courage, both civilians (= members of the public) and members of the police and the armed forces.In the US there is no system of honours like that in Britain, though a number of medals are awarded for great achievement or for being brave. These include the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal.
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full honours
    • high
    • major
    verb + honour/​honor
    • award (somebody)
    • bestow
    • confer
    honour/​honor + noun
    • list
    • system
    • with full military honours
  11. at university/school大学;学校

  12. honours, honors
    (abbreviation Hons)
    (often used as an adjective常用作形容词) a university course that is of a higher level than a basic course (in the US also used to describe a class in school that is at a higher level than other classes)大学荣誉学位课程;(美国学校的)优等班
    • an honours degree/course荣誉学位/课程
    • a First Class Honours degree一级荣誉学位
    • (North American English) I took an honors class in English.我选了一个英语优等班课程。
    • joint honours in mathematics and statistics数学与统计学联合荣誉课程
    • He's in the third year of his honours course.他读荣誉学位课程已经读到第三年了。
    Topics Educationc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • combined
    • joint
    • first-class
    honours/​honors + noun
    • class
    • course
    • degree
    • honour in
    • with honour
  13. honours, honors
    [plural] if you pass an exam or graduate from a university or school with honours, you receive a special grade for having achieved a very high standard优异成绩
    • He passed with second-class honours.他以二级优等成绩通过了考试。
    Topics Educationc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • combined
    • joint
    • first-class
    honours/​honors + noun
    • class
    • course
    • degree
    • honour in
    • with honour
  14. judge/mayor法官;市长

  15. His/Her/Your Honour
    [countable] a title of respect used when talking to or about a judge or a US mayor法官大人;(美国)市长阁下
    • No more questions, Your Honour.没有其他问题了,法官大人。
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • in somebody’s honour
    • a guard of honour
    • (the) guest of honour
    • a lap of honour
  16. in card games纸牌游戏

  17. [countable, usually plural] the cards that have the highest value最大点数的牌
    More Like This Silent lettersSilent letters
    • gnarled
    • gnash
    • gnat
    • gnaw
    • gnome
    • haute cuisine
    • heir
    • herb
    • honour
    • hors d’oeuvre
    • hour
    • knack
    • knee
    • kneel
    • knife
    • knight
    • knit
    • knob
    • knock
    • knot
    • know
    • knuckle
    • psalm
    • psephology
    • psychic
    • ptarmigan
    • pterodactyl
    • psychology
    • wrangle
    • wrap
    • wreath
    • wreck
    • wrench
    • wrestle
    • wriggle
    • wring
    • write
    • wrong
    • bomb
    • climb
    • crumb
    • doubt
    • lamb
    • limb
    • ascent
    • fascinate
    • muscle
    • scene
    • scissors
    • height
    • right
    • sleigh
    • weight
    • align
    • campaign
    • design
    • foreign
    • malign
    • reign
    • unfeigned
    • balmy
    • calm
    • calf
    • half
    • yolk
    • autumn
    • column
    • condemn
    • damn
    • hymn
    • solemn
    • bristle
    • fasten
    • listen
    • mortgage
    • soften
    • thistle
    • wrestle
    • biscuit
    • build
    • circuit
    • disguise
    • guilty
    • league
    • rogue
    • vague
    • yacht
    • answer
    • sword
    • two
  18. 词源Middle English: from Old French onor (noun), onorer (verb), from Latin honos, honor.
do somebody an honour | do somebody the honour (of doing something)
  1. (formal) to do something to make somebody feel very proud and pleased使增光;赏光;给…带来荣誉
    • Would you do me the honour of dining with me?你能赏光和我一块吃饭吗?
Synonyms pleasurepleasure
  • delight
  • joy
  • privilege
  • treat
  • honour
These are all words for things that make you happy or that you enjoy.
  • pleasure a thing that makes you happy or satisfied:
    • the pleasures and pains of everyday life日常生活的苦与乐
    • It’s been a pleasure meeting you.很高兴认识您。
  • delight a thing or person that brings you great pleasure:
    • the delights of living in the country生活在乡村的乐趣
  • joy a thing or person that brings you great pleasure or happiness:
    • the joys and sorrows of childhood童年的欢乐与悲伤
pleasure, delight or joy?用 pleasure、delight 还是 joy?A delight or joy is greater than a pleasure; a person, especially a child, can be a delight or joy, but not a pleasure; joys are often contrasted with sorrows, but delights are not.
  • privilege (rather formal) something that you are proud and lucky to have the opportunity to do:指荣幸、荣耀、光荣:
    • It was a great privilege to hear her sing.听她唱歌是莫大的荣幸。
  • treat (informal) a thing that somebody enjoyed or is likely to enjoy very much:指乐事、乐趣:
    • You’ve never been to this area before? Then you’re in for a real treat.你以前从来没有到过这一地区?那么你一定会喜之不尽。
  • honour (formal) something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect:指荣幸、光荣:
    • It was a great honour to be invited here today.今天承蒙邀请到此,深感荣幸。
  • the pleasures/​delights/​joys of something
  • It’s a great pleasure/​joy to me that…
  • It’s a pleasure/​delight/​joy/​privilege/​treat/​honour to do something
  • It’s a pleasure/​delight/​joy to see/​find…
  • a pleasure/​delight/​joy to behold/​watch
  • a real pleasure/​delight/​joy/​privilege/​treat
  • a great pleasure/​joy/​privilege/​honour
  • a rare joy/​privilege/​treat/​honour
do the honours
  1. to perform a social duty or ceremony, such as pouring drinks, making a speech, etc.履行社交责任;执行仪式
    • Would you do the honours and draw the winning ticket?能劳驾为我们抽出获奖的票吗?
have the honour of something/of doing something
  1. (formal) to be given the opportunity to do something that makes you feel proud and happy得到某殊荣;有幸做某事
    • May I have the honour of the next dance?能赏光和我跳下一曲舞吗?
    • It was Tevez who had the honour of scoring the first goal.特维斯有幸进了第一个球。
    • She had the honour of being the first living artist to have her work exhibited in the Louvre.她有幸成为第一位在卢浮宫展出作品的在世艺术家。
    • I had the rare honour of being allowed into the artist's studio.我曾极有幸地获准进入那位艺术家的工作室。
    • Max was given the dubious honour (= it may not really have made him feel proud and happy) of organizing the children's party.马克斯得到了为孩子们组织聚会这一所谓的殊荣。
(there is) honour among thieves
  1. (saying) used to say that even criminals have standards of behaviour that they respect盗亦有道
(feel) honour-bound to do something
  1. (formal) to feel that you must do something because of your sense of moral duty(感到)道义上应做某事
    • She felt honour-bound to attend as she had promised to.她觉得既然答应了就应该出席。
    • He felt honour bound to help her.他觉得在道义上应该帮助她。
    compare duty-boundTopics Permission and obligationc2
the honours are even
  1. no particular person, team, etc. is doing better than the others in a competition, an argument, etc.势均力敌;不分胜负
in honour of somebody/something | in somebody’s/something’s honour
  1. in order to show great respect for somebody/something 为向…表示敬意
    • a ceremony in honour of those killed in the explosion为纪念爆炸中的死难者所举行的仪式
    • A banquet was held in her honour.为欢迎她而设宴。
    • The arch was built in honour of the Emperor.这座拱门是为了纪念皇帝而建造的。
    • They organized a party in his honour.他们组织了一个聚会向他表示敬意。
on your honour (old-fashioned)
  1. used to promise very seriously that you will do something or that something is true用人格担保;以名誉担保
    • I swear on my honour that I knew nothing about this.我以人格担保我根本不知道这件事。
  2. to be trusted to do something受到信任;被信赖
    • You're on your honour not to go into my room.依你的人格,相信你不会进我的房间。
a point of honour
  1. a thing that somebody considers to be very important for their honour or reputation事关名誉的大事


(US English honor)
present simple I / you / we / they honour
he / she / it honours
past simple honoured
past participle honoured
-ing form honouring

    show respect表示敬意

    to do something that shows great respect for somebody/something尊敬,尊重(某人)
    • honour somebody/something our honoured guests我们的贵宾
    • It was a simple ceremony to honour the Goddess of water.这是一个简单的仪式来纪念水女神。
    • Actors and musicians gathered to honour the memory of the late singer.演员和音乐家聚集在一起纪念这位已故歌手。
    • honour somebody with something The President honoured us with a personal visit.总统亲临,使我们感到荣幸。
    • (ironic) I'm glad to see that you've decided to honour us with your presence!很高兴看到你已决定大驾光临!
  2. give award颁奖

    [often passive] to give public praise, an award or a title to somebody for something they have done给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)
    • be honoured She has never been properly honoured in her own country.她在自己的国家从未得到应有的尊重。
    • honour somebody/something with something He was honored with nearly every prize in the ceramic field. 他几乎获得了陶瓷领域的所有奖项。
    • honour somebody/something for something They were honored for their achievements over the past year.他们因过去一年的成就而受到表彰。
    • honour somebody/something with something for something He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work.他因科研成就而获授爵士头衔。
    • honour somebody/something as something The exhibition was honored as best show in a public space. 该展览被评为公共场所的最佳展览。
    • honour somebody/something by doing something The town has honoured his bravery by erecting a memorial.该镇立了一座纪念碑以表彰他的勇敢。
    • The sculptor was honoured at a gala reception at the museum.这位雕塑家在博物馆的盛大招待会上受到表彰。
    • Tina Grey was honoured for her work teaching children about organic farming.蒂娜·格雷因向孩子们传授有机农业知识而受到表彰。
    • The Grammy-nominated composer is being honoured as Musicare's Person of the Year 2005.这位获得格莱美提名的作曲家被授予2005年度音乐剧人物。
  4. keep promise遵守诺言

  5. honour something (formal) to do what you have agreed or promised to do信守,执行(承诺)
    • I have every intention of honouring our contract.我完全愿意执行我们的合约。
    • She is determined to honour her husband’s dying wish.她决心实现丈夫的遗愿。
    • They have failed to honour the peace agreement.他们没有遵守和平协议。
    • The council could be forced to honour the contracts.委员会可能会被迫履行合同。
    • The bank refused to honour the cheque.银行拒绝承兑这张支票。
    Topics Discussion and agreementc2
  6. 词源Middle English: from Old French onor (noun), onorer (verb), from Latin honos, honor.
be/feel honoured (to do something)
  1. to feel proud and happy(做某事)感到荣幸
    • I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech.他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。
    • ‘Would you be my best man?’ ‘I’d be honoured.’“你愿意做我的伴郎吗,”。我很荣幸,”。




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