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词汇 horse


    a large animal with four legs, a mane (= long thick hair on its neck) and a tail. Horses are used for riding on, pulling carriages, etc.
    • to ride a horse骑马
    • to get on a horse上马
    • He mounted his horse and rode off.他跨上马骑走了。
    • She's a keen horse rider.她是一个热衷骑马的人。
    • He wants to become a professional horse trainer.他想成为一名职业驯马师。
    • on a horse a rider on a white horse 骑白马的骑手
    • by horse They travelled seven miles by horse to the camp.他们骑马走了7英里到达营地。
    • a horse and cart一辆马车
    see also colt, filly, foal, gelding, mare, Quarter Horse, shire horse, stallion
    • bridle
    • gallop
    • harness
    • horse
    • paddock
    • rein
    • stable
    • stirrup
    • tack
    • thoroughbred
    • He urged his horse into a gallop.他策马飞奔。
    • He was jailed for 15 years for nobbling a horse that had been going to run in the Derby.在德比赛马会前他给一匹赛马下了药以防止其胜出,结果被判入狱15 年。
    • He was mounted on the finest horse you could ever see.他骑着一匹难得一见的骏马。
    • Heavy horses (= large, strong horses) were used for delivering beer.挽马用来运送啤酒。
    • Hundreds of animals are bought and sold at the annual horse fair.一年一度的马市上有数百匹牲畜被买卖。
    • Several horses trotted past us.几匹马小跑着从我们身边经过。
    • She has a knack for handling horses.她有一套驾驭马匹的诀窍。
    • The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.马车翻倒,马往前一冲,套着挽绳的上半身直立起来。
    • The horse stumbled and threw its rider.马绊了一下,把背上的骑手摔了出去。
    • The horse trough was full of stagnant water.马槽里满是死水。
    • The race organizers became suspicious when the two most fancied horses finished last.那两匹热门马反而落在了最后,这引起了赛马组织者的怀疑。
    • The weary horse plodded up the hill.疲惫不堪的马步履沉重地爬上山坡。
    • There are ten horses running in the next race.下一场比赛有 10 匹马参加。
    • They collected tissue samples for cloning from 75 champion horses.他们搜集了 75 匹冠军马的组织样本用来克隆。
    • They passed an old horse pulling a cart full of apples.他们与一匹拉着满满一车苹果的老马擦身而过。
    • They would need fresh horses if they were to reach the border the next day.他们要想在第二天赶到边境,就需要换马。
    • Three horses fell when a loose horse ran across the track.一匹脱缰的马横穿过跑道,三匹马跌倒了。
    Topics Animalsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • beautiful
    • fine
    • good
    verb + horse
    • breed
    • own
    • train
    horse + verb
    • canter
    • gallop
    • trot
    horse + noun
    • box
    • trailer
    • breeder
    • on a/​the horse
    • a horse and carriage
    • a horse and cart
  2. the horses
    [plural] (informal) horse racing赛马
    • He lost a lot of money on the horses (= by gambling on races).他赌赛马输了很多钱。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1
  3. a large object with legs, and sometimes handles, used in gymnastics吃得很多 see also pommel horse, vaulting horse
  4. see also charley horse, clothes horse, hobby horse, rocking horse, saddle horse, seahorse, stalking horse, Trojan horse, white horses
    词源Old English hors, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ros and German Ross.
back the wrong horse
  1. (British English) to support somebody/something that is not successful下错赌注(支持了失败的一方或事情)Topics Difficulty and failurec2
be/get on your high horse
  1. (informal) to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people趾高气扬;自命不凡;自以为了不起
change horses in midstream
  1. to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of something else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another中流换马;中途变卦;转而支持另外的人(或事)
close, lock, etc. the stable door after the horse has bolted (British English)
(North American English close, lock, etc. the barn door after the horse has escaped)
  1. to try to prevent or avoid loss or damage when it is already too late to do so马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门,为时已晚
a dark horse
  1. (British English) a person who does not tell other people much about their life, and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities深藏不露的人
  2. a person taking part in a race, etc. who surprises everyone by winning出人意料的获胜者;黑马
drive a coach and horses through something
  1. to cause something to fail, for example a plan毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)
eat like a horse
  1. (informal) to eat a lot吃得很多
    • She may be thin, but she eats like a horse.她或许是瘦了点,但吃得却很多。
flog a dead horse
(North American English also beat a dead horse)
  1. (informal) to waste your effort by trying to do something that is no longer possible鞭策死马;做徒劳无益的事
(straight) from the horse’s mouth
  1. (informal) (of information信息) given by somebody who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate直接的;可靠的
hold your horses
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody that they should wait a moment and not be so excited that they take action without thinking about it first且慢;请三思
horses for courses
  1. (British English) the act of matching people with suitable jobs or tasks知人善任
if wishes were horses, beggars would/might ride
  1. (saying) wishing for something does not make it happen想有不见得就有;愿望不等于事实
look a gift horse in the mouth
  1. (usually with negatives通常与否定词连用) (informal) to refuse or criticize something that is given to you for nothing拒受馈赠;白送的马还看牙口;对礼物吹毛求疵
    • I’m never one to look a gift horse in the mouth.我从来都不是一个吹毛求疵的人。
a one, two, three, etc. horse race
  1. a competition or an election in which there are only one, two, etc. teams or candidates with a chance of winning只有一个(或两个、三个)队(或候选人)有获胜机会的比赛(或竞选)
    • The women’s competition was a two horse race between last year’s winners Surrey and the previous champions Essex.女子比赛是去年的获胜者萨里和前冠军埃塞克斯之间的两匹马的比赛。
put the cart before the horse
  1. to put or do things in the wrong order本末倒置;因果倒置
wild horses would not drag somebody somewhere, make somebody do something, etc.
  1. used to say that nothing would persuade somebody to go somewhere or do something they do not want to do任何事情都不能阻止(或促使某人做某事);八匹马拉不了某人回头
you can lead/take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink
  1. (saying) you can give somebody the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to牵马近水易,逼马饮水难;机会可以给,做不做由人;老牛不饮水,不能强按头


present simple I / you / we / they horse
he / she / it horses
past simple horsed
past participle horsed
-ing form horsing
Phrasal Verbs




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