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词汇 arms


    (formal) weapons, especially as used by the army, navy, etc.兵器;武器
    • arms and ammunition兵器和弹药
    • The UN imposed an arms embargo on the country.联合国对该国实施武器禁运。
    • He's the world 's most notorious arms dealer.他是世界上最臭名昭著的军火商。
    • Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms.英国警察通常不携带武器。
    • They banned arms sales to countries with poor human rights records.他们禁止向人权记录不佳的国家出售武器。
    • He was trying to rebuild the country's nuclear arms programme. 他试图重建该国的核武器计划。
    • aggression
    • arms
    • army
    • attack
    • casualty
    • conflict
    • defend
    • hostile
    • territory
    • war
    see also firearm, small arms
    • He was accused of supplying arms to terrorists.他被指控为恐怖分子提供武器。
    • The country's economic growth could fuel an arms build-up.这个国家的经济发展会助推其扩充军备。
    Topics War and conflictb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • nuclear
    • small
    verb + arms
    • bear
    • carry
    • call somebody to
    arms + noun
    • build-up
    • race
    • control
    • under arms
  2. (also coat of arms)
    a design or a shield that is a special symbol of a family, city or other organization盾形纹章;盾徽
    • the King’s Arms (= used as the name of a pub)国王盾形徽章(酒吧名)
    • The royal arms appear on the door of the Queen's carriage.女王乘坐的四轮马车门上贴着皇家盾徽。
  3. 词源Middle English: from Old French armes, from Latin arma.
bear arms
  1. (old use) to be a soldier; to fight当兵;打仗
be under arms
  1. (formal) to have weapons and be ready to fight in a war处于备战状态;严阵以待;枕戈待旦
    • It was the first ‘modern’ war, with more than a million men under arms.这是第一次“现代”战争,有100多万人参战。
a call to arms
  1. a strong request to fight in the army; a strong request to defend something or get ready for a fight about something放下武器;停止作战
    • A leading environmentalist has issued a call to arms to companies and the public to do more about plastic waste.一位著名的环保主义者呼吁公司和公众对塑料垃圾采取更多措施。
    • The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.总统的演讲是为了重振美国梦而发出的入伍参战号召。
lay down your arms
  1. (formal) to stop fighting放下武器;停止作战
    • The government called on the terrorists to lay down their arms.政府要求恐怖分子停止战斗。
present arms
  1. (of soldiers士兵) to hold a rifle straight upwards in front of the body as a mark of respect持枪敬礼
take up arms (against somebody)
  1. (formal) to prepare to fight拿起武器;准备战斗
    • He encouraged his supporters to take up arms against the state.他鼓动他的支持者武装起来对抗政府。
    • The people took up arms to defend their country.人们拿起武器保卫自己的国家。
(be) up in arms (about/over something)
  1. (informal) (of a group of people一群人) to be very angry about something and ready to protest strongly about it极力反对;强烈抗议




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