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词汇 Huey Long

Huey Long

/ˌhjuːi ˈlɒŋ/
/ˌhjuːi ˈlɔːŋ/
  1. (1893-1935) a powerful US politician in the state of Louisiana, also known as 'Kingfish'. He used emotional speeches and a programme of taxes called Share the Wealth to get money from big businesses and win votes from poor people, while making himself very rich through dishonest deals. He became Governor of Louisiana (1928-31) and a US Senator (1930-35). He had hopes of standing for election as President but was murdered. All the King's Men, a novel (1946) by Robert Penn Warren and then a film (1949) was based on Long's life.休伊·隆(Huey Long):(1893-1935)路易斯安那州的一位强大的美国政客,也被称为“金鱼”。他运用情感演讲和一项名为“分享财富”的税收计划,从大企业中赚钱并赢得穷人的投票,同时通过不诚实的交易使自己变得非常富有。他成为路易斯安那州州长(1928-31)和美国参议员(1930-35)。他曾希望当选总统,但被谋杀了。罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦(Robert Penn Warren)的小说《一切国王的男人》(1946年),然后是一部电影(1949年),都是根据朗格的生平改编的。




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