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词汇 hunch


[intransitive, transitive]
present simple I / you / we / they hunch
he / she / it hunches
past simple hunched
past participle hunched
-ing form hunching
  1. to bend the top part of your body forward and raise your shoulders and back弓身;弓背;耸肩
    • (+ adv./prep.) She leaned forward, hunching over the desk.她身体前倾,伏在写字台上。
    • hunch something He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.他耸着肩,双手深深地插进衣袋。
    • He hunched over the map.他弓着背看地图。
    • He hunched up his shoulders.他耸起肩膀。
    • She hunched forward to see the picture.她弓着背去看那幅画。
    • She sat hunched on the bed all day.她整天弓着背坐在床上。
    Topics Appearancec2
    Collocations DictionaryHunch is used with these nouns as the object:
    • back
    • shoulder
    词源late 15th cent.: of unknown origin. The original meaning was ‘push, shove’ (noun and verb), a sense retained now in Scots as a noun, and in US dialect as a verb. This sense of the noun probably derives from a US sense of the verb ‘nudge someone in order to draw attention to something’.


  1. a feeling that something is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it预感;直觉
    • It seemed that the doctor's hunch had been right.看起来医生的直觉是对的。
    • My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area.我有一种直觉,那些入室窃贼还在此地没走。
    • I had a hunch (that) you’d be back.我有预感你会回来。
    • to follow/back your hunches凭直觉做事
    • He decided to back his hunches with serious money.他决定凭直觉下大笔赌注。
    • Her hunches were confirmed the next day.第二天她的直觉被证实了。
    • I called on a hunch to ask if he had any work for me.我凭直觉打电话问他有没有工作给我做。
    • I decided to follow my hunch and come and see you.我决定听从自己的直觉,来这里见你。
    • I had a hunch that she was not telling the truth.凭直觉我觉得她没说真话。
    • They now have a database of information to back their hunches about customers' preferences.现在有一个信息库来帮助他们证实他们直觉认为的顾客喜好。
    • I didn't know for certain—I was just going on a hunch.我也拿不准,我只是凭直觉行事。
    • hunch (that) I had a hunch that you might be here.我有预感你可能会在这里。
    • The detective's hunch had been right.侦探的预感是对的。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • strong
    verb + hunch
    • have
    • act on
    • follow
    • on a hunch
    词源late 15th cent.: of unknown origin. The original meaning was ‘push, shove’ (noun and verb), a sense retained now in Scots as a noun, and in US dialect as a verb. This sense of the noun probably derives from a US sense of the verb ‘nudge someone in order to draw attention to something’.




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