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词汇 art


    [uncountable] the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture 艺术,美术(尤指绘画、雕刻、雕塑)
    • modern/contemporary art现代/当代艺术
    • an art critic/historian/lover艺术批评家/史家/爱好者
    • Can we call television art?我们能把电视称作艺术吗?
    • stolen works of art被盗艺术品
    • Her performance displayed great art.她的表演展现了精湛的技艺。
    • American art美国艺术
    • It's a very beautiful piece of art.这是一件非常漂亮的艺术品。
    see also clip art, digital art, fine art
    • an exhibition of photography and digital art摄影和数字艺术展览
    • His art style was less radical than his contemporaries.他的绘画风格不像与他同时代的人那样激进。
    • Will real life ever imitate art the way Hollywood wishes it would?现实生活真的会像好莱坞影片希望的那样富有戏剧性吗?
    • the Impressionist art movement印象派艺术运动
    • Many people from the art world attended the funeral.美术界许多人士参加了葬礼。
    • the New York art scene纽约的美术界
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • high
    • commercial
    verb + art
    • create
    • produce
    • display
    art + noun
    • gallery
    • museum
    • exhibit
    • life imitates art
    [uncountable] examples of objects such as paintings, drawings or sculptures艺术作品;美术作品
    • an art gallery/exhibition美术馆;美术展览
    • a collection of art and antiques一批收藏的艺术品和古董
    • art
    • background
    • canvas
    • exhibition
    • foreground
    • frame
    • fresco
    • painting
    • portrait
    • watercolour
    Culture art galleries and museums of artart galleries and museums of artIn Britain, works of art are displayed in art galleries and, especially outside London, in museums. Shops that sell paintings are also called galleries. In the US public art collections are displayed in art museums, and a gallery is a place where people go to buy works of art.Many galleries and museums in Britain and the US receive limited financial support from national or local government. Other money is raised through admission fees, although admission to many British museums is free, and the sale of postcards, calendars and other gifts. Some galleries obtain money through sponsorship. Many works of art are expensive and galleries can rarely buy them without organizing a public appeal or, in Britain, asking for money from the Art Fund.Visiting an art gallery is a popular leisure activity. Galleries and museums are friendlier places than they used to be. Many try to encourage children's interest in art by arranging school visits and many people make their first trip to an art museum with their school class.The most popular galleries in Britain, all in London, are the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, Tate Britain and Tate Modern. The Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition of paintings sent in by the general public also receives a lot of visitors. Sculpture attracts less attention, and though the names of Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth are known to many people, few could describe any of their works. Well-known galleries outside London include the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. There is also Tate St Ives in Cornwall.Important art museums in the US include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum, all in New York, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC and the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Most US cities and many smaller towns have art museums.Galleries sometimes mount exhibitions of the paintings or art works of one artist, that are brought together from all over the world. People are prepared to queue for a long time to see them. Many people admire old masters, famous works by great artists of the past, but have little interest in modern art. New works are talked about in the media only when they are unusual or likely to shock people. Galleries and museums try to encourage a more positive attitude to modern art but many people are still not sure. There is usually controversy about the winners of the Turner Prize.Some exhibitions bring together all kinds of art, not only paintings, from a particular time or country so that people can learn about it. Exhibitions on subjects such as the Aztecs, art nouveau or, for example, the art of Turkey may attract more people.
    • He created cover art and illustrations for the magazine.他为这家杂志创作封面和插图。
    • He was a noted art collector.他是位著名的美术品收藏家。
    • The castle houses one of the finest art collections in Britain.这座城堡藏有英国最精美的一部份艺术珍品。
    • The museum normally showcases Western art.这家博物馆通常只展示西方的美术作品。
    • The open art exhibition will allow new artists to exhibit their work.公开的美术展览会让美术界新人展出他们的作品。
    Topics Arta1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • high
    • commercial
    verb + art
    • create
    • produce
    • display
    art + noun
    • gallery
    • museum
    • exhibit
    • life imitates art
    [uncountable] the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study it艺术技巧
    • She's good at art and design.她擅长美术和设计。
    • He has a master's degree in fine art.他有美术硕士学位。
    • an art teacher/student/college/class 美术教师/学生/学院/班
    Collocations Fine artsFine arts美术Creating art艺术创作
    • make a work of art/​a drawing/​a sketch/​a sculpture/​a statue/​engravings/​etchings/​prints创作艺术品;绘画;画素描;创作雕塑/雕像/雕版印刷品/蚀刻画/版画
    • do an oil painting/​a self-portrait/​a line drawing/​a rough sketch画油画/自画像/线条画/草图
    • create a work of art/​an artwork/​paintings and sculptures创作一件艺术品/绘画和雕塑
    • produce paintings/​portraits/​oil sketches/​his most celebrated work/​a series of prints创作绘画/肖像画/油画速写/他最知名的作品/一组版画
    • paint a picture/​landscape/​portrait/​mural/​in oils/​in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/​on canvas画画/风景画/肖像画/壁画/油画/水彩画;在画布上画
    • draw a picture/​a portrait/​a cartoon/​a sketch/​a line/​a figure/​the human form/​in charcoal/​in ink画画/肖像/漫画/素描/线条/形体/人形/木炭画/墨水画
    • sketch a preliminary drawing/​a figure/​a shape勾勒草图/形体/图形
    • carve a figure/​an image/​a sculpture/​an altarpiece/​reliefs/​a block of wood雕刻形体/形象/雕塑/祭坛雕塑/浮雕/一块木头
    • sculpt a portrait bust/​a statue/​an abstract figure雕刻半身像/塑像/抽象形体
    • etch a line/​a pattern/​a design/​a name into the glass蚀刻线条/图案/图样/名字在玻璃杯上
    • mix colours/(US English) colors/​pigments/​paints调色;调颜料
    • add/​apply thin/​thick layers of paint/​colour/(US English) color/​pigment加上薄薄/厚厚几层颜料
    • use oil pastels/​charcoal/​acrylic paint/​a can of spray paint使用油画棒/木炭笔/丙烯酸颜料/一罐喷雾颜料
    • work in bronze/​ceramics/​stone/​oils/​pastels/​watercolour/​a wide variety of media用青铜/陶瓷/石头/油彩/蜡笔/水彩/各种各样的材料制作艺术品
    Describing art描述艺术
    • paint/​depict a female figure/​a biblical scene/​a pastoral landscape/​a domestic interior画/描绘女性形体/与《圣经》有关的场景/田园风光/家庭室内场景
    • depict/​illustrate a traditional/​mythological/​historical/​religious theme描绘/阐释传统的/神话的/历史的/宗教的主题
    • create an abstract composition/​a richly textured surface/​a distorted perspective设计抽象的艺术构图/丰富的层次/视觉扭曲效果
    • paint dark/​rich/​skin/​flesh tones用颜料绘成深色/浓重的颜色/肤色/肉色
    • use broad brush strokes/​loose brushwork/​vibrant colours/​a limited palette/​simple geometric forms用粗笔线条/散漫的笔法/鲜艳的颜色/有限的色调/简单的几何图形
    • develop/​adopt/​paint in a stylized manner/​an abstract style用非写实手法/抽象方式阐明/采用/描绘
    Showing and selling art艺术品展示及销售
    • commission an altarpiece/​a bronze bust of somebody/​a portrait/​a religious work/​an artist to paint something委托创作一幅祭坛画/一座某人的半身铜像/一幅肖像画/一件宗教艺术品;委托艺术家为某物作画
    • frame a painting/​portrait给一幅画/肖像画镶框
    • hang art/​a picture/​a painting悬挂艺术品/图画/画作
    • display/​exhibit modern art/​somebody’s work/​a collection/​original artwork/​drawings/​sculptures/​a piece/​a painting
    • be displayed/​hung in a gallery/​museum在美术馆/博物馆展出
    • install/​place a sculpture in/​at/​on something在某处安放一座雕塑
    • erect/​unveil a bronze/​marble/​life-size statue竖立/揭幕一座铜像/大理石像/与真人一样大的雕像
    • hold/​host/​mount/​open/​curate/​see an exhibition (especially British English)/(North American English usually) an exhibit举办/主持/筹办/举行/组织/观看展览
    • be/​go on (British English) exhibition/(North American English) exhibit参展
    • feature/​promote/​showcase a conceptual artist/​contemporary works重点介绍/宣传/展示一位概念派艺术家/当代作品
    • collect African art/​modern British paintings/​Japanese prints收藏非洲艺术品/现代英国绘画/日本版画
    • restore/​preserve a fresco/​great works of art修复/保护湿壁画/伟大的艺术品
    Topics Educationa1, Hobbiesa1, Arta1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • high
    • commercial
    verb + art
    • create
    • produce
    • display
    art + noun
    • gallery
    • museum
    • exhibit
    • life imitates art
    the arts
    [plural] art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group(统称)艺术
    • lottery funding for the arts为艺术筹集资金的彩票
    • What is the relationship between the visual arts and music? 视觉艺术和音乐有什么关系?
    see also performing arts
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • creative
    • culinary
    • decorative
    arts + noun
    • administrator
    • patron
    • arts and crafts
    • funding for the arts
    • sponsorship of the arts
  5. [countable] a type of visual or performing art表演艺术
    • an exhibition of Peruvian arts and crafts秘鲁工艺品展
    • Dance is a very theatrical art.舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • creative
    • culinary
    • decorative
    arts + noun
    • administrator
    • patron
    • arts and crafts
    • funding for the arts
    • sponsorship of the arts
    [countable, usually plural] the subjects you can study at school or university that are not sciences, such as languages, history or literature人文科学,文科(如语言、历史、文学)
    • an arts degree文科学位
    compare science see also liberal artsTopics Educationb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • liberal
    arts + noun
    • subject
    • degree
    • arts and sciences
  7. [countable, uncountable] an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and practice技能;技术;技巧
    • a therapist trained in the art of healing接受过治疗技术训练的治疗员
    • I've never mastered the art of making bread.我一直没有掌握制作面包的技巧。
    • Letter-writing is a lost art nowadays.当今尺牍是一种已消失的技巧。
    • Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art (= rather difficult).面试时表现出充满信心是一门很高的艺术。
    • Television ruined the art of conversation.电视毁掉了谈话的艺术。
    • Teach your teenager the art of compromise.教你的孩子妥协的艺术。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • lost
    verb + art
    • master
    • perfect
    • art of
    • have something down to a fine art
  8. 词源noun Middle English: via Old French from Latin ars, art-.
get something down to a fine art
  1. (informal) to learn to do something well and efficiently把…学到家;学得非常在行
    • I spend so much time travelling that I've got packing down to a fine art.我常常旅行,这样便把打点行李学到家了。


thou art
(old use)
  1. used to mean ‘you are’, when talking to one person(即 you are,对一人讲话时用)
    词源noun Middle English: via Old French from Latin ars, art-.


  1. a first name for boys, sometimes short for Arthur男孩的名字,有时是Arthur的缩写




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