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词汇 instance


  1. a particular example or case of something例子;事例;实例
    • instance of somebody/something The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。
    • instance of doing something He admitted two instances of taking money from the till.他承认两次从钱柜里拿钱。
    • instance of somebody/something doing something There have been several instances of that happening.这种情况发生过几次。
    • in an instance In most instances, there will be no need for further treatment.多数情况下,不必继续治疗。
    • In rare instances, viral infections in the mother may be passed to the unborn child.在极少数情况下,母亲体内的病毒感染可能会传染给胎儿。
    • I would normally suggest taking time off work, but in this instance I'm not sure that would do any good.我通常会建议休假,但就这个情况而言,我不敢保证休假会有什么好处。
    • instance in which… Students described many instances in which they had felt uncomfortable speaking in class.同学们描述了感觉在课堂上发言不自在的种种情况。
    • instance where… This is one of the few instances where the director does not succeed.这是这位导演少数不成功的作品之一。
    Synonyms exampleexample
    • case
    • instance
    • specimen
    • illustration
    These are all words for a thing or situation that is typical of a particular group or set, and is sometimes used to support an argument.
    • example something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say; a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set:
      • Can you give me an example of what you mean?你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?
    • case a particular situation or a situation of a particular type; a situation that relates to a particular person or thing:
      • In some cases people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment.在某些情况下,人们必须等上好几周才能得到约见。
    • instance (rather formal) a particular situation or a situation of a particular type:指例子、事例、实例:
      • The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。
    • specimen an example of something, especially an animal or plant:
      • The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.水族馆里有一些罕见的热带鱼,很有趣。
    • illustration (rather formal) a story, an event or an example that clearly shows the truth about something:指说明事实的故事、实例、示例:
      • The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make.这些统计数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的要点。
    example or illustration?用 example 还是 illustration?An illustration is often used to show that something is true. An example is used to help to explain something.Patterns
    • a(n) example/​case/​instance/​specimen/​illustration of something
    • in a particular case/​instance
    • for example/​instance
    • We have had instances of people who did not feel it was worth reporting a crime.我们有过这样的例子,有人觉得不值得报案。
    • There are still countless instances of women being paid less for doing the same work as men.仍然有数不清的妇女因做与男子相同的工作而工资较低的例子。
    • Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。
    • Further information is required to determine the correct answer in any given instance.在任何情况下,要作出正确的回答都需要有更多的信息。
    • I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.我想不出当代还有哪个疆域辽阔、国力强大的国家像这样分崩离析、灰飞烟灭。
    • In one instance, several people had their mobile phones stolen.有一次好几个人的手机都被偷了。
    • It is not always helpful to draw analogies, but in this instance it is useful.进行类比并非总能有所助益,但在这种情形下还是有用的。
    • North America provides the most striking instance of European settlement on a grand scale.北美洲就是欧洲大规模移民最为突出的例证。
    • There are many documented instances of mass hysteria.许多群发性癔症的实例有案可查。
    • This instance shows how important it is to check that the machine is working properly before you use it.这一事例表明在使用前检查机器运转是否正常有多么重要。
    • This is a classic instance of Dostoevsky's writing operating on two levels.这是陀思妥耶夫斯基的写作同时在两个层面上展开的典型实例。
    • This is an instance of his general attitude to his employees.这个例子表明了他对待雇员的惯常态度。
    • To take a particular instance of this problem:…就此问题举个例子:⋯
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • countless
    • innumerable
    • many
    verb + instance
    • give
    • provide
    • represent
    instance + verb
    • occur
    • show something
    • for instance
    • in… instance
    • instance of
    • in the first instance
    词源late 16th cent. (in its current sense): from medieval Latin instantia ‘example to the contrary’ (translating Greek enstasis ‘objection’); hence the meaning “single occurrence”.
for instance
  1. for example例如;比如
    • What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?比如说,如果你发现有职员偷东西,你会怎么办?
    • Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.比如谋杀、小偷小摸和逃税,都有不同的动机和后果。
    Language Bank e.g.e.g.Giving examples举例
      • The website has a variety of interactive exercises (e.g. matching games, crosswords and quizzes).这个网站有各种各样的互动练习(比如:配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试)。
      • The website has a variety of interactive exercises, including matching games, crosswords and quizzes.这个网站有各种各样的互动练习,包括配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试。
      • Internet technologies, such as wikis, blogs and social networking sites, have changed the way that people find information and interact with it.维基、博客和社交网站等互联网技术已经改变了人们寻找信息和与之互动的方式。
      • Many websites allow users to contribute information. A good example of this is the ‘wiki’, a type of website that anyone can edit.许多网站允许用户贡献信息。一个很好的例子是“维基”,一种任何人都可以编辑的网站。
      • Wikis vary in how open they are. For example, some wikis allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.各维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。
      • Wikis vary in how open they are. Some wikis, for example/for instance, allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.各维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。
      • More and more people read their news on the internet. To take one example, over 14 million people now read the online version of ‘The Herald’.越来越多的人在网上阅读新闻。举个例子来说,现在有超过 1 400 万人阅读《牛津先驱报》的网络版。
      • Online newspapers are now more popular than paper ones. ‘The Herald’ is a case in point. Its print circulation has fallen in recent years, while its website attracts millions of users every month.现在,网络报纸比纸质报纸更受欢迎。《牛津先驱报》就是一个很好的例子。近年来,其印刷版发行量趋于减少,但其网站每个月却吸引上千万的用户。
in the first instance
  1. (formal) as the first part of a series of actions第一;首先
    • In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company.首先是报警,然后与你的保险公司联系。
    • In the first instance, a letter from your employer may be all you need.首先,你所需要的或许只是雇主写的一封信。


present simple I / you / we / they instance
he / she / it instances
past simple instanced
past participle instanced
-ing form instancing
  1. instance something to give something as an example举…为例
    • I refer to the situation instanced above.我指的是上面列举的情况。
    词源late 16th cent. (in its current sense): from medieval Latin instantia ‘example to the contrary’ (translating Greek enstasis ‘objection’); hence the meaning “single occurrence”.




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