- a famous nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll which first appeared in his book Through the Looking Glass (1872). It describes the hunt for a monster called the Jabberwock, using humorous invented words. Some of these words, including ‘chortle’ and ‘galumph’, are now part of the English language.
贾伯沃基(Jabberwocky):刘易斯·卡洛尔(Lewis Carroll)着名的废话诗,最早出现在他的《穿越玻璃杯》(Through the Looking Glass,1872)中。它用幽默的发明单词描述了对名为Jabberwock的怪物的狩猎。其中一些单词,包括“ chortle”和“ galumph”,现在已成为英语的一部分。