- the first permanent community of English people in North America, in what is now Virginia. It was established on 14 May 1607 by the London Company and named after King James I. John Smith was an early leader. The first tobacco farms were begun here in 1612. The church tower and some graves remain, and are visited by many tourists.
詹姆斯敦(Jamestown):北美洲第一个永久性的英国人社区,现在是弗吉尼亚州。它由伦敦公司(London Company)于1607年5月14日成立,以詹姆士一世国王的名字命名。约翰·史密斯(John Smith)是早期领导人。第一家烟草农场始建于1612年。教堂塔楼和一些坟墓依然存在,许多游客参观了这座教堂。