Jesse Owens
/ˌdʒesi ˈəʊənz/
/ˌdʒesi ˈəʊənz/
- (1913-80) a US athlete who won four gold medals (for running and the long jump) at the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany. This annoyed Adolf Hitler, who wanted to show that the white Aryan race was best. Owens later received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his achievements.
杰西·欧文斯(Jesse Owens):(1913-80)是一位美国运动员,他在1936年德国奥运会上赢得了四枚金牌(跑步和跳远)。这使阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)感到恼火,后者想证明白色的雅利安人种族是最好的。欧文斯后来因其成就而获得了总统自由勋章。