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词汇 job



    paid work有酬工作

    work for which you receive regular payment工作;职业;职位
    • I don't have a job at present.目前没有工作。
    • He's trying to get a job.他正在找工作。
    • I'm thinking of applying for a new job.我在考虑申请一份新工作。
    • to look for/find a job寻找/找到工作
    • Did they offer you the job?他们给你这个职位了吗?
    • job as something She took a job as a waitress.她找了个工作,当服务员。
    • job with somebody/something She's just started a job with a travel company.她刚刚在一家旅游公司开始工作。
    • His brother's just lost his job.他的弟弟刚丢了工作。
    • to leave/quit your job离职/辞职
    • Don't be late again if you want to keep your job.如果你想保住工作,就不要再迟到了。
    • a temporary/permanent job临时/固定工作
    • a summer/Saturday/holiday/vacation job暑期/周六/假日/假期工作
    • Both my parents have full-time jobs.我父母都有全职工作。
    • Many women are in part-time jobs.许多妇女都做的是兼职工作。
    • She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly).她从未有过稳定的工作。
    • It's one of the top jobs in management.那是管理层最高级别的岗位之一。
    • job of something one of the people under consideration for the job of managing director被考虑担任总经理的人之一
    • in a job an increase in the number of people in jobs (= having jobs)就业人数的增加
    • out of a job He's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now.他已经失业六个月了。
    • The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses.公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。
    • There is so much competition in the job market currently.目前就业市场竞争激烈。
    • He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job).他对自己的工作很在行。
    • I'm only doing my job (= I'm doing what I am paid to do).我不过在做我分内的事。
    • These projects will help create jobs in rural areas.这些项目将有助于在农村地区创造就业机会。
    • The alternative would have been to cut jobs to contain costs.另一种选择是裁员以控制成本。
    • The closure of the factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs.工厂的关闭将意味着800多个工作岗位的流失。
    see also day job, desk job
    Synonyms jobjob
    • position
    • post
    • vacancy
    • appointment
    These are all words for a position doing work for which you receive regular payment.
    • job work for which you receive regular payment:
      • He’s trying to get a job in a bank.他正设法在银行找一个工作。
    • position (rather formal) a job:指职位、职务:
      • a senior position in a large corporation在一家大公司的高级职务
    job or position?用 job 还是 position?Position usually refers to a particular job within an organization, especially at a high level, and is not usually used about jobs generally. It is also often used in job applications, descriptions and advertisements.
    • post a job, especially an important one in a large organization:
      • a key post in the new government在新政府中的要职
    • vacancy a job that is available for somebody to do:
      • We have several vacancies for casual workers.我们有几个临时工的空缺。
    • appointment (rather formal, especially British English) a job or position of responsibility:
      • This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.这是一个固定职位,需要专心致志和勤奋工作。
    • a permanent/​temporary job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • a full-time/​part-time job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • to have/​have got a(n) job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • to apply for/​fill a job/​position/​post/​vacancy
    • to resign from/​leave/​quit a job/​position/​post
    Collocations Jobs工作Jobs职业Getting a job找工作
    • look for work找工作
    • look for/​apply for/​go for a job找工作;申请一个职位;努力争取工作
    • get/​pick up/​complete/​fill out/ (British English) fill in an application (form)得到/拿到/完成/填写申请(表)
    • send/​email your (British English) CV/(North American English) résumé/application/​application form/​covering letter寄/通过电邮发送简历/申请/申请表/附函
    • be called for/​have/​attend an interview被要求参加/有/参加面试
    • offer somebody a job/​work/​employment/​promotion给某人提供一份工作;雇用某人;提拔某人
    • find/​get/​land a job找到工作
    • employ/ (especially North American English) hire/​recruit/ (especially British English) take on staff/​workers/​trainees雇用员工/工人/实习生
    • recruit/​appoint a manager招聘/任命经理
    Doing a job做工作
    • arrive at/​get to/​leave work/​the office/​the factory上/下班;到办公室/工厂上班;从办公室/工厂下班
    • start/​finish work/​your shift开始/结束工作/轮班工作时间
    • do/​put in/​work overtime加班
    • have/​gain/​get/​lack/​need experience/​qualifications拥有/获得/缺乏/需要经验/资格
    • do/​get/​have/​receive training做/得到/接受培训
    • learn/​pick up/​improve/​develop (your) skills学习/偶然学会/提高/发展技能
    • cope with/​manage/​share/​spread the workload应付/勉力完成/分担/分摊工作量
    • improve your/​achieve a better work-life balance达到更好的工作与生活的平衡
    • have (no) job satisfaction/​job security有/没有工作满足感/职业保障
    Building a career建立职业生涯
    • have a job/​work/​a career/​a vocation有工作/事业/职业
    • find/​follow/​pursue/ (especially North American English) live (out) your vocation找到/从事/致力于/实践适合自己的职业
    • enter/​go into/​join a profession加入一个行业
    • choose/​embark on/​start/​begin/​pursue a career选择/从事/开始/致力于一种职业
    • change jobs/​profession/​career换工作/行业/职业
    • be/ (both especially British English) work/​go freelance做自由职业
    • do/​take on temp work/​freelance work做/开始从事临时工作/特约工作
    • do/​be engaged in/​be involved in voluntary work做/从事/参与义务性工作
    Leaving your job离职
    • leave/ (especially North American English) quit/​resign from your job离职;辞职
    • give up work/​your job/​your career放弃工作/事业
    • hand in your notice/​resignation递交辞呈
    • plan to/​be due to retire in June/​next year, etc.计划/预计六月/明年等退休
    • take early retirement提前退休
    • apply
    • appoint
    • contract
    • dismiss
    • employ
    • job
    • pay
    • retire
    • work
    • workforce
    Collocations UnemploymentUnemployment失业Losing your job失业
    • lose your job失业
    • (British English) become/​be made redundant被裁减
    • be offered/​take voluntary redundancy/​early retirement被要求/选择自愿裁退/提前退休
    • face/​be threatened with dismissal/(British English) the sack/(British English) compulsory redundancy面临被解职/被裁/强制裁员;受到解职/被裁/强制裁员的威胁
    • dismiss/​fire/ (especially British English) sack an employee/​a worker/​a manager解雇雇员/工人/经理
    • lay off staff/​workers/​employees解雇员工/工人/雇员
    • (Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English) retrench workers缩减人员
    • cut/​reduce/​downsize/​slash the workforce裁减员工
    • (British English) make staff/​workers/​employees redundant裁员
    Being unemployed失业;待业;下岗
    • be unemployed/​out of work/​out of a job失业
    • seek/​look for work/​employment找工作
    • be on/​collect/​draw/​get/​receive (both British English) unemployment benefit/​jobseeker’s allowance领取失业补助金
    • be/​go/​live/​sign (British English, informal) on the dole领取失业救济金
    • claim/​draw/​get (British English, informal) the dole领取失业救济金
    • be on/​qualify for (North American English) unemployment (compensation)领取/有资格领取失业补偿金
    • be/​go/​live/​depend (North American English) on welfare靠社会保障金过活
    • collect/​receive (North American English) welfare领取社会保障金
    • combat/​tackle/​cut/​reduce unemployment防止/解决/减少失业
    • He gave up his job as a bank manager last year.他去年放弃了银行经理的工作。
    • She's hoping for a teaching job at the university.她希望在大学里找到一份教学工作。
    • Check our website for the latest job listings.请浏览我们的网站查看最新的招聘职位列表。
    • Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.虽然求职人数很少,他们还是找到了适合这个岗位的人。
    • He moved to a better-paid job with another employer.他跳槽换了一份薪水更高的工作。
    • He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.他被迫去做了一连串琐碎的工作。
    • He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job.他很想放弃现在的自由职业而找一份固定的工作。
    • He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job.他做过许多兼职,但这是他的第一份正式工作。
    • He's always had difficulty holding down a job.他总是难以保住工作。
    • He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.他刚刚在银行业谋得了一份高薪工作。
    • His father found him a cushy job in the office, with almost nothing to do and a big salary.他父亲给他在办事处找了份轻松的工作,几乎无所事事却薪水丰厚。
    • His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.他的职位名称是卫生工作主任。
    • It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.希望此项开发能为该地区创造新的就业岗位。
    • It's important to devise a job search strategy when looking for work.找工作的时候设计一套求职战略是很重要的。
    • Management are hoping to shed 200 jobs.管理层希望削减200 个工作岗位。
    • She was dismissed from her job after only six months.仅 6 个月之后她就被辞退了。
    • She's starting a new job on Monday.星期一她将开始一份新的工作。
    • The company is hoping to shed 200 jobs.该公司希望削减 200 个工作岗位。
    • The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6 000 jobs.工会与资方达成的协议应该能保住 6,000 个工作岗位。
    • The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for job losses.实行工作分享制可以避免裁员。
    • The job doesn't pay very well.这份工作报酬不太高。
    • The plum jobs all went to friends of the prime minister.美差都派给了首相的朋友们。
    • There is an enormous job market for teachers at the moment.目前教师就业市场需求旺盛。
    • What would be your dream job?你理想的工作是什么?
    • Within weeks of graduation she had several job offers.毕业后几个星期内她就得到了几个工作机会。
    • Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.接受询问的工人认为工作稳定比高薪更重要。
    • a desk job in the housing department住房部的案头工作
    Topics Working lifea1, Jobsa1, Social issuesa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • decent
    • good
    • great
    verb + job
    • have
    • carry out
    • do
    job + verb
    • pay
    • disappear
    • go
    job + noun
    • search
    • ad
    • advertisement
    • in a/​the job
    • on the job
    • out of a job
    • change jobs
    • move jobs
    • a loss of jobs
  2. task任务

    a particular task or piece of work that you have to do(一项)任务;(一件)工作,活儿,事情
    • I've got various jobs around the house to do.我在家里有各种各样的活儿要干。
    • Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job.整理这些文件是很费工夫的事。
    • The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。
    • job of doing something She's taken on the job of organizing the Christmas party.她承担起了组织圣诞聚会的任务。
    see also blow job, nose job, paint job
    • Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the bad news.库珀领受了负责宣布坏消息这个没人愿意干的差事。
    • They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.他们把难办的差事交给了我,要我通知求职者他们的申请被拒了。
    • I want to get on with the job of painting my room today.我想今天继续粉刷我的房间。
    • I was very pleased with the way she handled the job.我对她处理工作的方式很满意。
    • Keeping the house clean can be a thankless job.保持房屋清洁可是份受累不讨好的差事。
    • We finished the job in five hours.我们用时 5 小时完成了任务。
    • We're hoping to get the job done this weekend.我们希望本周末把这活儿干完。
    • fiddly little jobs like wiring plugs给插头接线之类的麻烦活儿
    • Bringing up kids is a full-time job.带孩子是一个全职工作。
    • Changing the oil in your car can be a tedious and dirty job.给你的汽车换油可能是一项乏味而肮脏的工作。
    • I'm not sure I'll be able to get the job done in the time.我不能肯定我能及时完成这项工作。
    • My dad's always giving me loads of jobs to do.我爸爸总是给我很多工作要做。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • adequate
    • decent
    • good
    verb + job
    • carry out
    • do
    • handle
    • job in
    • job on
    • get the job done
    • make a good, poor, etc. job of something
    • odd jobs
  4. duty职责

    [usually singular] (rather informal) a responsibility or duty责任;职责
    • He said he wouldn't do it because it wasn't his job.他说他不会做,因为那不是他的工作。
    • somebody's job to do something It's not my job to lock up!上锁不是我的事儿!
    • It's the job of the press to expose wrongdoing.揭露丑恶行为是新闻界的职责。
  6. crime罪行

  7. (informal) a crime, especially stealing犯罪行为(尤指偷窃)
    • a bank job银行抢劫案
    • He got six months for that last job he did.他上次犯罪获刑 6 个月。
    • an inside job (= done by somebody in the organization where the crime happens)内部人员作的案
    • The gang bungled the job and got caught.这个团伙因罪行败露而被捕。
    see also hatchet job, put-up job, snow jobTopics Crime and punishmentc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bank
    • inside
    verb + job
    • do
    • bungle
  8. object物体

  9. (informal) a particular kind of thing东西;物件
    • It's real wood—not one of those plastic jobs.这是实木的,不是那种塑料产品。
  10. computing计算机技术

  11. an item of work that is done by a computer as a single unit(作为一个单元处理的)作业,工作
    • The job can be processed overnight.这个活儿连夜就可以处理完。
  12. 词源mid 16th cent. (in sense 2 of the noun): of unknown origin.
asleep on the job | asleep at the wheel
(North American English also asleep at the switch)
  1. not paying enough attention to what you need to do在工作中睡着了| 在方向盘上睡着了:没有对需要做的事给予足够的重视
    • They were asleep on the job as the financial crisis deepened.随着金融危机的加深,他们在工作中睡着了。
    • Let's hope the regulators are not asleep at the wheel.让我们希望监管者不是在开车时睡着了。
    • Someone must have been asleep at the switch to alow this to happen.发生这种事时,一定有人在睡觉。
a devil of a job/time
  1. (old-fashioned) a very difficult or unpleasant job or time费力(或令人讨厌)的事;难熬(或令人不快)的日子
    • I've had a devil of a job finding you.我费了九牛二虎之力才找到你。
do a good, bad, etc. job (on something) | make a good, bad, etc. job of something
  1. to do something well, badly, etc.干得好(或差等);将…办好(或坏等)
    • They did a very professional job.他们干得非常内行。
    • You've certainly made an excellent job of the kitchen (= for example, painting it).你们把厨房弄得好极了。
    • We haven’t done a very good job on the publicity for the show.我们没有为这个节目做好宣传工作。
    • She made a very good job of covering up the damage.她把破损处掩盖得很好。
    • They've done a poor job of managing their finances.他们的财务管理一塌糊涂。
    • You've done a good job on the car.你把车子弄得很好。
    • You've done a grand job with that decorating.你装修任务完成得很好。
    • The author has done an admirable job in compiling all this material.作者汇编了所有这些材料,真令人赞叹。
do the job
  1. (informal) to be effective or successful in doing what you want起作用;有效
    • This extra strong glue should do the job.这种超黏度胶应该管用。
    • Try wedging it open—that should do the job.找个楔子把它撑开 - 应该管用。
    Topics Successc2
give somebody/something up as a bad job
  1. (informal) to decide to stop trying to help somebody or to do something because there is no hope of success对…不再抱有希望;因没有希望而决定放弃Topics Difficulty and failurec2
good job!
  1. (especially North American English, informal) used to tell somebody that they have done well at something干得不错;办得好;好呀
a good job
  1. (informal) used to say that you are pleased about a situation or that somebody is lucky that something happened令人满意的状况;幸运的事;好事
    • It's a good job you were there to help.幸亏你来帮忙。
have a (hard/difficult) job doing/to do something
  1. to have difficulty doing something干某事很困难(或很吃力、很费力)
    • You'll have a job convincing them that you're right.要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。
    • He had a hard job to make himself heard.他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。
    • He'll have a tough job getting the team into shape in time.他将面临一项艰巨的任务,即及时组建团队。
    • It's very dark out there, you'll have a job to see anything.外面很黑,你有工作可以看任何东西。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
a job of work
  1. (British English, old-fashioned or formal) work that you are paid to do or that must be done分内的事;必须干的工作
    • There was a job of work waiting for him that he was not looking forward to.有一件他不想干但又必须完成的工作在等待着他。
jobs for the boys
  1. (British English, informal, disapproving) people use the expression jobs for the boys when they are criticizing the fact that somebody in power has given work to friends or relatives为亲信安排的工作(或职位);任人唯亲
just the job (British English)
(also just the ticket North American English, British English)
  1. (informal, approving) exactly what is needed in a particular situation正需要的东西;求之不得的东西
    • That cup of tea was just the job.那杯茶来得正是时候。
make the best of something/it | make the best of things | make the best of a bad job
  1. to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can尽力而为
more than your job’s worth (to do something)
  1. (British English, informal) not worth doing because it is against the rules or because it might cause you to lose your job工作所不允许的事;违反原则的事;可能丢饭碗的事
    • It's more than my job's worth to let you in without a ticket.没有票就让你进去,我可能会丢饭碗的。
    see also jobsworth
on the job
  1. while doing a particular job在上班时;在干活时;在工作岗位上
    • No sleeping on the job!上班时严禁睡觉!
    • on-the-job training在职培训
  2. (British English, slang) having sex在交媾;在性交;在干那事
walk off the job
  1. (North American English) to stop working in order to go on strike(离开岗位)罢工


the patience of Job
  1. the quality of being extremely patient and not complaining极其耐心;心平气和
    • You need the patience of Job to deal with some of our customers.和我们的一些顾客打交道需要有极大的耐心。




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