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词汇 John Donne

John Donne

/ˌdʒɒn ˈdʌn/
/ˌdʒɑːn ˈdʌn/
  1. (c. 1572-1631) an English poet who is now regarded as the greatest of the metaphysical poets. In his youth he was a law student, soldier, drinker, lover and writer of love poems which are famous for their original and surprising comparisons. In one, for example, he compares a woman to a newly discovered continent: ‘Oh, my America! my new-found land!’ In 1615 he became an Anglican priest, and six years later Dean of St Paul's Cathedral. He became famous as a religious speaker and writer, putting the same powerful emotion and intellect into his religious poetry as he had put into his love poems.约翰·多恩(John Donne):(c。1572-1631)是一位英国诗人,他现在被认为是形而上学诗人中最伟大的。在他的青年时期,他是一名法律学生,士兵,饮酒者,情人和爱情诗作家,这些爱情诗以其原始而令人惊讶的比较而闻名。例如,在一个例子中,他将一个女人与一个新发现的大陆进行了比较:“哦,我的美国!我新发现的土地!1615年,他成为英国国教神父,六年后成为圣保罗大教堂教务长。他以宗教演讲者和作家的身份而闻名,他在宗教诗歌中的情感和智慧与在爱情诗中一样。




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