John L Sullivan
/ˌdʒɒn el ˈsʌlɪvən/
/ˌdʒɑːn el ˈsʌlɪvən/
- John Lawrence Sullivan (1858-1918) a US boxer who became the World Heavyweight Champion (1882-92), the last to fight without gloves. His popular name was the 'Boston Strong Boy'. The first time Sullivan wore gloves under the Queensberry Rules, in 1892, he was beaten by 'Gentleman Jim' Corbett.
约翰·L·沙利文(John L Sullivan):约翰·劳伦斯·沙利文(John Lawrence Sullivan,1858-1918年),美国拳击手,后来成为世界重量级冠军(1882-92),这是最后一位没有戴手套的人。他的俗名是“波士顿强壮的男孩”。沙利文(Sullivan)在1892年根据昆士伯里规则第一次戴手套时,被“绅士吉姆”科贝特(Gentleman Jim)Corbett殴打。