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词汇 join


present simple I / you / we / they join
he / she / it joins
past simple joined
past participle joined
-ing form joining
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] to fix or connect two or more things together连接;接合;联结
    • join A to/onto B Join one section of pipe to the next.将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。
    • The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。
    • The head was not joined onto the body.头部没有连接到身体上。
    • join A and B A central hallway joins the two halves of the house.一条中央走廊连接着房子的两半。
    • join A and B together Join the two sections of pipe together.将这两段管子连接在一起。
    • join (A and B) (up) Draw a line joining (up) all the crosses.画条线将所有的十字连接起来。
    • How do these two pieces join?这两件东西怎样接合呢?
    • Join the two halves together with glue.用胶水把两半粘在一起。
    • Join up the dots to make a picture.把这些点连成一幅画。
  2. become one合二为一

    [intransitive, transitive] if two things or groups join, or if one thing or group joins another, they come together to form one thing or group结合;联合;汇合
    • the place where the two paths join两条小路汇合的地方
    • join something The path joins the road near the trees.这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。
    • join together Farmers can join together to get better prices.农户们可以联合起来争取更好的价格。
    • join with somebody/something They have joined with six other groups to lobby the government to end child poverty.他们和其他六个团体一起游说政府结束儿童贫困。
  4. club/company俱乐部;公司

    [transitive, intransitive] join (something) to become a member of an organization, a company, a club, etc.成为…的一员;参加;加入
    • I've joined an aerobics class.我参加了有氧健身班。
    • to join a group/club/team/party加入团体/俱乐部/团队/聚会
    • She joined the company three months ago.她三个月前进了这家公司。
    • He left school to join the army.他离开学校去参军了。
    • (figurative) to join the ranks of the unemployed加入失业大军
    • New members can join online.新成员可以在线加入。
    • It costs £20 to join.需交 20 英镑才可参加。
    • Although a sympathizer, he never officially joined the party.他虽然是该党的支持者,却从未正式加入其中。
    • By this time people were flocking to join the cult.到目前为止,人们一直在蜂拥加入这个异教组织。
    • Some were conscripted into the army and others joined voluntarily.有些人是应征入伍的,有些人则是自愿参军的。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • voluntarily
    verb + join
    • want to
    • wish to
    • flock to
    • an invitation to join something
  6. do something with somebody else参与

    [transitive] to take part in something that somebody else is doing or to go somewhere with them参与;加入到…之中;与…一道去
    • join somebody Do you mind if I join you?我和你们在一起,可以吗?
    • join somebody for something Will you join us for lunch?和我们一起吃午饭好吗?
    • join somebody + adv./prep They've invited us to join them on their yacht.他们已经邀请我们一起到他们的游艇上玩。
    • He joined her downstairs a few minutes later.几分钟后,他和她一起下楼。
    • join something Over 200 members of staff joined the strike.200 多名雇员参加了罢工。
    • Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy.许多民众加入了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。
    • join somebody in doing something I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.我相信大家会愿意与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。
    • He waved a fork in greeting. ‘Come and join us!’他挥舞着叉子打招呼:“过来加入我们的行列吧!”
    • She was now old enough to be allowed to join the adults.现在她已经到了可以参加成年人活动的年龄。
    • Will you join me for a drink in the bar?和我一起去酒吧喝一杯好吗?
    • Thousands of people are expected to join the sponsored walk.预计会有数千人参加这次有赞助的慈善筹款步行。
    • I would gladly join you in whatever plans you have for this evening.无论你们今晚的计划是什么,我都乐于参与。
    • Please will you all join with me in singing the national anthem.请大家和我一起唱国歌。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • together
    • eagerly
    • gladly
    verb + join
    • wish to
    • invite somebody to
    • be allowed to
    • for
    • in
    • with
    • come and join somebody
    • an invitation to join somebody/​something
  8. train/plane火车;飞机

  9. [transitive] join something (British English) if you join a train, plane, etc. you get on it上(火车、飞机等)
  10. road/path/line道路;小径;行列

  11. [transitive] join something if you join a road or a line of people, you start to travel along it, or move into it上(路);加入(行列)
  12. 词源Middle English: from Old French joindre, from Latin jungere ‘to join’.
if you can’t beat them, join them
  1. (saying) if you cannot defeat somebody or be as successful as they are, then it is more sensible to join them in what they are doing and perhaps get some advantage for yourself by doing so打不赢,就投靠
join battle (with somebody)
  1. (formal) to begin fighting somebody开始(与某人)交战
    • The two armies joined battle.两军交战。
    • (figurative) Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facilities.当地居民就缺少停车设施一事与政务委员会展开了斗争。
join the club
  1. (informal) used when something bad that has happened to somebody else has also happened to you同样倒霉;别人也一样倒运;彼此彼此
    • So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!那么你也没找到工作?咱们彼此彼此!
join/combine forces (with somebody)
  1. to work together in order to achieve a shared aim(同…)联合;(与…)合作
    • The two firms joined forces to win the contract.两家公司联合起来争取合同。
    • The two companies have joined forces to form a new consortium.这两家公司联合起来组成了新的财团。
join hands (with somebody)
  1. if two people join hands, they hold each other’s hands(与某人)拉起手,挽手
  2. to work together in doing something携手合作;联合;合伙
    • Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.教育界一向不肯与商界联手。




  1. a place where two things are fixed together连接处;接合点
    • The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.这两块黏合得太好了,几乎看不出接缝。
  2. 词源Middle English: from Old French joindre, from Latin jungere ‘to join’.




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