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词汇 judge



    in court法庭

    a person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions法官;审判员
    • a High Court judge高等法院的法官
    • a federal/district judge联邦/地区法官
    • the presiding trial judge主审法官
    • to appoint a judge任命法官
    • before a judge The case comes before Judge Cooper next week.本案下周交库珀法官审理。
    • He will appear before a judge tomorrow.他明天将出庭受审。
    • The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.法官判他五年监禁。
    • The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.法官裁定该证据不能被采信。
    compare Justice of the Peace, magistrate
    Culture the legal systemthe legal systemFor historical reasons, the system of law used in Scotland is different from that in England and Wales, with the law in Northern Ireland similar to that in England. When making decisions Scottish courts look for an appropriate general principle and apply it to a particular situation. English law relies on case law, a collection of previous decisions, called precedents. English courts look at precedents for the case being tried and make a similar judgement. A basic principle of law in Britain is that anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty, so it is the job of the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant (= the person accused) has broken the law as stated in the charge. If this cannot be proved the person must be acquitted (= allowed to go free, with no blame attached).British law is divided into civil law which concerns arguments between individuals about matters such as business contracts, and criminal law which deals with offences that involve harm to a person resulting from somebody breaking the law. In civil cases, the plaintiff (= the person who claims to have been wronged) brings an action against the defendant in the hope of winning damages (= a financial payment) or an injunction (= a court order preventing the defendant from doing something). Criminal cases are brought against criminals by the state, in England and Wales by the Director of Public Prosecutions and in Scotland through procurators fiscal.In England and Wales most towns have a Magistrates' Court, where minor cases are judged and more serious cases are passed to higher courts by three magistrates called Justices of the Peace, trained members of the public. The more serious cases are heard in a Crown Court by a judge and a jury. Minor civil cases, such as divorce and bankruptcy, are heard in the county courts and more serious ones in the High Court. Appeals against decisions from the Crown Court or the High Court go to the Court of Appeal and a few cases, where a question of law is in doubt, are passed to the Supreme Court, which has replaced the House of Lords as the highest court in the country.In Scotland, criminal cases are heard in District Courts by members of the public called lay justices. More serious cases go to regional sheriff courts and are heard by the sheriff and a jury. Appeals go to the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh. Civil cases begin in the sheriff court and may go on appeal to the Court of Session.In the US, the judicial system is one of the three branches of the federal government, but the legal system operates at many levels with state, county and city courts as well as federal courts. The right to trial by jury is provided by the Constitution. Each type of court has its own jurisdiction, that is, it deals with certain kinds of cases. Both civil and criminal cases are first heard in trial courts and there is a right to appeal against the court's decision in a court of appeals. Many states have family courts where people get divorced and small claims courts which deal with small amounts of money. States also have trial courts, which hear a wider range of cases, and courts of appeal called superior courts or district courts. Most states have a Supreme Court where the most serious appeals are held. States have their own criminal code, but some crimes are federal offences (= against federal law), and crimes may fall under federal jurisdiction if more than one state is involved.Most courts have only one judge, but some higher courts have several. In the US Supreme Court, the nine judges are called justices. The people on either side of a case are represented by lawyers, also called attorneys. In a criminal trial the defendant is represented by a defense attorney, or if he or she is unable to pay a lawyer, the court will appoint a public defender. The prosecution is led by an assistant district attorney or, in federal cases, by a federal attorney.
    • A judge ordered her to be remanded in custody.法官命令将她还押候审。
    • The judge in the case reminded the jury not to discuss the case outside the courtroom.该案的法官提醒陪审团不要在法庭外讨论该案。
    • Appeals court judges overturned the previous ruling.上诉法院的法官推翻了之前的判决。
    • She has a reputation as a liberal, activist judge.作为一名法官,她以思想开明、表现积极而着称。
    • The judge awarded him damages of £20 000.法官判给他 2 万英镑的损害赔偿金。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb1, Law and justiceb1, Jobsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • experienced
    • learned
    • senior
    verb + judge
    • be
    • sit as
    • appoint (somebody as)
    judge + verb
    • oversee something
    • preside
    • sit
  2. in competition竞赛

    a person who decides who has won a competition裁判员;评判员
    • The judges' decision is final.裁判的决定为最终决定。
    • She has joined the panel of judges in the popular TV talent show.她加入了流行电视选秀节目的评委团。
    • She was invited to be a judge in a cookery competition.她被邀请在烹饪比赛中担任评委。
    • closing date
    • competition
    • disqualify
    • judge
    • prize
    • round
    • runner-up
    • submit
    • tiebreaker
    • winner
    see also touch judge
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • competition
    • independent
    … of judges
    • panel
    judge + verb
    • choose somebody/​something
    • pick somebody/​something
    • vote for somebody/​something
    • the judges’ decision
  4. somebody who gives opinion鉴定人

    [usually singular] a person who has the necessary knowledge or skills to give their opinion about the value or quality of somebody/something鉴定人;鉴赏家
    • She's a good judge of character.她很善于判断人的性格。
    • He was a shrewd judge of people.他是一个精明的人。
    • The last singer was the best—not that I'm any judge (= I do not know much about the subject).最后一名歌手最棒-倒不是说我有多懂行。
    • ‘I'm not sure that's a good way to do it.’ ‘Let me be the judge of that.’“我拿不准这样做好不好。” “就让我来判断吧。”
    • She's usually a pretty shrewd judge of character.她通常能对别人的性格作出相当精准的判断。
    • You are the best judge of what your body needs.你的身体需要什么,你自己最能判定。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • astute
    • good
    • great
    • judge of
    • a good, bad etc. judge of character
  6. 词源Middle English: from Old French juge (noun), juger (verb), from Latin judex, judic-, from jus ‘law’ + dicere ‘to say’.


present simple I / you / we / they judge
he / she / it judges
past simple judged
past participle judged
-ing form judging

    form opinion判断

    [intransitive, transitive] to form an opinion about somebody/something, based on the information you have判断;断定;认为
    • As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame.依我看,他们都应承担责任。
    • judging by something Judging by her last email, they are having a wonderful time.从她最后一封邮件来看,他们玩得很开心。
    • to judge from something To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed.从他的话判断,他非常失望。
    • judge somebody/something You shouldn't judge her too harshly.你对她的评判不应太苛刻。
    • judge somebody/something on something Schools should not be judged only on exam results.学校的好坏不能仅凭考试结果来评判。
    • Each painting must be judged on its own merits.任何一幅画都必须根据其本身的价值来评判。
    • judge somebody/something + noun The tour was judged a great success.这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。
    • judge somebody/something to be/do something The concert was judged to have been a great success.这场音乐会被认为是大获成功。
    • judge somebody/something + adj. They judged it wise to say nothing.他们认为不说为妙。
    • judge that… He judged that the risk was too great.他认为风险太大。
    • it is judged that… It was judged that the risk was too great.据估计风险太大。
    • judge how, what, etc… It was hard to judge how great the risk was.很难判断风险有多大。
    • ‘There's something I haven't told you.’ She judged her words carefully.“有件事我还没告诉你。”她字斟句酌地说。
    • Those who preach intolerance should be judged accordingly.对于那些宣扬排斥异己的人应作出相应的评判。
    • He sensed that she was judging him.他感觉到她在评价他。
    • He was often judged solely on his looks.人们常常仅根据长相对他进行评判。
    • Your slogan will be judged on its originality and style.将根据创意和风格来评判你们的口号。
    • You always judge your own performance against that of others.你总是对照别人来评判自己的表现。
    • You will be judged by the work you have produced over the year.将依据你一年来的工作业绩对你进行评判。
    • I judged that he must be a very lonely man.我断定他一定是个非常孤独的人。
    • It's difficult to judge exactly how accurate the account is.很难判断这个账户到底有多准确。
    • Readers are left to judge for themselves whether McCrombie is hero or villain.麦克罗比究竟是英雄还是无赖,读者可以自行判断。
    • It's not for me to judge whether he made the right decision.他的决定是否正确,轮不到我来评判。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • accurately
    • correctly
    • rightly
    verb + judge
    • be difficult to
    • be hard to
    • be impossible to
    • according to
    • against
    • by
    • criteria for judging
    • judge by appearances
    • don’t judge a book by its cover
  2. estimate估计

    [transitive] to guess the size, amount, etc. of something估计,猜测(大小、数量等)
    • judge something Young children are unable to judge the speed of traffic.小孩子不懂得估算车辆的速度。
    • judge how, what, etc… It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take.很难估计这次旅行要花多长时间。
    • judge somebody/something to be/do something I judged him to be about 50.我估计他年纪在 50 左右。
    • I think I judged the distance wrongly.我想我错误地估计了距离。
    • The age of the furniture can be judged from the type of wood used.可以从所用木料的类型判断家具的年代。
    • It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take.很难估计这次旅行要花多长时间。
    • The bowler judged it well, timing the ball to perfection.投球手判断准确,对球速的掌握恰到好处。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • accurately
    • correctly
    • rightly
    verb + judge
    • be difficult to
    • be hard to
    • be impossible to
    • according to
    • against
    • by
    • criteria for judging
    • judge by appearances
    • don’t judge a book by its cover
  4. in competition竞赛

    [transitive, intransitive] to decide the result of a competition; to be the judge in a competition裁判;评判;担任裁判
    • judge something She was asked to judge the essay competition.她被邀请担任作文比赛的评委。
    • judge somebody/something + noun The first team to cross the line will be judged the winner.第一个冲过终点线的队伍将被判定为获胜者。
    • judge somebody/something + adj Their garden was judged the best in Wales by a TV viewers' poll.他们的花园被电视观众投票评为威尔士最好的花园。
  6. give opinion评价

    [transitive, intransitive] judge (somebody) to give your opinion about somebody, especially when you think they are bad评价;鉴定;(尤指)批评,指责
    • What gives you the right to judge other people?你有什么权利对别人评头论足?
    • I'm not one to judge, but that's no way to behave.我不是评判的人,但这不是做人的方式。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
  8. in court法庭

  9. [transitive] to decide whether somebody is guilty or innocent in a court审判;审理;判决
    • judge something to judge a case审理案件
    • judge somebody + adj. to judge somebody guilty/not guilty判某人有罪/无罪
    Topics Law and justiceb2
  10. 词源Middle English: from Old French juge (noun), juger (verb), from Latin judex, judic-, from jus ‘law’ + dicere ‘to say’.
don’t judge a book by its cover
  1. (saying) used to say that you should not form an opinion about somebody/something from their appearance only勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断Topics Opinion and argumentc1




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