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词汇 judgement


(also judgment especially in North American English)
    [uncountable] the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully considering the best thing to do判断力;识别力
    • good/poor/sound judgement判断力强/弱;正确的判断力
    • She showed a lack of judgement when she gave Mark the job.她把这工作交给马克表明她缺乏判断力。
    • It's not something I can give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement.不是我把规则告诉你就行了,你得运用自己的判断力。
    • He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement.他达到目的主要是靠运气而不是靠判断力。
    • The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot.此次事故是飞行员判断失误所致。
    • He trusted his wife's judgement.他信任妻子的判断。
    • His emotions may have clouded his editorial judgement.他的感情可能影响了他编辑方面的判断力。
    • I don't think he's dishonest, but I question his judgement.我不认为他不诚实,不过我质疑他的判断。
    • Landing a plane requires fine judgement.驾驶飞机着陆需要精准的判断。
    • She has a reputation for sound professional judgement.她以可靠的专业判断力闻名。
    • The speaker showed good judgement in his choice of topic.这位演讲者对题目的选择显示了他出色的判断力。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fine
    • good
    • shrewd
    verb + judgement
    • display
    • show
    • rely on
    judgement + noun
    • call
    • judgement about
    • judgement in
    • an error of judgement
    • a lack of judgement
    • a matter of judgement
    [countable, uncountable] an opinion that you form about something after thinking about it carefully; the act of making this opinion known to others看法;意见;评价
    • In his portrait of the dictator he avoids any moral judgements.在他对独裁者的描述中,他避免了任何道德判断。
    • Judgements of quality are always subjective.对质量的判断总是主观的。
    • judgement about something He refused to make a judgement about the situation.他拒绝对形势作出评价。
    • judgement on something Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it)我有什么资格对她的行为说三道四呢?
    • It will probably take some time for history to give its final judgement on his legacy.历史可能需要一段时间才能对他的遗产做出最终判断。
    • in somebody's judgement It was, in her judgement, the wrong thing to do.在她看来,那样做是错误的。
    • I did it against my better judgement (= although I thought it was perhaps the wrong thing to do).我这样做是违心的。
    see also value judgement
    • Experience helps us to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances.经验能帮助我们判断在特定情况下采取怎样的做法最好。
    • He never allows any prejudices to colour his judgement.他的判断从不带任何偏见。
    • I hate having to make snap judgements.我讨厌仓促地作出判断。
    • It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement.要作出最终判断还为时尚早。
    • It's difficult to form a judgement when you don't have all the facts.不了解全部事实很难作出评判。
    • Our judgements must be based on our knowledge and experience.我们的判断必须以我们的知识和经验为基础。
    • Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement.记住表达个人看法要婉转。
    • She must make her own judgement about when to go.她必须自己决定什么时候去。
    • The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations.公司支持她的判断,采纳执行了她所有的建议。
    • The inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.检查员的职责不仅仅是公布评判结果,还要提出改进建议。
    • This latest case confirms my earlier judgement.最近这件事证实了我先前的判断。
    • What, in your judgement, would be the best way to deal with the problem?在你看来,处理这个问题的最佳方法是什么?
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • accurate
    • balanced
    • impartial
    verb + judgement
    • form
    • make
    • express
    judgement + verb
    • be based on
    • in somebody’s judgement
    • judgement about
    • judgement against
    • judgement in somebody’s favour/​favor
    • value judgement
  3. (usually judgment)
    [countable, uncountable] the decision of a court or a judge判决;裁决
    • a judgment from the European Court of Justice欧洲法院的判决
    • The judgment will be given tomorrow.此案将于明日宣判。
    • The court has yet to pass judgment (= say what its decision is) in this case.此案还有待法庭判决。
    • The court reserved judgement on the two appeals.法院推迟了对两桩上诉案件的判决。
    • The sacked workers won a judgement against the company.被解雇的工人赢得了和公司打的官司。
    • They are trying to get the judgement reversed.他们正在争取推翻原判决。
    • They obtained a judgement in their favour.他们得到了胜诉的判决。
    Topics Law and justiceb2, Preferences and decisionsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • accurate
    • balanced
    • impartial
    verb + judgement
    • form
    • make
    • express
    judgement + verb
    • be based on
    • in somebody’s judgement
    • judgement about
    • judgement against
    • judgement in somebody’s favour/​favor
    • value judgement
  4. [countable, usually singular] judgement (on somebody) (formal) something bad that happens to somebody that is thought to be a punishment from God报应;天谴;(上帝对人的)审判
  5. 词源Middle English: from Old French jugement, from juger ‘to judge’.
reserve (your) decision/judgement
  1. to not decide or make a judgement about something until a later time判决;裁决
    • I'd prefer to reserve judgement until I know all the facts.在了解全部事实之前我不想发表意见。
    • Three judges have decided to reserve their decision until a later date.三名法官决定将他们的决定保留到以后。
sit in judgement (on/over/upon somebody)
  1. to decide whether somebody’s behaviour is right or wrong, especially when you have no right to do this褒贬(某人);(对某人)妄加评判
    • How dare you sit in judgement on me?你怎么敢对我妄加评论?




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