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词汇 jury


[countable + singular or plural verb]
(plural juries)
    (also panel, jury panel especially in North American English)
    a group of members of the public who listen to the facts of a case in a court and decide whether or not somebody is guilty of a crime, or whether a claim has been proved陪审团
    • members of the jury陪审团成员
    • The jury has/have returned a verdict of guilty.陪审团已作出有罪裁定。
    • on a jury to be/sit/serve on a jury担任陪审员
    • by jury the right to trial by jury 由陪审团审判的权利
    Collocations Criminal justiceCriminal justice刑事审判Breaking the law犯法
    • break/​violate/​obey/​uphold the law违反/违背/遵守/维护法律
    • be investigated/​arrested/​tried for a crime/​a robbery/​fraud因犯罪/抢劫/诈骗而被调查/逮捕/审判
    • be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/​convicted on charges of rape/​fraud/(especially US English) felony charges因被控犯强奸罪/诈骗罪/重型罪遭逮捕/起诉/定罪
    • be arrested on suspicion of arson/​robbery/​shoplifting因涉嫌纵火/抢劫/在商店行窃而被逮捕
    • be accused of/​be charged with murder/(especially North American English) homicide/​four counts of fraud被指控犯有谋杀罪/杀人罪/四项诈骗罪
    • face two charges of indecent assault面临两项猥亵罪的指控
    • admit your guilt/​liability/​responsibility (for something)承认(对某事的)罪责/责任
    • deny the allegations/​claims/​charges否认指控
    • confess to a crime坦白罪行
    • grant/​be refused/​be released on/​skip/​jump bail准许/不准保释;交保释金获释;弃保潜逃
    The legal process法律程序
    • stand/​await/​bring somebody to/​come to/​be on trial受审;候审;把某人送交法院审判;开庭审理;受到审判
    • take somebody to/​come to/​settle something out of court把某人告上法庭;被法庭受理;庭外和解某事
    • face/​avoid/​escape prosecution面临/免于/逃脱起诉
    • seek/​retain/​have the right to/​be denied access to legal counsel寻求/聘请/有权聘用/无权聘用律师
    • hold/​conduct/​attend/​adjourn a hearing/​trial开庭;出庭;休庭
    • sit on/​influence/​persuade/​convince the jury担任/影响/说服陪审团
    • sit/​stand/​appear/​be put/​place somebody in the dock坐在/站在/出现在/被送上/将某人送上被告席
    • plead guilty/​not guilty to a crime认罪;不认罪
    • be called to/​enter (British English) the witness box被召唤进入/进入证人席
    • take/​put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand出庭作证;让某人出庭作证
    • call/​subpoena/​question/​cross-examine a witness传唤/以传票传唤/讯问/盘问证人
    • give/​hear the evidence against/​on behalf of somebody提供/听取对某人不利/有利的证据
    • raise/​withdraw/​overrule an objection提出/撤销/否决异议
    • reach a unanimous/​majority verdict作出一致的/多数人赞同的裁决
    • return/​deliver/​record a verdict of not guilty/​unlawful killing/​accidental death作出/宣布无罪/非法杀人/意外死亡的裁决
    • convict/​acquit the defendant of the crime宣判被告有罪/无罪
    • secure a conviction/​your acquittal获得有罪/无罪判决
    • lodge/​file an appeal提出上诉
    • appeal (against)/challenge/​uphold/​overturn a conviction/​verdict对判决/裁决提出上诉/质疑;维持/撤销判决/裁决
    Sentencing and punishment判刑与惩罚
    • pass sentence on somebody宣布对某人的判决
    • carry/​face/​serve a seven-year/​life sentence会被判处/面临/服七年徒刑/无期徒刑
    • receive/​be given the death penalty被判死刑
    • be sentenced to ten years (in prison/​jail)被判十年(监禁)
    • carry/​impose/​pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)会被判处/处以/缴纳(3 000 美元的)罚金/(14 年的)监禁
    • be imprisoned/​jailed for drug possession/​fraud/​murder因持有毒品罪/诈骗罪/谋杀罪被监禁
    • do/​serve time/​ten years服刑;服十年徒刑
    • be sent to/​put somebody in/​be released from jail/​prison被送进监狱;把某人送进监狱;被释放出狱
    • be/​put somebody/​spend X years on death row在/把某人关在死囚牢房;在死囚牢房度过…年
    • be granted/​be denied/​break (your) parole获准假释;假释遭拒;违反假释规定
    see also grand jury
    Culture juriesjuriesUnder the legal system of England and Wales, and also that of Scotland, a person accused of a serious crime who pleads ‘not guilty’ to the crime will be tried by a jury. Juries also hear some civil cases (= when people disagree about their rights) but this is very rare. In the US juries are also used in both criminal and civil cases, though the rules vary from state to state.In Britain jurors (= jury members) are selected at random for each trial from lists of adults who have the right to vote. They must be between the ages of 18 and 70. Anybody called for jury service usually has to attend court for about two weeks, although some cases may go on for much longer. In England and Wales 12 people sit on a jury, in Scotland 15. A larger number of people are asked to attend court and the final jury is selected at random from among them. Lawyers representing either side in a case have the right to object to a particular person being on the jury.After the jury has heard the evidence presented by both sides, it retires to the jury room, a private room, to discuss the case. When all members of the jury agree, they return their verdict (= go back into court and say whether the accused is guilty or not guilty). In Scotland they can also return a verdict of not proven, which means that the accused has not been proved guilty and they can go free. The verdict is announced by the foreman (= the person chosen by the jury as their leader). Sometimes the jury cannot all agree and the judge may accept a majority verdict, provided that no more than two members of the jury disagree. If no majority verdict is reached, this is called a hung jury and the trial is abandoned and started again with a different jury. It is not the responsibility of the jury to decide punishment, though in certain civil cases they may decide how much compensation (= money given by one person another to cancel out damage, loss, etc. caused) should be paid.In the US most juries have 12 members, though some have only six. Otherwise the system is very similar to that in England and Wales. When people are called for jury duty they must go, but people who cannot leave their jobs or homes can be excused. Before a trial begins lawyers ask questions to see if jurors will be impartial (= do not have strong opinions that would prevent them making a decision based on the facts). Lawyers can challenge for cause, if they can give the judge a good reason why somebody should not be a juror. They also have a number of peremptory challenges, which means they can object to somebody without giving a reason. In some trials it can be difficult to find 12 people who are impartial, especially if a case has received a lot of attention in the news. Lawyers sometimes do research to find out what kind of person is most likely to support their side, and use challenges to keep other people off the jury. In a criminal trial the jury decides whether the accused person is guilty or not guilty, but does not decide on a punishment. In a civil trial they may decide how much money should be paid in compensation. If the jury cannot reach a verdict it is declared a mistrial, the trial is abandoned and a retrial is held with a new jury.
    • A retrial was necessary after the original trial ended with a hung jury.由于初审时陪审团意见不一致,所以需要重新审理。
    • He was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of distributing illegal steroids.他被指分销非法类固醇药品,被联邦大陪审团起诉。
    • Her evidence finally swayed the jury.她的证据最终动摇了陪审团。
    • The jury awarded her damages of £30 000.陪审团裁给她 3 万英镑赔偿金。
    • The jury convicted Menzies of assaulting Smith.陪审团裁定孟席斯殴打史密斯罪名成立。
    • The jury delivered a unanimous verdict.陪审团作出了一致裁决。
    • The jury were unanimous in their verdict.陪审团成员对裁决意见完全一致。
    • The new jury were sworn in.新的陪审团已宣誓就职。
    • There were only three women on the jury.陪审团里只有 3 名女性。
    Topics Law and justiceb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • inquest
    • trial
    • grand
    verb + jury
    • serve on
    • sit on
    • tell
    jury + verb
    • hear something
    • investigate something
    • retire
    jury + noun
    • duty
    • service
    • trial
    • before a jury
    • on a/​the jury
    • jury of
    • the foreman of the jury
    • members of the jury
    • trial by jury
    a group of people who decide who is the winner of a competition(比赛的)评判委员会,裁判委员会,仲裁委员会
    • on a jury He was on the jury for this year's Booker Prize.他担任本年度布克文学奖的评委。
    • He was on a jury judging a songwriting competition.他当时是歌曲创作比赛的评委之一。
    • The jury consisted of an architect, a photographer and an artist.评委会由一名建筑师、一名摄影师和一名艺术家组成。
    • The jury has awarded the prize for best exhibit in the show to Harry Pearson.展会评委会把最佳展品奖授予了哈里・皮尔逊。
    • The jury is selected from the winners in previous years.评委会是从往年的优胜者中选出来的。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + jury
    • choose
    • select
    jury + verb
    • judge something
    • consist of somebody
    • award (somebody) something
    • on a/​the jury
    • jury for
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Old French juree ‘oath, inquiry’, from Latin jurata, feminine past participle of jurare ‘swear’, from jus, jur- ‘law’.
the jury is (still) out on something
  1. used when you are saying that something is still not certain(某事)仍未定夺,悬而未决
    • The jury is still out on whether wine can be good for you.葡萄酒对人是否有好处尚无定论。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2




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