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词汇 justice


    [uncountable] the fair treatment of people公平;公正
    • She spent her life fighting for social justice and equality for women.她一生都在为社会正义和妇女平等而奋斗。
    • He pledged to seek justice for the victims of the tragedy.他保证为悲剧的受害者寻求正义。
    • Children often have a highly developed sense of justice.孩子们通常有高度发达的正义感。
    • laws based on the principles of natural justice基于自然正义原则的法律
    opposite injustice see also poetic justice, rough justice
    • They are demanding equal rights and justice.他们要求平等的权利和公正的待遇。
    • They saw the reform proposals as a way to promote social justice.他们把改革提议看成促进社会公平的一种方式。
    • Sometimes I feel that there's no justice in the world.有时候我觉得世上没有公正。
    • We will not get social order until we have economic justice.没有经济正义,我们就不会有社会秩序。
    Topics Social issuesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • distributive
    • economic
    • environmental
    verb + justice
    • ask for
    • demand
    • pursue
    • a sense of justice
    [uncountable] the quality of being fair or reasonable公道;合理;公平合理
    • Who can deny the justice of their cause?谁能否认他们的追求是合理的呢?
    • He demanded, not without justice, that he should be allowed to express his views.他要求允许他表达自己的观点,这不无道理。
    opposite injustice
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • distributive
    • economic
    • environmental
    verb + justice
    • ask for
    • demand
    • pursue
    • a sense of justice
    [uncountable] the legal system used to punish people who have committed crimes司法制度;法律制裁;审判
    • the criminal justice system刑事司法系统
    • The European Court of Justice欧洲法庭
    • the administration/obstruction of justice司法/妨碍司法公正
    • (British English) They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.他们因企图妨碍司法公正而被控。
    • (North American English) They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。
    • abide by something
    • court
    • crime
    • justice
    • law
    • legal
    • police
    • prosecute
    • punish
    • trial
    • cell
    • death row
    • discharge
    • justice
    • parole
    • prison
    • probation
    • remission
    • sentence
    • warder
    • accuse
    • appeal
    • counsel
    • defendant
    • evidence
    • justice
    • offence
    • plea
    • prosecution
    • trial
    Collocations Criminal justiceCriminal justice刑事审判Breaking the law犯法
    • break/​violate/​obey/​uphold the law违反/违背/遵守/维护法律
    • be investigated/​arrested/​tried for a crime/​a robbery/​fraud因犯罪/抢劫/诈骗而被调查/逮捕/审判
    • be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/​convicted on charges of rape/​fraud/(especially US English) felony charges因被控犯强奸罪/诈骗罪/重型罪遭逮捕/起诉/定罪
    • be arrested on suspicion of arson/​robbery/​shoplifting因涉嫌纵火/抢劫/在商店行窃而被逮捕
    • be accused of/​be charged with murder/(especially North American English) homicide/​four counts of fraud被指控犯有谋杀罪/杀人罪/四项诈骗罪
    • face two charges of indecent assault面临两项猥亵罪的指控
    • admit your guilt/​liability/​responsibility (for something)承认(对某事的)罪责/责任
    • deny the allegations/​claims/​charges否认指控
    • confess to a crime坦白罪行
    • grant/​be refused/​be released on/​skip/​jump bail准许/不准保释;交保释金获释;弃保潜逃
    The legal process法律程序
    • stand/​await/​bring somebody to/​come to/​be on trial受审;候审;把某人送交法院审判;开庭审理;受到审判
    • take somebody to/​come to/​settle something out of court把某人告上法庭;被法庭受理;庭外和解某事
    • face/​avoid/​escape prosecution面临/免于/逃脱起诉
    • seek/​retain/​have the right to/​be denied access to legal counsel寻求/聘请/有权聘用/无权聘用律师
    • hold/​conduct/​attend/​adjourn a hearing/​trial开庭;出庭;休庭
    • sit on/​influence/​persuade/​convince the jury担任/影响/说服陪审团
    • sit/​stand/​appear/​be put/​place somebody in the dock坐在/站在/出现在/被送上/将某人送上被告席
    • plead guilty/​not guilty to a crime认罪;不认罪
    • be called to/​enter (British English) the witness box被召唤进入/进入证人席
    • take/​put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand出庭作证;让某人出庭作证
    • call/​subpoena/​question/​cross-examine a witness传唤/以传票传唤/讯问/盘问证人
    • give/​hear the evidence against/​on behalf of somebody提供/听取对某人不利/有利的证据
    • raise/​withdraw/​overrule an objection提出/撤销/否决异议
    • reach a unanimous/​majority verdict作出一致的/多数人赞同的裁决
    • return/​deliver/​record a verdict of not guilty/​unlawful killing/​accidental death作出/宣布无罪/非法杀人/意外死亡的裁决
    • convict/​acquit the defendant of the crime宣判被告有罪/无罪
    • secure a conviction/​your acquittal获得有罪/无罪判决
    • lodge/​file an appeal提出上诉
    • appeal (against)/challenge/​uphold/​overturn a conviction/​verdict对判决/裁决提出上诉/质疑;维持/撤销判决/裁决
    Sentencing and punishment判刑与惩罚
    • pass sentence on somebody宣布对某人的判决
    • carry/​face/​serve a seven-year/​life sentence会被判处/面临/服七年徒刑/无期徒刑
    • receive/​be given the death penalty被判死刑
    • be sentenced to ten years (in prison/​jail)被判十年(监禁)
    • carry/​impose/​pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)会被判处/处以/缴纳(3 000 美元的)罚金/(14 年的)监禁
    • be imprisoned/​jailed for drug possession/​fraud/​murder因持有毒品罪/诈骗罪/谋杀罪被监禁
    • do/​serve time/​ten years服刑;服十年徒刑
    • be sent to/​put somebody in/​be released from jail/​prison被送进监狱;把某人送进监狱;被释放出狱
    • be/​put somebody/​spend X years on death row在/把某人关在死囚牢房;在死囚牢房度过…年
    • be granted/​be denied/​break (your) parole获准假释;假释遭拒;违反假释规定
    see also miscarriage of justice
    Culture the legal systemthe legal systemFor historical reasons, the system of law used in Scotland is different from that in England and Wales, with the law in Northern Ireland similar to that in England. When making decisions Scottish courts look for an appropriate general principle and apply it to a particular situation. English law relies on case law, a collection of previous decisions, called precedents. English courts look at precedents for the case being tried and make a similar judgement. A basic principle of law in Britain is that anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty, so it is the job of the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant (= the person accused) has broken the law as stated in the charge. If this cannot be proved the person must be acquitted (= allowed to go free, with no blame attached).British law is divided into civil law which concerns arguments between individuals about matters such as business contracts, and criminal law which deals with offences that involve harm to a person resulting from somebody breaking the law. In civil cases, the plaintiff (= the person who claims to have been wronged) brings an action against the defendant in the hope of winning damages (= a financial payment) or an injunction (= a court order preventing the defendant from doing something). Criminal cases are brought against criminals by the state, in England and Wales by the Director of Public Prosecutions and in Scotland through procurators fiscal.In England and Wales most towns have a Magistrates' Court, where minor cases are judged and more serious cases are passed to higher courts by three magistrates called Justices of the Peace, trained members of the public. The more serious cases are heard in a Crown Court by a judge and a jury. Minor civil cases, such as divorce and bankruptcy, are heard in the county courts and more serious ones in the High Court. Appeals against decisions from the Crown Court or the High Court go to the Court of Appeal and a few cases, where a question of law is in doubt, are passed to the Supreme Court, which has replaced the House of Lords as the highest court in the country.In Scotland, criminal cases are heard in District Courts by members of the public called lay justices. More serious cases go to regional sheriff courts and are heard by the sheriff and a jury. Appeals go to the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh. Civil cases begin in the sheriff court and may go on appeal to the Court of Session.In the US, the judicial system is one of the three branches of the federal government, but the legal system operates at many levels with state, county and city courts as well as federal courts. The right to trial by jury is provided by the Constitution. Each type of court has its own jurisdiction, that is, it deals with certain kinds of cases. Both civil and criminal cases are first heard in trial courts and there is a right to appeal against the court's decision in a court of appeals. Many states have family courts where people get divorced and small claims courts which deal with small amounts of money. States also have trial courts, which hear a wider range of cases, and courts of appeal called superior courts or district courts. Most states have a Supreme Court where the most serious appeals are held. States have their own criminal code, but some crimes are federal offences (= against federal law), and crimes may fall under federal jurisdiction if more than one state is involved.Most courts have only one judge, but some higher courts have several. In the US Supreme Court, the nine judges are called justices. The people on either side of a case are represented by lawyers, also called attorneys. In a criminal trial the defendant is represented by a defense attorney, or if he or she is unable to pay a lawyer, the court will appoint a public defender. The prosecution is led by an assistant district attorney or, in federal cases, by a federal attorney.
    • Civilians were not subject to summary justice.平民不适用即决裁判。
    • So far the robbers have escaped justice.那些抢劫犯至今依然逍遥法外。
    • the battle for Taylor to face justice before the High Court争取让泰勒在高等法院受审的斗争
    • those who are ultimately responsible for dispensing justice那些最终负责判案的人
    • Restorative justice can only work when all parties agree.只有各方都同意的时候恢复性司法才起作用。
    • the deadliest episode of vigilante justice in American history美国历史上死亡人数最多的法外执法事件
    • Some people saw the epidemic as divine justice.有些人把这场流行病看成是天谴。
    Topics Law and justiceb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • civil
    • criminal
    • juvenile
    verb + justice
    • do
    • administer
    • deliver
    justice + noun
    • department
    • system
    • a miscarriage of justice
    • pervert the course of justice
  4. (also Justice)
    [countable] (North American English) a judge in a court (also used before the name of a judge)法官(亦作称谓) see also chief justice
  5. Justice
    [countable] (British English, Canadian English) used before the name of a judge in a court of appeal(称谓)上诉法院法官
    • Mr Justice Davies上诉法院法官戴维斯先生
  6. 词源late Old English iustise ‘administration of the law’, via Old French from Latin justitia, from justus, from jus ‘law, right’.
bring somebody to justice
  1. to arrest somebody for a crime and put them on trial in court(将某人)绳之以法,缉拿归案
do justice to somebody/something; do somebody/something justice
  1. to treat or represent somebody/something fairly, especially in a way that shows how good, attractive, etc. they are公平对待某人(或某事);给予公正的评价
    • That photo doesn't do you justice.那张照片把你给照走样了。
    • He didn’t play as well as he can, but to do him justice, it was his first game since his injury.他没有发挥出他的水平,但公平地说,这是他受伤后的第一场比赛。
    • The review did not do justice to her talents.这篇评论没有充分发挥她的才能。
  2. to deal with somebody/something correctly and completely恰当处理某人(或某事)
    • You cannot do justice to such a complex situation in just a few pages.你不可能仅仅几页就将这么复杂的形势恰如其分地描述出来。
    • I didn’t feel well and wasn’t able to do justice to the meal she had cooked (= I could not eat all the food).我觉得不舒服,无法享用她做的饭菜。
do yourself justice
  1. to do something as well as you can in order to show other people how good you are充分发挥自己的能力
    • She didn't do herself justice in the exam.她在考试中没有充分发挥出自己的水平。
pervert the course of justice (British English)
(North American English obstruct justice)
  1. (law法律) to tell a lie or to do something in order to prevent the police, etc. from finding out the truth about a crime妨碍司法(如作伪证等)Topics Crime and punishmentc2




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