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词汇 know


not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时
present simple I / you / we / they know
he / she / it knows
past simple knew
past participle known

    have information知悉

    [transitive, intransitive] to have information in your mind as a result of experience or because you have learned or been told it知道;知悉;了解
    • know something No one knows the answer.没有人知道答案。
    • I need to know your name.我想知道你的名字。
    • The truth about what happened is not yet known.事情的真相还不知道。
    • All I know is that she used to work in a bank (= I have no other information about her).我只知道她曾在银行工作过。
    • know (that)… I know (that) people’s handwriting changes as they get older.我知道人们的笔迹随着年龄的增长而变化。
    • We know from experience that turning a hobby into a business is not easy.我们从经验中知道,把爱好变成生意并不容易。
    • I know for a fact (that) he didn't go to the party.我确实知道他没有去参加聚会。
    • ‘There's no one in.’ ‘How do you know?“一个人都没有。” “你怎么知道呢?”
    • ‘You've got a flat tyre.’ ‘I know.’“你的车胎瘪了。” “我知道。”
    • ‘What's the answer?’ ‘I don't know.’“答案是什么?” “我不知道。”
    • As you know, Emma and I are old friends.你知道,艾玛和我是老朋友了。
    • ‘Isn’t that his car?’ ‘I wouldn’t know./How should I know?(= I don’t know and I am not the person you should ask.)“那不是他的汽车吗?” “我怎么会知道呢?”
    • (informal) ‘What are you two whispering about?’ ‘You don't want to know(= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve).“你们俩在说什么悄悄话?” “你还是不知道的好。”
    • it is known that… It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.众所周知氯氟烃会破坏臭氧层。
    • know where, who, etc… I knew where he was hiding.我知道他藏在哪里。
    • No one knows for sure who did it.没有人确切知道是谁干的。
    • know about something You know about Amanda's baby, don't you?你知道阿曼达的小宝宝吧?
    • I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat.不管你怎么样,反正我要吃点东西。
    • I know next to nothing (= know almost nothing) about opera.我对歌剧几乎一无所知。
    • know of somebody/something I know of someone who can help us.我知道有人能帮助我们。
    • ‘Is anyone else coming?’ ‘Not that I know of.“还有别的人要来吗?” “据我所知没有了。”
    • know to do something Does he know to come here (= that he should come here) first?他知道要先到这儿来吗?
    • know somebody/something to be/do something We know her to be honest.我们知道她很诚实。
    • Strobe lights are known to cause seizures.闪光灯会导致癫痫发作。
    see also well known (2)
    Homophones knows | noseknows   nose
    • knows verb (third person of know)
      • Who knows what the future will bring?谁知道将来会给我们带来什么呢?
    • nose noun
      • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.用鼻子吸气,用嘴呼气。
    Express Yourself Saying that you don’t know something or giving yourself time to thinkSaying that you don’t know something or giving yourself time to think表示不知道或需要想一想There are various ways of telling people that you haven’t got the information they are asking for:告诉别人你不知道他们想要了解的信息,有多种方式:
      • I really don't know.我确实不知道。
      • I’m afraid I don't have the faintest idea.很抱歉,我一点都不知道。
      • Sorry, I have absolutely no idea.对不起,我完全不知道。
      • Has anyone left a message? No, not to my knowledge/​not as far as I know.有谁留过言吗?没有,据我所知没有。
      • Well, that’s a good question.嗯,这是一个很好的问题。
      • Yes, that’s an interesting point/​idea.是的,这观点很有意思。
      • Well, let me see…好吧,让我想一想…
      • Let me think about that for a moment.让我想一下。
    see also need-to-know
    Express Yourself Asking for informationAsking for information询问信息When you want to find something out, it sounds more polite if you can phrase your questions in an indirect way:用间接的方式询问所需的信息听起来更礼貌:
      • Could you tell me the best way to get to Paddington station, please?您能告诉我去帕丁顿车站的最佳路线吗?
      • Do you happen to know whether Amy Brown works here?你可知道艾米 · 布朗是否在这里工作?
      • I wonder whether/​if you can help me. I'm trying to find out which number to call for reservations.不知道您能否帮帮我,我想知道打哪个号码可以预订。
    • Do you know his address?你知道他的地址吗?
    • The cause of the fire is not yet known.火灾的原因尚不清楚。
    • Two women are known to have died.据悉两名妇女死了。
    • I didn't know what he was talking about.我不知道他在谈什么。
    • I need to know what everyone thinks about this.我需要知道大家对此的看法。
    • ‘He's feeling really down.’ ‘ I know.’“他的情绪相当低落。”“我能理解。”
    • He knows a lot about early music.他深谙早期音乐。
    • I don't know much about art.我不太懂艺术。
    • I don't know for certain, but I think she lives in the next town.我不太确定,但我觉得她就住在邻镇。
    • I don't know of anyone who might be interested in the job.我不知道有谁会对这份工作感兴趣。
    • I honestly don't know what they mean to do.我确实不知道他们要干什么。
    • The properties of this substance are poorly known.这种物质的特性人们知之甚少。
    • If you don't know how to fill in the forms, just ask.如果你不知道如何填写表格,就问吧。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • full well
    • perfectly well
    • very well
    verb + know
    • let somebody
    • about
    • of
    • be widely known
    • know a lot, nothing, very little, etc.
    • you never know
  2. realize意识到

    [transitive, intransitive] to realize, understand or be aware of something认识到;懂得;意识到
    • know (that)… As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong.我刚走进屋就意识到出了事。
    • She knew she was dying.她知道自己快死了。
    • ‘Martin was lying all the time.’ ‘I should have known.’“马丁一直在撒谎。” “我本该察觉到的。”
    • know what, how, etc… I knew perfectly well what she meant.我完全懂她的意思。
    • I know exactly how you feel.我非常清楚你的感受。
    • know something This case is hopeless and he knows it (= although he will not admit it).这个案子毫无希望,这一点他是清楚的。
    • If only we'd known you were having so many problems!我们要是早知道你当时面临着这么多困难就好了!
    • You know very well what I'm talking about!你非常清楚我在说什么!
    • If I'd known beforehand how bad it would be, I wouldn't have gone.如果早知道会这么糟糕,我就不会去了。
    • I instantly knew what the call was about.我当即就意识到这个电话的来意了。
    • He knew instinctively where he would find her.他本能地知道在哪儿能找到她。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • exactly
    • precisely
    • immediately
    • the next thing I, he, etc. knew
  4. feel certain确信

    [transitive, intransitive] to feel certain about something确信;确知;肯定
    • know (that)… He knew (that) he could trust her.他确信她是可以信赖的。
    • I know it's here somewhere!我肯定它在这儿某个地方!
    • I know things will turn out all right.我知道事情会好起来的。
    • I don't know that I can finish it by next week.我没有把握能在下周完成。
    • I just knew that it was something I wanted to do.我只知道这就是我想做的事情。
    • know (something) ‘You were right—someone's been spreading rumours about you.’ ‘I knew it!’“你说得对,有人一直在散布你的谣言。” “我早就知道!”
    • ‘She's the worst player in the team.’ ‘Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree)—she played well yesterday.’“她是最糟的队员。” “哦,是吗?她昨天表现可不错。”
    see also don’t-know
    Homophones knew | newknew   new
    • knew verb (past tense of know)
      • I knew you would say that!我就知道你会这么说!
    • new adjective
      • This new piece is less traditional than her early work.这部新作品不如她早期的作品传统。
    • She knew deep down that she would never see him again.她内心深处知道她再也见不到他了。
    • He knew that he could trust her.他知道他可以信任她。
    • I just knew there would be problems.我就知道会有问题。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • exactly
    • precisely
    • immediately
    • the next thing I, he, etc. knew
  6. be familiar熟悉

    [transitive] know somebody/something to be familiar with a person, place, thing, etc.熟悉;认识;了解
    • I've known David for 20 years.我认识戴维已有 20 年了。
    • Do you two know each other (= have you met before)?你们俩认识吗?
    • She was a secretary when I first knew her.我最初认识她时,她是个秘书。
    • She's very nice when you get to know her.你了解她以后就会觉得她非常可爱。
    • Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late).本这个人我们了解,能叫我们等很长时间。
    • This man is known to the police (= as a criminal).这男人是在警方挂了号的。
    • I don’t know anyone in .我在牛津谁也不认识。
    • I know Paris well.我很熟悉巴黎。
    • Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)?你知道这出戏吗?
    • How many of your neighbours do you know by name?你知道多少邻居的名字?
    • The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with).这些新规则可能意味着我们熟悉的足球终结了。
    • He knows this city better than anyone.他比任何人都要熟悉这座城市。
    • I don't know them personally.我没和他们打过交道。
    • I don't know John very well.我不太了解约翰。
    • But I hardly know the woman!可是我几乎不认识那个女人!
    • I know several people who could help.我认识几个能帮忙的人。
    • The product our consumers know and love will not change.我们消费者了解和喜爱的产品不会改变。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • poorly
    • barely
    verb + know
    • get to
    • for
    • be known to somebody
    • be widely known
  8. skill/language技能;语言

    [transitive] to have learned a skill or language and be able to use it学会;掌握
    • know something Do you know any Japanese?你会日语吗?
    • know how to do something Do you know how to use spreadsheets?你知道电子数据表的使用方法吗?
  10. reputation名声

    [transitive, usually passive] to think that somebody/something is a particular type of person or thing or has particular characteristics把…看作是;认为…是
    • be known as something He has become widely widely known as an expert in child psychology.他作为儿童心理学专家已经广为人知。
    • It's known as the most dangerous part of the city.人们都认为那是市内最危险的地段。
    • be known for something She is best known for her work on the human brain.她在对人脑的研究方面最为知名。
    • He is internationally known for his work with vaccines.他以其疫苗研究闻名国际。
    • be known to be/do something He's known to be an outstanding physicist.他被公认为杰出的物理学家。
    see also well known (1)
  12. give name命名

    [transitive] [usually passive] to give somebody/something a particular name or title将…称为;把…叫做
    • be known as somebody/something Iran was formerly known as Persia.伊朗以前叫波斯。
    • The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy.这种致幻药通常称作摇头丸。
    • Peter Wilson, also known as ‘The Tiger’彼得 · 威尔逊,也称 “老虎”
    • be known as somebody/something to somebody He was known as Bonzo to his friends.他的朋友称他为邦佐。
    • be known by something The country was not yet known by the name of England.这个国家还不知道英格兰的名字。
    • parts of the body known collectively as the sensory system统称为感觉系统的身体部位
    • The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.这种毒品的叫法五花八门,有人称为“快克”,也有人叫它“游离碱”。
    • He has been known by many names in his long life.在他漫长的一生中,有许多人都知道他的名字。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • commonly
    • popularly
    • affectionately
    • to
  14. recognize认出

    [transitive] know somebody/something to be able to recognize somebody/something能认出;能辨认出
    • I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice.我看不到谁在讲话,但我能辨认出声音。
    • She knows a bargain when she sees one.她一看就知道有没有便宜可捡。
    Synonyms identifyidentify
    • know
    • recognize
    • name
    • make somebody/​something out
    These words all mean to be able to see or hear somebody/​something and especially to be able to say who or what they are.
    • identify to be able to say who or what somebody/​something is:
      • She was able to identify her attacker.她认出了袭击她的人。
    • know to be able to say who or what something is when you see or hear it because you have seen or heard it before 指能认出、能辨认出Know is used especially to talk about sounds that seem familiar and when somebody recognizes the quality or opportunity that somebody/​something represents: I couldn’t see who was speaking, but I knew the voice.She knows a bargain when she sees one.
    • recognize to know who somebody is or what something is when you see or hear them/​it, because you have seen or heard them/​it before:
      • I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.他一进屋我就认出了他。
    • name to say the name of somebody/​something in order to show that you know who/​what they are:
      • The victim has not yet been named.受害人的姓名仍未得知。
    • make somebody/​something out to manage to see or hear somebody/​something that is not very clear:
      • I could just make out a figure in the darkness.黑暗中我只看出了一个人的轮廓。
    • to identify/​know/​recognize somebody/​something by something
    • to identify/​recognize/​name somebody/​something as somebody/​something
    • to identify/​know/​recognize/​make out who/​what/​how…
    • to easily/​barely/​just identify/​recognize/​make out somebody/​something
  16. understand the difference

  17. [transitive] know somebody/something from somebody/something to understand the difference between one person or thing and another能区分;能分辨 synonym distinguish (1), tell (7)
    • I hope we have taught our children to know right from wrong.我希望我们教给了孩子分辨是非的能力。
  18. experience经历

  19. [transitive] (only used in the perfect tenses仅用于完成时) to have seen, heard or experienced something看到过;听到过;经历过
    • know somebody/something (to) do something I’ve never known it (to) snow in July before.我以前从未见到过七月份下雪。
    • be known to do something He has been known to spend all morning in the bathroom.听说他整个上午都待在盥洗室里。
  20. [transitive] know something to have personal experience of something亲身体验;亲身经历
    • He has known both poverty and wealth.他贫富生活都亲身经历过。
    • She may be successful now, but she has known what it is like to be poor.她现在算是成功了,但她尝过贫穷的滋味。
    • She thought she would never know the joy of seeing a child grow up in her care.她原以为她绝不会体验到看着孩子在自己的照料下长大的乐趣。
    More Like This Silent lettersSilent letters
    • gnarled
    • gnash
    • gnat
    • gnaw
    • gnome
    • haute cuisine
    • heir
    • herb
    • honour
    • hors d’oeuvre
    • hour
    • knack
    • knee
    • kneel
    • knife
    • knight
    • knit
    • knob
    • knock
    • knot
    • know
    • knuckle
    • psalm
    • psephology
    • psychic
    • ptarmigan
    • pterodactyl
    • psychology
    • wrangle
    • wrap
    • wreath
    • wreck
    • wrench
    • wrestle
    • wriggle
    • wring
    • write
    • wrong
    • bomb
    • climb
    • crumb
    • doubt
    • lamb
    • limb
    • ascent
    • fascinate
    • muscle
    • scene
    • scissors
    • height
    • right
    • sleigh
    • weight
    • align
    • campaign
    • design
    • foreign
    • malign
    • reign
    • unfeigned
    • balmy
    • calm
    • calf
    • half
    • yolk
    • autumn
    • column
    • condemn
    • damn
    • hymn
    • solemn
    • bristle
    • fasten
    • listen
    • mortgage
    • soften
    • thistle
    • wrestle
    • biscuit
    • build
    • circuit
    • disguise
    • guilty
    • league
    • rogue
    • vague
    • yacht
    • answer
    • sword
    • two
  21. 词源Old English cnāwan (earlier gecnāwan) ‘recognize, identify’, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin (g)noscere, Greek gignōskein, also by can and ken.
as far as I know | as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.
  1. used to say that you think you know, remember, understand, etc. something but you cannot be completely sure, especially because you do not know all the facts就我所知;尽我所记得的;依我看
    • As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern.就我们所知,没有什么需要担心的。
    • As far as I can see, you've done nothing wrong.依我看,你没有做错任何事。
    • She lived in Chicago, as far as I can remember.据我所记得的,她过去住在芝加哥。
    see also AFAIKTopics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc1
before you know where you are
  1. very quickly or suddenly瞬息之间;转眼间;一下子
    • We were whisked off in a taxi before we knew where we were.还没等我们弄清怎么回事,出租车就一阵风似的把我们带走了。
be not to know
  1. to have no way of realizing or being aware that you have done something wrong无从知道,并不知道(做错了事)
    • ‘I'm sorry, I called when you were in bed.’ ‘Don't worry—you weren't to know.’“对不起,你睡觉时打电话打扰你了。” “别在意,你不是故意的嘛。”
better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t)
  1. (saying) used to say that it is easier and wiser to stay in a bad situation that you know and can deal with rather than change to a new situation that may be much worse熟悉的魔鬼比不熟悉的魔鬼好;不要嫌熟悉的环境不好,换个不熟悉的环境可能更糟
for all you, I, they, etc. know
  1. (informal) used to emphasize that you do not know something and that it is not important to you(强调不知道对自己无关紧要的事)不知道,说不定,亦未可知
    • She could be dead for all I know.她说不定已经死了。
God/goodness/Heaven knows (informal) Some people may find this use of God offensive.
  1. used to emphasize that you do not know something(强调不知道)谁知道,天晓得
    • God knows what else they might find.谁知道他们还可能找到什么。
    • ‘Where are they?’ ‘Goodness knows.’“他们在哪儿?” “天晓得。”
  2. used to emphasize the truth of what you are saying(强调所言属实)老天作证,确实,的确
    • She ought to pass the exam—goodness knows she's been working hard enough.她应该考试合格,她已经够努力了。
have/know all the answers
  1. (informal, often disapproving) to be confident that you know something, especially when you actually do not(自以为)全懂,什么都精通
    • He thinks he knows all the answers.他自以为什么都知道。
have/know something off pat (British English)
(North American English have/know something down pat)
  1. to know something perfectly so that you can repeat it at any time without having to think about it了如指掌;滚瓜烂熟
    • He had all the answers off pat.所有的答案他都胸有成竹。
have seen/known better days
  1. (humorous) to be in poor condition穷困潦倒;昔盛今衰;曾辉煌过
    • Our car has seen better days!我们的汽车曾辉煌一时!
I don’t know how, why, etc…
  1. (informal) used to criticize somebody’s behaviour(批评某人的行为)真想不到,真不知道
    • I don't know how you can say things like that.真想不到你怎么会说出这种话来。
if (the) truth be known/told
  1. used to tell somebody the true facts about a situation, especially when these are not known by other people(用于说出真相)说实话,说真的,老实说
    • If the truth be known, I was afraid to tell anyone.如果要实话实说的话,是我不敢告诉任何人。
I know (informal)
  1. /aɪ ˈnəʊ/
    /aɪ ˈnəʊ/
    used to agree with somebody or to show sympathy(表示同意或同情)我理解,我有同感,我知道
    • ‘What a ridiculous situation!’ ‘I know.’“这境况真荒唐!” “的确是。”
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
  2. /ˈaɪ nəʊ/
    /ˈaɪ nəʊ/
    used to introduce a new idea or suggestion(引出新的想法或建议)我有个主意(或办法、建议)
    • I know, let's see what's on at the theatre.我有主意了,咱们看看剧院在上演什么。
    Topics Suggestions and adviceb1
know something as well as I do
  1. used to criticize somebody by saying that they should realize or understand something(用以批评)其实完全明白,哪会不知道,知道得很清楚
    • You know as well as I do that you're being unreasonable.其实你完全明白你是在故意胡搅蛮缠。
know somebody/something backwards
  1. (especially British English, informal) to know somebody/something extremely well对…了如指掌(或倒背如流);把…背得滚瓜烂熟
    • She must know the play backwards by now.她现在对这个剧本肯定是倒背如流。
know best
  1. to know what should be done, etc. better than other people最懂得,最知道,比谁都明白(该怎么做等)
    • The doctor told you to stay in bed, and she knows best.医生叫你卧床休息,她最清楚你该怎么做。
know better (than that/than to do something)
  1. to be sensible enough not to do something明白事理(而不至于);不至于糊涂到
    • He knows better than to judge by appearances.他明白得很,决不会凭表面现象来判断。
know somebody by sight
  1. to recognize somebody without knowing them well与某人面熟
know different/otherwise
  1. (informal) to have information or evidence that the opposite is true所知道的不是那么回事;所掌握的情况大不一样(或大相径庭)
    • He says he doesn't care about what the critics write, but I know different.他说他并不在乎批评家的评论,可我知道不是那么回事。
know full well
  1. to be very aware of a fact and unable to deny or ignore it非常清楚;不可否认;不可忽视
    • He knew full well what she thought of it.他非常清楚她对此事的看法。
know somebody/something inside out | know somebody/something like the back of your hand
  1. (informal) to be very familiar with somebody/something(对…)极为熟悉,了如指掌
    • This is where I grew up. I know this area like the back of my hand.我在这儿长大的,我对这地方再熟悉不过了。
know your own mind
  1. to have very clear and definite ideas about what you want to do知道自己想做什么;有主见
know your stuff
  1. (informal) to know a lot about a particular subject or job精通业务;对工作很内行
know/tell somebody a thing or two (about somebody/something)
  1. (informal) to know/tell somebody some useful, interesting or surprising information about somebody/something了解/透露有用的(或有趣的、意外的)信息;有所了解/披露;见多识广
    • She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men!她结过五次婚,所以对男人有所了解。
know/learn/find something to your cost
  1. to know something because of something unpleasant that has happened to you付出过代价(或吃了苦头)才知道
    • He's a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost.我吃了苦头后才知道他是个无情的商人。
know your way around
  1. to be familiar with a place, subject, etc.熟悉周围情况(或话题等)
know what you’re talking about
  1. (informal) to have knowledge about something from your own experience亲身经历过;作经验之谈
    • I’ve lived in China, so I know what I’m talking about.我在中国生活过,所以我知道我在说什么。
know which side your bread is buttered
  1. (informal) to know where you can get an advantage for yourself知道自己的利益所在
let it be known/make it known that…
  1. (formal) to make sure that people are informed about something, especially by getting somebody else to tell them(尤指通过他人传达而)使人知晓,让人知道
    • The President has let it be known that he does not intend to run for election again.总统已经公开表示他不打算再次参加竞选。
let somebody know
  1. to tell somebody about something让某人知道;告诉(或通知)某人
    • I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow.我不知道我是否能来,但我明天会让你知道。
    • Let me know how I can help.我能帮什么忙,只管说。
    • Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.如果有什么我能帮忙的,请尽管告诉我。
Lord knows…
  1. used to emphasize what you are saying(强调所说的话)众所周知,谁都知道
    • Lord knows, I tried to teach her.谁都知道,我曾经努力想教她。
Lord (only) knows (what, where, why, etc.)…
  1. (informal) used to say that you do not know the answer to something(表示不知道答案)天知道,天晓得
    • ‘Why did she say that?’ ‘Lord knows!’“她为何那样说?” “只有天知道!”
    Some people may find the use of Lord in these expressions offensive.
make yourself known to somebody
  1. to introduce yourself to somebody向某人作自我介绍
    • I made myself known to the hotel manager.我向旅馆老板作了自我介绍。
not know any better
  1. to behave badly, usually because you have not been taught the correct way to behave(因缺乏教养而)表现不好;(因无人指教而)举止不良
    • Don’t blame the children—they don’t know any better.不要责怪孩子们——他们不知道更好的办法。
not know your arse from your elbow
  1. (British English, taboo, slang) to be very stupid; to have absolutely no skill愚蠢之至;屁都不懂
not know beans about something
  1. (North American English, informal) to know nothing about a subject完全不懂行;对…一窍不通
    • I don’t know beans about making movies.我对拍电影一窍不通。
not know the first thing about somebody/something
  1. to know nothing at all about somebody/something对…一无所知;对…一窍不通
    • I’m afraid I don’t know the first thing about cars.恐怕我对汽车一无所知。
not know, etc. the first thing about something/somebody
  1. to know nothing at all about something/somebody对…一无所知;对…一窍不通
    • We’ve lived next to him for years, but we still don’t know the first thing about him.我们和他住在一起很多年了,但我们仍然对他一无所知。
not know somebody from Adam
  1. (informal) to not know at all who somebody is根本不认识某人;与某人素不相识
not know what hit you
  1. (informal) to be so surprised by something that you do not know how to react因吃惊而不知所措;惊呆了
not know where to look
  1. (informal) to feel very embarrassed and not know how to react尴尬得不知如何是好;狼狈不堪;感到很难堪
not know whether you’re coming or going
  1. (informal) to be so excited or confused that you cannot behave or think in a sensible way(激动得)不知如何是好;糊里糊涂;不知所措
not know you are born
  1. (British English, informal) to have an easy life without realizing how easy it is身在福中不知福
    • You people without kids don't know you're born.你们没孩子,真是身在福中不知福啊。
not want to know (about something)
  1. (informal) to take no interest in something because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble确信;确知;肯定
    • I've tried to ask her advice, but she doesn't want to know (= about my problems).我尝试向她请教,但她却不愿理会。
    • ‘How much was it?’ ‘You don't want to know(= it is better if you don't know).“这要多少钱?” “你还是不知道的好。”
old enough to know better
  1. old enough to behave in a more sensible way than you actually did已长大,该懂事了
show somebody/know/learn the ropes
  1. (informal) to show somebody/know/learn how a particular job should be done向某人演示/知道/学会如何做某事
there’s no knowing
  1. used to say that it is impossible to say what might happen难以预料;无从知道;没法说
    • There's no knowing how he'll react.很难预料他会有什么样的反应。
what does… know?
  1. used to say that somebody knows nothing about the subject you are talking about(某人)知道什么,懂什么
    • What does he know about football, anyway?不管怎么说,他懂什么足球?
what do you know?
  1. (informal) used to express surprise(表示惊奇)你看怪不怪,真没想到
    • Well, what do you know? Look who's here!哟,真想不到!你看谁来啦!
(know) what’s what
  1. (informal) (know) what things are useful, important, etc.完全不懂行;对…一窍不通
    • She certainly knows what's what.她当然知道轻重缓急。
you know (informal)
  1. used when you are thinking of what to say next(说话人考虑接着说什么时用)
    • Well, you know, it's difficult to explain.唉,你知道,这很难解释。
  2. used to show that what you are referring to is known or understood by the person you are speaking to(表示对方知道或了解所言)你知道的
    • Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You know—Jim's wife.你猜我刚才看见谁了,玛吉!你知道的,就是吉姆的妻子。
    • You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down.拐角那家餐馆,你知道吧?已经倒闭了。
  3. used to emphasize something that you are saying(加强语气)你要知道
    • I'm not stupid, you know.你要知道,我不是傻子。
you know something/what?
  1. (informal) used to introduce an interesting or surprising opinion, piece of news, etc.(引出令人感兴趣或吃惊的看法、消息等)要我告诉你吗,你听说了吗
    • You know something? I've never really enjoyed Christmas.要我告诉你吗?圣诞节我从未真正快乐过。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
you know who/what
  1. (informal) used to refer to somebody/something without mentioning a name(不说出名称)你知道是谁(或什么)
you never know
  1. (informal) used to say that you can never be certain about what will happen in the future, especially when you are suggesting that something good might happen(尤指可能会发生好事)很难说,很难预料Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyb2, Suggestions and adviceb2


in the know
  1. (informal) having more information about something than most people知情;熟悉内幕;掌握内情
    • Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.有知情者告诉我他要辞职了。




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