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词汇 Kodak™


  1. a US company (the Eastman Kodak Company) that originally produced cameras, film and other equipment used in photography. It was started in 1888 by George Eastman, who chose the name Kodak because he thought 'K' was a lucky letter. The company first sold its famous Brownie camera in 1900 with the advertising phrase, You push the button – we do the rest. Its other products have included Kodachrome film, the Instamatic Camera and the Panoramic 35 Camera. The company had financial problems when the market for its products changed and digital photography became standard. It now focuses on producing equipment for making digital images for businesses and hospitals. 柯达™:一家美国公司(伊士曼柯达公司),最初生产相机,胶卷和其他用于摄影的设备。它由乔治·伊士曼(George Eastman)于1888年创立,他选择了柯达这个名字,因为他认为“ K”是个幸运的字母。该公司于1900年首次出售了其著名的布朗尼相机,上面写着广告词:“按一下按钮,剩下的就做。” 它的其他产品包括Kodachrome胶卷,Instamatic相机和Panoramic 35相机。当产品市场发生变化并且数码摄影成为标准时,公司出现了财务问题。现在,它致力于生产用于为企业和医院制作数字图像的设备。




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