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词汇 landscape


    [countable, usually singular] everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色
    • the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野
    • an urban landscape都市风光
    • the bleak/barren/rugged landscape of the area该地区荒凉/贫瘠/崎岖的地貌
    • The mountains dominate the landscape.重峦叠嶂是那里主要的景色。
    Synonyms countrycountry乡村
    • landscape
    • countryside
    • terrain
    • land
    • scenery
    These are all words for areas away from towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms.
    • country (often the country) an area that is away from towns and cities, especially one with particular natural features:(常作 the country)尤指具有自然特征的乡下、乡村:
      • She lives in the country.她住在乡下。
      • an area of wooded country树木覆盖的乡村地区
    • landscape everything that you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country:
      • This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.这种林地与田野的格局是典型的英格兰乡村景色。
    • countryside land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms. 指乡村、农村Countryside is usually used when you are talking about the beauty or peacefulness of a country area: a little village in the French countryside.
    • terrain (formal) land. 指地带、土地Terrain is used when you are describing the natural features of an area, for example if it is rough, flat, etc: The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain.
    • land (usually the land) the countryside; the way people live in the country as opposed to in towns and cities:(通常作 the land)指与城镇相对的农村、农村生活方式:
      • Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities.许多较年轻的人陆续离开农村到城市去找工作。
    • scenery the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, especially when these are attractive to look at:
      • We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。
    • mountainous/​mountain/​wild/​rugged country/​landscape/​countryside/​terrain/​scenery
    • beautiful/​glorious/​dramatic country/​landscape/​countryside/​scenery
    • open country/​landscape/​countryside/​terrain/​land
    • rolling country/​landscape/​countryside
    • to protect the landscape/​countryside/​land
    • barren
    • fertile
    • landscape
    • lush
    • mountainous
    • rolling
    • rugged
    • undulating
    • volcanic
    • wooded
    • Rocks of all sizes dotted the landscape.大小不一的岩石点缀着风景。
    • The power station dominates the landscape.发电站高高耸立,俯瞰整片风景。
    • an urban landscape of factories and skyscrapers由工厂和摩天大楼构成的城市景象
    • the dramatic landscape of the desert壮美的沙漠风光
    • the need to conserve the rural landscape保护乡村风景的需要
    • The landscape of this region is dominated by two large volcanoes.这个地区的地貌主要由两座大火山构成。
    • The impact of farming on the natural landscape has increased greatly.农业对自然景观的影响大大增加了。
    Topics Geographyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • barren
    • bleak
    • desolate
    verb + landscape
    • conserve
    • preserve
    • protect
    landscape + noun
    • architect
    • gardener
    • architecture
  2. [countable, uncountable] a painting of a view of the countryside; this style of painting乡村风景画;乡村风景画的风格
    • an artist famous for his landscapes以风景画闻名的画家
    • She specializes in landscapes.她专门研究风景。
    • a landscape painter/painting风景画家/绘画
    Collocations Fine artsFine arts美术Creating art艺术创作
    • make a work of art/​a drawing/​a sketch/​a sculpture/​a statue/​engravings/​etchings/​prints创作艺术品;绘画;画素描;创作雕塑/雕像/雕版印刷品/蚀刻画/版画
    • do an oil painting/​a self-portrait/​a line drawing/​a rough sketch画油画/自画像/线条画/草图
    • create a work of art/​an artwork/​paintings and sculptures创作一件艺术品/绘画和雕塑
    • produce paintings/​portraits/​oil sketches/​his most celebrated work/​a series of prints创作绘画/肖像画/油画速写/他最知名的作品/一组版画
    • paint a picture/​landscape/​portrait/​mural/​in oils/​in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/​on canvas画画/风景画/肖像画/壁画/油画/水彩画;在画布上画
    • draw a picture/​a portrait/​a cartoon/​a sketch/​a line/​a figure/​the human form/​in charcoal/​in ink画画/肖像/漫画/素描/线条/形体/人形/木炭画/墨水画
    • sketch a preliminary drawing/​a figure/​a shape勾勒草图/形体/图形
    • carve a figure/​an image/​a sculpture/​an altarpiece/​reliefs/​a block of wood雕刻形体/形象/雕塑/祭坛雕塑/浮雕/一块木头
    • sculpt a portrait bust/​a statue/​an abstract figure雕刻半身像/塑像/抽象形体
    • etch a line/​a pattern/​a design/​a name into the glass蚀刻线条/图案/图样/名字在玻璃杯上
    • mix colours/(US English) colors/​pigments/​paints调色;调颜料
    • add/​apply thin/​thick layers of paint/​colour/(US English) color/​pigment加上薄薄/厚厚几层颜料
    • use oil pastels/​charcoal/​acrylic paint/​a can of spray paint使用油画棒/木炭笔/丙烯酸颜料/一罐喷雾颜料
    • work in bronze/​ceramics/​stone/​oils/​pastels/​watercolour/​a wide variety of media用青铜/陶瓷/石头/油彩/蜡笔/水彩/各种各样的材料制作艺术品
    Describing art描述艺术
    • paint/​depict a female figure/​a biblical scene/​a pastoral landscape/​a domestic interior画/描绘女性形体/与《圣经》有关的场景/田园风光/家庭室内场景
    • depict/​illustrate a traditional/​mythological/​historical/​religious theme描绘/阐释传统的/神话的/历史的/宗教的主题
    • create an abstract composition/​a richly textured surface/​a distorted perspective设计抽象的艺术构图/丰富的层次/视觉扭曲效果
    • paint dark/​rich/​skin/​flesh tones用颜料绘成深色/浓重的颜色/肤色/肉色
    • use broad brush strokes/​loose brushwork/​vibrant colours/​a limited palette/​simple geometric forms用粗笔线条/散漫的笔法/鲜艳的颜色/有限的色调/简单的几何图形
    • develop/​adopt/​paint in a stylized manner/​an abstract style用非写实手法/抽象方式阐明/采用/描绘
    Showing and selling art艺术品展示及销售
    • commission an altarpiece/​a bronze bust of somebody/​a portrait/​a religious work/​an artist to paint something委托创作一幅祭坛画/一座某人的半身铜像/一幅肖像画/一件宗教艺术品;委托艺术家为某物作画
    • frame a painting/​portrait给一幅画/肖像画镶框
    • hang art/​a picture/​a painting悬挂艺术品/图画/画作
    • display/​exhibit modern art/​somebody’s work/​a collection/​original artwork/​drawings/​sculptures/​a piece/​a painting
    • be displayed/​hung in a gallery/​museum在美术馆/博物馆展出
    • install/​place a sculpture in/​at/​on something在某处安放一座雕塑
    • erect/​unveil a bronze/​marble/​life-size statue竖立/揭幕一座铜像/大理石像/与真人一样大的雕像
    • hold/​host/​mount/​open/​curate/​see an exhibition (especially British English)/(North American English usually) an exhibit举办/主持/筹办/举行/组织/观看展览
    • be/​go on (British English) exhibition/(North American English) exhibit参展
    • feature/​promote/​showcase a conceptual artist/​contemporary works重点介绍/宣传/展示一位概念派艺术家/当代作品
    • collect African art/​modern British paintings/​Japanese prints收藏非洲艺术品/现代英国绘画/日本版画
    • restore/​preserve a fresco/​great works of art修复/保护湿壁画/伟大的艺术品
    compare townscapeTopics Artc1
  3. [countable, usually singular] the characteristic features of an area of activity景观:活动区域的特征
    • We can expect changes in the political landscape.我们等着看政治舞台上的变化吧。
    • Their songs altered the landscape of popular music.他们的歌曲改变了流行乐坛的格局。
    • The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.自从失业率上升以来,该国的政治形势起了变化。
    • We need to adapt more rapidly to the changing economic landscape overseas.我们应该更快地适应海外不断变化的经济形势。
    • The magazine aims to provide a new perspective on the contemporary cultural landscape.该杂志旨在为当代文化景观提供一个新的视角。
  4. [uncountable] (used especially before another noun) the way of printing a document in which the top of the page is one of the longer sides(文件的)横向打印格式
    • Select the landscape option when printing the file.打印文件时选择横向打印格式选项。
    compare portrait (3)Topics Computersc2
  5. 词源late 16th cent. (denoting a picture of scenery): from Middle Dutch lantscap, from land ‘land’ + scap (equivalent of -ship).
a blot on the landscape
  1. an object, especially an ugly building, that makes a place less beautiful影响景观的物体(尤指丑陋建筑物)
    • The power station is a blot on the landscape.那个发电厂把景致都破坏了。


present simple I / you / we / they landscape
he / she / it landscapes
past simple landscaped
past participle landscaped
-ing form landscaping
  1. landscape something to improve the appearance of an area of land by changing the design and planting trees, flowers, etc.对…做景观美化;给…做园林美化;美化…的环境
    • landscaped gardens景观花园
    词源late 16th cent. (denoting a picture of scenery): from Middle Dutch lantscap, from land ‘land’ + scap (equivalent of -ship).




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