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词汇 let


present simple I / you / we / they let
he / she / it lets
past simple let
past participle let
-ing form letting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    making suggestions提出建议

    [no passive] used for making suggestions or as a polite way of telling people what you want them to do(提出建议时说)
    • ‘Shall we check it again?’ ‘Yes, let's.’“我们再检查一下好吗?” “好的。”
    • let's do something Let's go to the beach.咱们去海滩吧。
    • Right, let's begin.好,我们开始吧。
    • (formal) Let us review these points in more detail.让我们更详细地回顾一下这些要点。
    • Let's not tell her what we did.咱们干的事可别告诉她。
    • (British English) Don't let's tell her what we did.咱们干的事可别告诉她。
    • Now let's not be silly about this.现在我们别傻了。
    • I don't think we'll make it, but let's try anyway.我不认为我们会成功,但不管怎样还是试一试吧。
    • Come on, let's go.快点,咱们走吧。
    • So let's get started.所以我们开始吧。
    • It's party time, so let's celebrate.派对时间到了,让我们庆祝一下。
    • Let's go back in time to when this all began.让我们回到这一切开始的时候。
    • 'Shall we go over it again?' 'Yes, let's do that.'我们再检查一遍好吗?“是的,让我们这样做。
    • 'Shall we go over it again?' 'Let's.'我们再检查一遍好吗?‘咱们。
    • So let's talk about what happens next.那么我们来说说接下来会发生什么。
    • Let's assume that all the tickets are sold.我们假设所有的票都卖完了。
    • Let's be honest, nobody expected this to happen.老实说,没人想到会发生这种事。
    • Now let's look again at your analysis.现在再来看看你的分析。
    • Let's not say things we might regret.别说那些我们可能会后悔的话。
    • Don't let's make excuses.别让我们找借口。
    • Let us remember their sacrifices.让我们记住他们的牺牲。
    • Let us continue with the next point on the agenda.让我们继续讨论议程上的下一点。
    • Let us pray.我们祈祷吧。
    Topics Suggestions and advicea1
  2. offering help提供帮助

    [no passive] let somebody/something do something used for offering help to somebody(提出帮助时说)让,由
    • Let me help you with that.让我来帮你吧。
    • Here, let me do it.喂,让我来吧。
    • Let us get those boxes down for you.让我们帮你把那些箱子搬下来吧。
    • 'Please, let me,' she said, opening the door.“请让我来,”她打开门说道。
    • Let me help you with your luggage.让我帮你提行李吧。
    • Just let me find out for you.让我来帮你找出答案。
    • Let me get your coat.让我帮你拿外套。
    • Wait, let me get that for you.等等,让我帮你拿。
    • Let me ask if anything can be done to speed things up.让我问一下是否能做些什么来加快速度。
    • Let us help you with your arrangements.让我们帮你安排。
    • Let our experts take the stress out of buying a home.让我们的专家减轻买房的压力。
    • 'Here, let me,' he said, taking the dirty plates.“来,让我来,”他说着,拿起脏盘子。
    • Let me—I can reach more easily.让我——我可以更容易地到达。
  4. making requests提出要求

    [no passive] let somebody/something do something used for making requests or giving instructions(提出请求或给予指示时说)要
    • Let me have your report by Friday.星期五以前要把你的报告交给我。
    • Let me know (= tell me) how I can help.我能帮什么忙,只管说。
    • Please let us know your decision as soon as possible.请尽快让我们知道你的决定。
    • Kindly let us know any special dietary requirements.请让我们知道任何特殊的饮食要求。
    • Just let me read the document before you post it.在你发表之前,让我看一下这份文件。
    • Let me see it when it's done, please.完成后请让我看看。
    • If you could let Tina have the final numbers by next Tuesday, that would be great.如果你能让蒂娜在下周二拿到最终数据,那就太好了。
    • Be sure to let them know in plenty of time.一定要在充足的时间内让他们知道。
  6. allow允许

    [no passive] to allow somebody to do something or something to happen without trying to stop it允许;让
    • let somebody/something do something Let them splash around in the pool for a while.让他们在水池里扑腾一会儿吧。
    • Don't let her upset you.别让她搅得你心烦。
    • Let your body relax.让你的身体放松。
    • I'll let others decide whether the play was a success or not.我会让别人来决定这出戏是否成功。
    • Will you let me finish?你能让我说完吗?
    • let somebody/something He'd eat chocolate all day long if I let him.我要是不拦着,他会整天不停地吃巧克力。
    • He's always willing to let others take the lead.他总是愿意让别人带头。
    • She was content to let me do all the work.她很满意让我做所有的工作。
    • Let me do the talking.让我来说。
    • I let my mind go blank.我让我的头脑一片空白。
    • How can you let other people take the blame for what you did?你怎么能让别人为你的所作所为承担责任?
    • I'm not going to let some idiot spoil my enjoyment.我不会让某个白痴破坏我的快乐。
    • I'm not about to let you bully me.我不会让你欺负我的。
    • We can't let them get away with this.我们不能让他们得逞。
    • I'll let you make up your own mind.我让你自己拿主意。
    • Stop interrupting and let her speak.别插嘴,让她说。
    • I'm just going to let the tape run.我只是想让磁带运行。
    • Sit back, relax, and let yourself be entertained.坐下来,放松,让自己被娱乐。
    • I stupidly let myself be persuaded.我愚蠢地让自己被说服了。
    • He let himself drift off into a daydream.他放任自己做白日梦。
    • I let the warm water run all over my body.我让温水流遍全身。
    • He let things get into a bad state while she was away.她不在的时候,他让事情变得很糟糕。
    • I wanted to let the beauty of the image speak for itself.我想让图像的美自己说话。
    • I'd like to say a few words, if you'll let me.如果你允许的话,我想说几句话。
    • I offered to wash up, but they wouldn't let me.我提出要洗碗,但他们不让。
    • She walked as fast as her sore knee would let her.她以疼痛的膝盖所能允许的最快速度行走。
    • The software also lets users create personalized data views.该软件还允许用户创建个性化的数据视图。
    to give somebody permission to do something准许;许可;同意
    • let somebody/something do something They won't let him leave the country.他们不许他离开这个国家。
    • In some countries they let you drive at 15.在一些国家,他们允许你15岁开车。
    • They refused to let us cross the border.他们拒绝让我们越过边境。
    • let somebody/something I wanted to go but my parents wouldn't let me.我想去,但我父母不让。
    • I'll come if my parents let me.如果我父母允许,我会来的。
    • I wanted to go by myself but she wouldn't let me.我想自己去,但她不让。
    • She wanted to work, but her husband wouldn't let her.她想工作,但她丈夫不让。
    • At least let me try.至少让我试试。
    • The school won't let you do Physics unless you have at least a B in Maths.除非你数学至少得了B,否则学校不会让你学物理。
    • He agreed to let her move into the house temporarily.他同意让她暂时搬进这所房子。
    • They even refused to let his wife see him in hospital.他们甚至拒绝让他的妻子去医院看他。
    • Don't let him come.别让他来。
    • They let me retake my exams.他们让我重考。
    • I'm not going to let anyone else use my phone.我不会让别人用我的手机。
    • I'm happy to let him borrow the car if he pays for the insurance.如果他付了保险费,我很乐意让他借这辆车。
    • They never let the children play outside.他们从不让孩子到外边玩耍。
    • The police wouldn't let us leave.警察不让我们离开。
    • Her parents won't let her go out with boys.她父母不让她和男生出去。
    let somebody/something + adv./prep. to allow somebody/something to go somewhere允许(去某处)
    • to let somebody into the house允许某人进屋
    • This lets more water into the soil.这让更多的水进入土壤。
    • I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in.我把钥匙给你,你可以自己开门进去。
    • A decision was made to let in more refugees.已经决定接纳更多的难民。
    • Please let me past.请让我过去。
    • The cat wants to be let out.那只猫想要出去。
    • She banged on the door shouting ‘Let me in!’她砰砰地敲门,喊着“让我进去!
    • Open a window, let some air in.打开窗户,让一些空气进来。
    • Under 18s are not supposed to be let in.18岁以下的不应该被允许进入。
    • Why would you let a complete stranger into your house?为什么你会让一个完全陌生的人进入你的房子?
    • They refused to let them across the border.他们拒绝让他们越过边境。
    • Someone let the dog out.有人把狗放了出来。
    • We opened the door to let out the smoke.我们打开门让烟出去。
    • She let the hamster out of its cage.她把仓鼠放出笼子。
    • They let us out of school early today.他们今天让我们提前放学了。
    • After he was let out of jail, he moved to another city.出狱后,他搬到了另一个城市。
    • Only eight teams are let through to the next round.只有八个队被允许进入下一轮。
    • This might block programs that your other firewalls let through.这可能会阻止其他防火墙通过的程序。
  10. challenging挑战

  11. [no passive] let somebody/something do something used to show that you are not afraid or worried about somebody doing something(表示不害怕或担忧某人做某事)让
    • If he thinks he can cheat me, just let him try!要是他以为能够骗过我,就让他来试一下吧!
  12. wishing祝愿

  13. [no passive] let somebody/something do something (literary) used to express a strong wish for something to happen(表达强烈的愿望)让
    • Let her come home safely!让她平平安安回家吧!
  14. introducing something引出某事

  15. [no passive] let somebody/something do something used to introduce what you are going to say or do(引出要讲或要做的事)让
    • Let me give you an example.让我来举一个例子吧。
    • Let me just finish this and then I'll come.让我把这个弄完,随后就来。
  16. in calculating计算

  17. [no passive] let somebody/something do something (specialist) used to say that you are supposing something to be true when you calculate something(计算时说)假设,设
    • Let line AB be equal to line CD.设 AB 线与 CD 线等长。
  18. house/room房屋;房间

  19. let something (out) (to somebody) (especially British English) to allow somebody to use a house, room, etc. in return for regular payments出租(房屋、房间等)
    • I let the spare room.我把那间空房出租了。
    • They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents.他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。
    see also buy-to-let
    • accommodation
    • deed
    • home
    • house
    • lease
    • let
    • location
    • mortgage
    • squat
    • tenant
    Collocations Moving house搬家Moving house Renting租房子
    • live in a rented/(especially North American English) rental property住在租来的住所里
    • rent/​share/​move into a furnished house/(British English) flat/(especially North American English) apartment租用/合住/搬进配有家具的房屋/公寓
    • rent a studio/(British English) a studio flat/(especially North American English) a studio apartment/(British English) a bedsit租一个单间公寓
    • find/​get a housemate/(British English) a flatmate/(North American English) a roommate找一个室友
    • sign/​break the lease/​rental agreement/​contract签署/违反租约/租赁协议/合同
    • extend/​renew/​terminate the lease/(British English) tenancy延长租赁期限;续签/终止租约
    • afford/​pay the rent/​the bills/(North American English) the utilities付得起/支付租金/账单/水电气等杂费
    • (especially British English) fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the rent拖欠租金
    • pay/​lose/​return a damage deposit/(North American English) security deposit支付/失去/退还损坏押金/保证金
    • give/​receive a month’s/​two-weeks’ notice to leave/​vacate the property提前一个月/两周发出/收到离开/腾空住房的通知
    Being a landlord做房东
    • have a flat/​an apartment/​a room (British English) to let/(especially North American English) for rent
    • rent (out)/lease (out)/ (British English) let (out)/sublet a flat/​an apartment/​a house/​a property
    • collect/​increase/​raise the rent收取/增加/提高房租
    • evict the existing tenants赶走现有房客
    • attract/​find new/​prospective tenants吸引/寻找新的/可能的房客
    • invest in rental property/(British English) property to let/(British English) the buy-to-let market投资购房用于出租
    • buy/​acquire/​purchase a house/(a) property/(especially North American English) (a piece of) prime real estate购置一栋房子/一处房产/(一块)优质房地产
    • call/​contact/​use (British English) an estate agent/(North American English) a Realtor™/(North American English) a real estate agent/​broker电话联系/联系/任用房地产经纪人
    • make/ (British English) put in an offer on a house提供房子的报价
    • put down/​save for (British English) a deposit on a house支付/存钱付房屋订金
    • make/​put/​save for (especially North American English) a down payment on a house/​home支付/攒钱支付买房的首付金
    • apply for/​arrange/​take out a mortgage/​home loan申请/商定/取得按揭/住房贷款
    • (struggle to) pay the mortgage(竭力)支付按揭贷款
    • make/​meet/​keep up/​cover the monthly mortgage payments/(British English also) repayments支付每月的按揭贷款
    • (British English) repossess/ (especially North American English) foreclose on somebody’s home/​house收回某人的房子;终止某人的房屋赎回权
    • put your house/​property on the market/​up for sale/​up for auction将房屋/房产投放市场/出售/拍卖
    • increase/​lower your price/​the asking price提高/降低价格/要价
    • have/​hold/​hand over the deed/(especially British English) deeds of/​to the house, land, etc.持有/移交房屋、土地等契约
    British/American rent / hire / letrent / hire / letverbs
    • You can hire something for a short period of time, (British English only) but rent something for a longer period:短期租用可用 hire(仅用于英式英语),较长时间的租用则用 rent:
      • We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town.我们可租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。
      • We don’t own our TV, we rent it.我们没有自己的电视机,这是租的。
    • In North American English, rent is always used. It is sometimes now used in British English instead of hire, too.
    • The owners of a thing can hire it out for a short period:
      • (British English) Do you hire out bikes?你们出租自行车吗?
      Or they can rent (out)/let (out) a building, etc:出租房屋等可用 rent (out)/let (out):
      • We rent out rooms in our house to students.我们把住宅里的房间出租给学生。
    • Outside a building you could see:
      • (British English) 在建筑物外可看到:To let现房待租
      • (especially North American English) For rent.招租
    • To hire can also mean to employ somebody, especially in North American English:
      • We hired a new secretary.我们雇了一名新秘书。
    see also leaseNouns名词
    • The amount of money that you pay to rent something is rent or rental (more formal). When you hire something you pay a hire charge (British English). On a sign outside a shop you might see:
      • (British English) Bikes for hire.出租自行车
    see also let, lease, hire
    Topics Houses and homesc1
  20. 词源verb Old English lǣtan ‘leave behind, leave out’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch laten and German lassen, also to late.
Idioms Most idioms containing let are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example let alone is at alone. 
let somebody/something be
  1. to stop trying to change the behaviour or state of somebody/something 放开;松手
    • I know I'm being grumpy, but I'm really tired so just let me be.我知道我脾气不好,但我真的很累,所以让我去吧。
let fall something
  1. to mention something in a conversation, by accident or as if by accident(好像)无意中提及;脱口说出 synonym drop
    • She let fall a further heavy hint.她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。
let somebody go
  1. to allow somebody to be free放,释放(某人) synonym free
    • Will they let the hostages go?他们是否会释放人质?
    • He's finally been let go.他终于被释放了。
  2. to make somebody have to leave their job解雇;开除
    • They're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits.由于利润下降,他们将不得不解雇 100 名员工。
    Topics Social issuesc2
let somebody/something go | let go (of somebody/something)
  1. to stop holding somebody/something放开;松手
    • Don't let the rope go.别松开绳子。
    • Don't let go of the rope.别松开绳子。
    • Let go! You're hurting me!放手!你把我弄疼了!
  2. to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of something放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)
    • It's time to let the past go.该忘掉过去了。
    • It's time to let go of the past.该忘掉过去了。
let something go
  1. to stop taking care of a house, garden, etc.不再照管,撒手不管(房屋、花园等)
    • I'm afraid I've let the garden go this year.恐怕我今年没有照看好园子。
    • Let the house go in order to spend time with the kids.为了和孩子们呆在一起,把房子腾出来。
let somebody have it
  1. (informal) to attack somebody physically or with words打,揍,用言语攻击(某人)
let it go (at that)
  1. to say or do no more about something不再多说(或多做);就到此为止
    • I don't entirely agree, but I'll let it go at that.我不完全同意,但也就这样吧。
    • I thought she was hinting at something, but I let it go.我想她在暗示什么,然而我也没再多问。
let me see/think | let's see
  1. used when you are thinking or trying to remember something让我想一想;让我思考一下
    • Now let me see—where did he say he lived?嗯,让我想想,他说他住在哪里呢?
let's just say
  1. used when commenting on a situation to suggest that you could say something more or worse but prefer not to(提议或举例时)譬如说,比方说,例如
    • Let's just say he wasn't very happy about the decision (= he was very unhappy or angry about it).只能说他对这个决定不太满意。
let us say
  1. used when making a suggestion or giving an example(提议或举例时)譬如说,比方说,例如
    • I can let you have it for, well let's say £100.我可以把这东西卖给你,嗯,比如说作价 100 英镑吧。
let yourself go
  1. to behave in a relaxed way without worrying about what people think of your behaviour放松;随心所欲
    • Come on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go!来吧,尽情地玩,玩个痛快吧!
  2. to stop being careful about how you look and dress, etc.不注重仪表;不修边幅
    • He has let himself go since he lost his job.他失业后就不修边幅了。
to let
  1. (of a room, flat or house) available for rent放,释放(某人)
    • The website advertises flats to let in the local area. 该网站在当地做出租公寓的广告。



    in tennis网球

  1. a serve that lands in the correct part of the court but must be taken again because it has touched the top of the net(发球时的)擦网球
  2. house/room房屋;房间

  3. (British English) an act of renting a house, flat, room, etc.; a house, flat, room etc. that is available to rent出租;租借
    • a long-term/short-term let长期/短期出租
    • Similar barns had been converted to holiday lets.类似的谷仓已经被改造成度假小屋。
    Topics Houses and homesc1
  4. 词源noun sense 2 Old English lǣtan ‘leave behind, leave out’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch laten and German lassen, also to late. noun sense 1 and without let or hindrance. Old English lettan ‘hinder’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch letten, also to late.
without let or hindrance
  1. (formal or law法律) without being prevented from doing something; freely毫无阻碍;顺畅地;自由地
    • New regulations will allow residents to travel between member states without let or hindrance.新规定将允许居民不受阻碍地在成员国之间旅行。
    • He should be able to view all records without let or hindrance.他应该能够不受阻碍地查看所有记录。




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