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词汇 letter


    a written, typed or printed message that is put in an envelope or attached to an email and sent to somebody信;函
    • to write/send (somebody) a letter(给某人)写/寄信
    • to receive/get a letter收到/收到一封信
    • (British English) to post a letter寄信
    • (North American English) to mail a letter寄信
    • a thank-you/resignation/rejection letter感谢信/辞职信/拒绝信
    • letter to somebody In a letter to members, the Chairman explained the changes.主席在给成员的信中解释了这些变化。
    • I wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper.我给我们当地报纸的编辑写了一封信。
    • letter from somebody You may need a letter from your doctor.你可能需要一封医生的来信。
    • a letter of something a letter of recommendation/complaint/apology推荐信/申诉书/道歉信
    • by letter You will be notified by letter.将用信函通知你。
    see also air letter, chain letter, covering letter, dead letter, Dear John letter, French letter, love letter, open letter
    • More than 100 scientists have signed a letter to the Prime Minister.100多名科学家签署了一封给首相的信。
    • In a letter dated 8 January last year, residents warned of the fire risk.在去年1月8日的一封信中,居民们对火灾风险提出了警告。
    • Her letter was published in the local paper.她的信发表在当地报纸上。
    • There's a letter here addressed to you.这里有一封写给你的信。
    • I'm just going out to post/​mail a letter.我正要出去寄信。
    • He's applied for dozens of jobs and had dozens of rejection letters.他申请了几十份工作,收到了几十封拒绝信。
    • Police received an anonymous letter about the case.警方收到了一封关于此案的匿名信。
    • I started to receive threatening letters demanding further payments.我开始收到要求进一步付款的恐吓信。
    • We've had so many calls and letters from people who are worried.我们收到了很多担心的人打来的电话和来信。
    • Keep a copy of the letter on file.把这封信的副本存档。
    • Put the information in an email or a letter and send it to me.把信息放在邮件或者信件里发给我。
    • I got a letter from their lawyers threatening legal action.我收到他们律师的一封信,威胁要采取法律行动。
    • We welcome letters from our readers.我们欢迎读者来信。
    • They sent me a letter saying the appointment had been changed.他们给我发了一封信,说约会已经改变了。
    • Why don't you write her a letter saying how you feel?你为什么不写封信给她,告诉她你的感受?
    • I went home and wrote a letter of resignation.我回家写了一封辞职信。
    • He made these remarks in a letter to a friend.他在给朋友的信中说了这些话。
    • He fired off a letter of complaint to the Chief Executive.他给行政长官写了一封投诉信。
    • A collection of letters between the artist and her sister has been published.这位艺术家和她姐姐之间的书信集已经出版。
    • A letter headed ‘Advertising Mania’ appeared in the paper.报纸上出现了一封题为“广告热”的信。
    • Apart from the occasional letter, they had not been in touch for years.除了偶尔通信之外,他们好多年没有联系了。
    • George Bernard Shaw was a prolific letter writer.萧伯纳是一位多产的书信作者。
    • His letter went on to give reasons for his refusal to take part.他的信接着讲了他拒绝参加的原因。
    • I haven't had a letter from her for ages.我已好久没有收到她的信了。
    • I hope my last letter has reached you.我希望我的上一封信已送到你手中。
    • I was angry that they didn't even acknowledge my letter.我生气的是他们甚至没有确认已经收到我的信。
    • I wrote my uncle a thank-you letter as soon as I opened the present.我一打开礼物就给叔叔写了一封感谢信。
    • In your letter of 5 June…在你6 月5 日的信中…
    • Our letters crossed in the post.我们的信在邮局相互错过了。
    • Please reply by letter.请来信回复。
    • She drafted an angry letter to the newspaper.她起草了一封给报社的怒气冲冲的信。
    • She wrote him a letter saying that she was not coming back.她给他写了一封信,说自己不会回来了。
    • She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road.她给当地的报纸写了一封措辞激烈的信,投诉新修的马路。
    • She received countless letters of support while in jail.在狱中她收到了不计其数支持她的信件。
    • The charity received an anonymous letter enclosing a large cheque.慈善机构收到了一封匿名信, 面附有一张大额支票。
    • The conditions are explained in the accompanying letter.这些条件在附函中予以解释。
    • The letter concluded with a threat of possible legal action.这封信在结尾扬言有可能要诉诸法律。
    • The letter contained information that only the killer could know.信里有些只有杀手才会知道的信息。
    • The letter is dated 7 July.这封信日期为7 月7 日。
    • The letter started off by thanking us for our offer.信中首先感谢了我们的提议。
    • The letter was addressed to me.这封信是寄给我的。
    • The letter was forwarded from my old address.这封信是从我的旧地址转来的。
    • The porter distributes incoming letters to the offices.看门人向各个办公室分发来信。
    • We reserve the right to cut or edit letters.我们保留删减或者编辑信件的权利。
    • a letter of application/​apology申请信/道歉信
    • a letter to the editor (= of a newspaper)致编辑的信
    • The prime minister has sent a letter of condolence to the family of the missing pilot.首相已经给失踪飞行员的家属发了一封慰问信。
    • They wrote a letter of complaint to the television network.他们给电视台写了一封投诉信。
    • There's a letter for you from your mother.有你母亲的一封来信。
    Topics Literature and writinga1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • lengthy
    • long
    • brief
    verb + letter
    • draft
    • write
    • read
    letter + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • reach somebody
    letter + noun
    • writer
    • writing
    • carrier
    • by letter
    • in a/​the letter
    • letter about
    a written or printed sign representing a sound used in speech字母
    • 'B' is the second letter of the alphabet.b 是字母表的第二个字母。
    • How many letters are in the Greek alphabet?希腊字母表中有多少个字母?
    • the letter A/B/C这封信
    • I'm thinking of a word that begins with the letter M.我在想一个以字母m开头的单词。
    • in… letters She typed the word ‘HISTORY’ in capital letters.她用大写字母打出了“历史”这个词。
    • The slogan is printed in bold letters across the top.标语顶部用粗体字印刷。
    see also capital letter
    • Chai is the 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.柴是希伯来语字母表中的第18个字母。
    • The pieces of card were marked with letters of the alphabet.这些卡片上都标有字母表的字母。
    • Each item is assigned a different number or letter.每个项目被分配一个不同的数字或字母。
    • He had typed a jumble of letters and numbers.他打了一堆杂乱的字母和数字。
    • All their names begin with the same letter.他们所有的名字都以同一个字母开头。
    • The first letter of my name is K, not C.我名字的第一个字母是K,不是c。
    • His name is written Louis, but you don't pronounce the last letter.他的名字是路易斯写的,但你不会念最后一个字母。
    • What do those letters after your name mean?你名字后面的那些字母是什么意思?
    • The system does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters.系统不区分大写和小写字母。
    • words such as ‘debt’ and ‘half’, which contain silent letters含有不发音字母的词,如debt、half
    • Words with double letters, such as ‘accommodate’, are commonly misspelled.有双写字母的词,如 accommodate 常常被拼错。
    • The company's name is made from the initial letters of his children's names.公司名称由他几个孩子名字的首字母组成。
    • Fill in the form in block letters.用大写字母填表。
    • His name was written in large white letters over the doorway.他的名字用白色的大写字母写在门的上方。
    • The card said ‘Birthday Girl’ in gold letters.卡片上用金色字母写着“生日女孩”。
    • The title of the book is in large raised letters on the front.这本书的标题是用大的凸起字母写在前面的。
    • At the end of the course you will receive a letter grade from A–F.在课程结束时,你将获得A-F的字母等级。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • large
    • block
    • in… letters
    • the letters of the alphabet
  3. (North American English) a sign in the shape of a letter that is sewn onto clothes to show that a person plays in a school or college sports team(缝制在运动服上的)校运动队字母标志
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French lettre, from Latin litera, littera ‘letter of the alphabet’, (plural) ‘epistle, literature, culture’.
the letter of the law
  1. (often disapproving) the exact words of a law or rule rather than its general meaning法律(或法规)的准确字面意义
    • They insist on sticking to the letter of the law.他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。
    • We might be guilty of slightly bending the letter of the law.我们可能犯了轻微歪曲法律条文的罪。
    • In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.尽管会给她的家庭带来困难,法官还是严格依据法律条文判她入狱。
    Topics Permission and obligationc2
to the letter
  1. doing/following exactly what somebody/something says, paying attention to every detail丝毫不差;不折不扣;精确地
    • I followed your instructions to the letter.我是严格遵照你的指示办的。


present simple I / you / we / they letter
he / she / it letters
past simple lettered
past participle lettered
-ing form lettering
  1. [transitive, usually passive] to give a letter to something as part of a series or list用字母标明(于清单等上)
    • lettered (+ noun) the stars lettered Alpha and Beta以 α 和 β 命名的星
  2. [transitive, usually passive] to print, paint, sew, etc. letters onto something把字母印刷(或缝制等)于
    • lettered (in something) a black banner lettered in white印有白色字母的黑色横幅
  3. [intransitive] (North American English) to receive a letter made of cloth that you sew onto your clothes for playing in a school or college sports team领取到学校运动队布制字母标志
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French lettre, from Latin litera, littera ‘letter of the alphabet’, (plural) ‘epistle, literature, culture’.




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