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词汇 loss


    [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the state of no longer having something or as much of something; the process that leads to this丧失;损失;丢失
    • I want to report the loss of a package.我要报告丢失了一个包裹。
    • Insure your instrument against loss or damage.给你的仪器投保以防丢失或损坏。
    • weight loss体重减少
    • hearing/memory loss听力/记忆丧失
    • The closure of the factory will lead to a number of job losses.工厂倒闭会使许多人失业。
    • When she died I was filled with a sense of loss.她去世后我心里充满了失落感。
    • loss of something He suffered a loss of confidence.他丧失了信心。
    • loss of earnings/income (= the money you do not earn because you are prevented from working)收入损失
    • The loss of her job was a terrible blow.失去工作是一个可怕的打击。
    • She suffered a significant loss of hearing after the operation.她自手术后听力便大大下降了。
    • The knife hit an artery, causing significant blood loss.刀子刺中了一条动脉,引起了严重失血。
    • She could have died from shock or loss of blood.她可能死于休克或失血。
    • They form a barrier to prevent water loss.它们形成了一道屏障来防止水分流失。
    • a gradual loss of hope希望的逐渐丧失
    • loss of appetite没有胃口
    • the dramatic loss of farmland to urban growth城市扩张造成的农田巨量缩减
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • appreciable
    • considerable
    • significant
    verb + loss
    • suffer
    • cause
    • prevent
    • loss of
    • no great loss
    • be at a loss
    [countable] money that has been lost by a business or an organization亏损;亏蚀
    • The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million.公司宣布净亏损 150 万美元。
    • The banks incurred huge losses.银行遭受了巨大的损失。
    • loss on something We made a loss on (= lost money on) the deal.我们做那笔交易亏了。
    opposite profit see also capital loss
    • It took the company five years to recoup its losses.公司用了 5 年才赚回亏损额。
    • No bank would be willing to underwrite such a loss.没有哪家银行愿意承担这样的亏损。
    • The business sustained losses of €20 million.这家公司蒙受了 2,000 万欧元的亏损。
    • The company took a big loss of 28%.该公司遭受了 28% 的巨额亏损。
    • The fund may not be large enough to absorb these losses.这笔资金数额不够大,没法抵消这些亏损。
    • We can offset the loss against next year's budget.我们可以用明年的预算抵消亏损。
    Topics Moneyb2, Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • catastrophic
    • enormous
    • heavy
    verb + loss
    • incur
    • make
    • suffer
    • at a loss
    • loss on
    [countable, uncountable] the death of a person去世;逝世
    • He is mourning the loss of his wife.他在哀悼妻子的去世。
    • the tragic loss of a child失去一个孩子的悲剧
    • Enemy troops suffered heavy losses.敌军伤亡惨重。
    • The drought caused widespread loss of life.干旱造成了广泛的生命损失。
    • Our country had sustained a tremendous loss of innocent life.我们国家有大量无辜平民丧生。
    • The loss of his wife was a great blow to him.他妻子去世对他是个巨大的打击。
    • The family has suffered a terrible loss.这个家庭减员严重。
    • the devastating losses of the war战争造成的毁灭性伤亡
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • enormous
    • great
    • terrible
    verb + loss
    • suffer
    • sustain
    • take
    • loss to
    • a sense of loss
    [singular] the disadvantage that is caused when somebody leaves, or when a useful or valuable object is taken away; a person who causes a disadvantage by leaving(某人离开或珍贵物品被取走造成的)损失;因离去而造成损失者
    • a loss to somebody/something Her departure is a big loss to the school.她这一走对学校来说是一个巨大的损失。
    • She will be a great loss to the company.她将是公司的一大损失。
    • She wouldn't be able to attend the lecture, which was no great loss.她没能去听讲座,其实也没有什么损失。
    • His death is a sad loss to all who knew him.他的去世让所有认识他的人都痛惜不已。
    see also dead loss
    • His passing is a tremendous loss for all of us.他的辞世是我们所有人的巨大损失。
    • Her suicide was a terrible loss to the music world.她的自杀是音乐界的重大损失。
  5. [countable] a failure to win a contest失败;输;失利
    • Brazil’s 2–1 loss to Argentina巴西对阿根廷 1:2 的落败
    Topics Difficulty and failureb2
  6. 词源Old English los ‘destruction’, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse los ‘breaking up of the ranks of an army’ and loose; later probably a back-formation from lost, past participle of lose.
at a loss
  1. not knowing what to say or do不知所措;困惑
    • His comments left me at a loss for words.他的评论让我不知说什么才好。
    • I'm at a loss what to do next.我对下一步做什么心里没谱。
    • We are at a loss to understand his actions.我们对他的行动迷惑不解。
  2. in a way that loses you money不知所措;困惑
    • We are now operating at a loss.我们现在是亏本经营。
be somebody's loss
  1. used to say that if somebody chooses not to do something, they will not obtain a benefit they could have had 损失:曾经说过,如果某人选择不做某事,他们将无法获得原本可以得到的收益
    • If people can't appreciate how great this film is, it's their loss.如果人们不能欣赏这部电影有多棒,那是他们的损失。
    • I can see you don't trust me. Well, that's your loss 我看得出你不信任我。那是你的损失
cut your losses
  1. to stop doing something that is not successful before the situation becomes even worse不成功就住手(免得情况更糟);趁早罢手
    • I decided to cut my losses and move back to England.我决定减少损失,搬回英国。
    • He decided to cut his losses and sell the shares before they sank further.他决定在股票继续下跌之前卖出,以减少亏损。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
loss of face
  1. the state of being less respected by other people or looking stupid because of something you have done去世;逝世
    • Failure to pass the exams means a massive loss of face for the students and their parents.未能通过考试意味着学生及其父母的巨大损失。




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