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词汇 magazine


    (also informal mag
    a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, containing articles, photographs, etc., often on a particular topic; a similar collection of articles, etc. that appears regularly online杂志;期刊
    • a weekly/monthly magazine周刊;月刊
    • a magazine article/interview/story/feature/piece 杂志文章/采访/故事/特写/文章
    • an online magazine在线期刊
    • a literary/news magazine 文学/新闻杂志
    • to read/edit/publish a magazine阅读/编辑/出版杂志
    • a magazine editor/publisher/journalist/reporter 杂志编辑/出版商/记者/记者
    • Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine.她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。
    • She told the magazine she was making a new album.她告诉杂志她正在制作新专辑。
    Culture magazinesmagazinesIn Britain and the US there are thousands of weekly and monthly magazines, many of them aimed at particular groups of readers such as teenage girls, new parents, people interested in gardening or professional groups such as doctors. Many are available both online and in print. Some have a related website containing a selection of articles from the magazine itself. Among the best-sellers are the television guides, such as the Radio Times in Britain and TV Guide in the US. Some magazines have a smaller readership but are considered important because they are respected and have a role in forming opinion. In the US there are several widely read news magazines such as Time, Newsweek and US News and World Report, and in Britain The Economist, The New Statesman and The Spectator are read for their political comment. The British satirical magazine Private Eye is very popular. Literary magazines include The Times Literary Supplement, The London Review of Books and Granta in Britain and The New York Review of Books in the US.There are free magazines that are only available only to certain people such as in-flight magazines published by airlines for people to read during a flight, and store magazines which customers of supermarkets receive. Store magazines are the most widely distributed magazines in the UK. Special-interest clubs and societies publish magazines for their members.General-interest magazines include titles such as Vanity Fair and Harper's Magazine, magazines about fashion, of which the most famous is Vogue, the home, gardens, food and family life. There are also magazines on DIY, cars, sport, travel, films and music. Rolling Stone, Billboard and New Musical Express are popular music magazines. Sight and sound and Empire are specialist film magazines.In Britain some football clubs produce a club magazine. Fanzines (or 'zines) are cheap paper or online magazines produced by fans (= supporters) of a singer, group or sports club. Gossip magazines have stories about the rich and famous and these include Hello!, Heat and National Enquirer, which is sold in US supermarkets.Some magazines are read mainly for their listings, for example, Time Out, which gives details of plays, concerts, etc. in London or New York. Exchange and Mart contains only advertisements of items for sale or wanted.More specialist magazines include New Scientist, Scientific American, Nature and The Lancet.There have always been more magazines for women than for men but there are now various fashion magazines for men such as Esquire and GQ. Vogue and Harper's Bazaar are expensive, high-quality fashion magazines for women. Other women's magazines have a more informal style and contain stories, competitions, articles on fashion, make-up, food and fitness, and an agony column (NAmE advice column) (= replies to readers' letters on personal problems). One of the most popular magazines is Cosmopolitan, which also includes film and book reviews and advice on sex and careers. Other women's titles include Good Housekeeping and Elle.Magazines can be bought in supermarkets and bookshops, at news stands, and in Britain at a newsagent's. Some people take out a subscription (= make a payment once a year) to a magazine and have it sent by mail because it is cheaper.Many people do not buy magazines but read back copies (= old issues) in their doctor's or dentist's waiting room or at the hairdresser's. Libraries often have a periodicals section containing newspapers and a selection of more serious magazines which people can read in the library.Many magazines are also available on the internet and some, especially academic journals, are available only on the internet.
    • They are launching a new magazine aimed at mothers with young children.他们正在发行一本针对有小孩的母亲的新杂志。
    • He has appeared on numerous magazine covers.他出现在许多杂志封面上。
    • Newspaper and magazine subscriptions are always welcome gifts.订阅报纸和杂志总是受欢迎的礼物。
    • Check a listings magazine for what's on this weekend.查一下娱乐指南杂志,看这个周末有什么节目。
    • I leafed through some magazines in the waiting room.我在等候室里浏览了几本杂志。
    • The magazine claimed that he was having an affair.这本杂志称他有外遇。
    • a trade magazine covering the furnishings industry介绍家具业信息的行业杂志
    • an article in a women's magazine女性杂志里的一篇文章
    • the company's in-house magazine公司内刊
    Topics Literature and writinga1, TV, radio and newsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • new
    • old
    • full-colour/​full-color
    … of magazine
    • copy
    • edition
    • issue
    verb + magazine
    • leaf through
    • look at
    • read
    magazine + verb
    • come out
    • hit something
    • be aimed at somebody
    magazine + noun
    • article
    • column
    • feature
    • in a/​the magazine
  2. a radio or television programme that is about a particular topic(电视、广播)专题节目
    • a regional news magazine on TV以地区新闻为主题的电视节目
    • a magazine programme/program专题节目
    Topics TV, radio and newsa1
  3. the part of a gun that holds the bullets before they are fired弹仓;弹盒;弹盘
    • He took the machine gun and a spare magazine.他拿走了机关枪和一个备用弹夹。
  4. a room or building where weapons, explosives and bullets are stored弹药库;军火库;军械库
    • Those buildings are ammunition magazines.那些建筑是弹药库。
  5. 词源late 16th cent.: from French magasin, from Italian magazzino, from Arabic mak̲zin, mak̲zan ‘storehouse’, from k̲azana ‘store up’. The term originally meant ‘store’ and was often used from the mid 17th cent. in the title of books providing information useful to particular groups of people, whence senses (1) and (2) (mid 18th cent.). Sense (4), a contemporary specialization of the original meaning, gave rise to sense (3) in the mid 18th cent.




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