Margaret Mead
/ˌmɑːɡrət ˈmiːd/
/ˌmɑːrɡrət ˈmiːd/
- (1901-78) a US anthropologist (= person who studies the human race). She studied how children grow up in different cultures, especially in the Pacific islands, and argued that human behaviour is strongly affected by society. Some people criticized her research, but she made anthropology very popular. Her books included Coming of Age in Samoa (1928), Growing Up in New Guinea (1930), Male and Female (1949) and Culture and Commitment (1970).
玛格丽特·米德(Margaret Mead):(1901-78)美国人类学家。她研究了儿童在不同文化中的成长方式,特别是在太平洋岛屿,并指出人类行为受到社会的强烈影响。有人批评她的研究,但她使人类学非常流行。她的著作包括萨摩亚的成年(1928),新几内亚的成长(1930),男女(1949)和文化与承诺(1970)。