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词汇 mask


  1. enlarge image
    something that you wear over your face to hide it, or to frighten or entertain other people 假面具
    • The robbers wore stocking masks.强盗戴着长筒袜面罩。
    • The kids were all wearing animal masks.孩子们都戴着动物面具。
    • In the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.在该剧的第二部份,演员们摘掉了面具。
    • The man's face was hidden by a mask.那个男人的脸被面具遮住了。
    • Two eyes glared at him from beneath the mask.面具背后的两只眼睛瞪视着他。
    • two men in black masks两个戴着黑面罩的男人
    Topics Medicinec1, Sports: water sportsc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • face
    • facial
    • full-face
    verb + mask
    • have on
    • wear
    • don
    mask + verb
    • conceal something
    • cover something
    • hide something
    • behind a/​the mask
    • beneath a/​the mask
    • in a/​the mask
  2. enlarge image
    something that you wear over part or all of your face in order to protect it面具;面罩
    • a surgical/gas mask外科/防毒面具
    • a fencing mask击剑面罩
    see also gas mask, oxygen mask
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • face
    • facial
    • full-face
    verb + mask
    • have on
    • wear
    • don
    mask + verb
    • conceal something
    • cover something
    • hide something
    • behind a/​the mask
    • beneath a/​the mask
    • in a/​the mask
  3. a thick cream made of various substances that you put on your face and neck in order to improve the quality of your skin护肤膜;面膜
    • a face mask面膜
    Topics Appearancec2
  4. [usually singular] a manner or an expression that hides your true character or feelings伪装;掩饰
    • He longed to throw off the mask of respectability.他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。
    • Her face was a cold, blank mask.她装出一副冷冰冰毫无表情的样子。
    • For a moment her mask slipped, and I saw how scared she really was.有那么一瞬间她没有掩饰住,我看出她实际上非常害怕。
    • He was hiding behind a mask of indifference but she wasn't fooled.他装出一副冷漠的样子,可是没有骗过她。
    • His fooling around is a mask for his lack of confidence.他游手好闲是为了掩饰自己没有自信。
    • He looked at me, his face a mask of innocence.他看着我,脸上带着无辜的面具。
    • The mask of politeness slipped for a moment.那彬彬有礼的伪装不小心露出了马脚,但只是片刻而已。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • blank
    • cold
    • emotionless
    mask + verb
    • slip
    • behind a/​the mask
    • mask for
    • a mask of indifference
  5. see also death mask
    词源mid 16th cent.: from French masque, from Italian maschera, mascara, probably from medieval Latin masca ‘witch, spectre’, but influenced by Arabic mask̲ara ‘buffoon’.


present simple I / you / we / they mask
he / she / it masks
past simple masked
past participle masked
-ing form masking
  1. mask something to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed掩饰;掩藏 synonym disguise, veil
    • She masked her anger with a smile.她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。
    Synonyms hidehide
    • conceal
    • cover
    • disguise
    • mask
    • camouflage
    These words all mean to put or keep somebody/​something in a place where they/​it cannot be seen or found, or to keep the truth or your feelings secret.以上各词均含藏、隐藏、掩盖、隐瞒之义。
    • hide to put or keep somebody/​something in a place where they/​it cannot be seen or found; to keep something secret, especially your feelings:指藏、隐藏、掩盖(尤指感情):
      • He hid the letter in a drawer.他把信藏在抽屉里。
      • She managed to hide her disappointment.她设法掩藏了自己的失望。
    • conceal (formal) to hide somebody/​something; to keep something secret:指隐藏、隐瞒、掩盖:
      • The paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.那些画藏在厚厚的灰泥层下面。
      • Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。
      When it is being used to talk about emotions, conceal is often used in negative statements. * conceal 指掩藏感情时常用于否定句。
    • cover to place something over or in front of something in order to hide it:指掩蔽、遮盖:
      • She covered her face with her hands.她双手掩面。
    • disguise to hide or change the nature of something, so that it cannot be recognized:指掩蔽、掩饰、伪装,以免被认出:
      • He tried to disguise his accent.他竭力掩饰自己的口音。
    • mask to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed:指掩饰、掩藏(情感、气味、事实等),以免被看出或注意到:
      • She masked her anger with a smile.她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。
    • camouflage to hide somebody/​something by making them/​it look like the things around, or like something else:指通过使人或事物与周围环境或其他事物相似而达到伪装、掩饰的目的:
      • The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs.士兵用树叶和树枝来伪装自己。
    • to hide/​conceal/​disguise/​mask something behind something
    • to hide/​conceal something under something
    • to hide/​conceal something from somebody
    • to hide/​conceal/​disguise/​mask the truth/​the fact that…
    • to hide/​conceal/​disguise/​mask your feelings
    • Varnish tends to mask the natural grain of the wood.罩光漆往往会遮盖木材的天然纹理。
    • Spices were used to mask the unpleasant taste of the meat.加了香料来遮掩肉的怪味。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • not quite
    • partially
    verb + mask
    • tend to
    • with
    词源mid 16th cent.: from French masque, from Italian maschera, mascara, probably from medieval Latin masca ‘witch, spectre’, but influenced by Arabic mask̲ara ‘buffoon’.




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