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词汇 master



    of servants仆人

    (especially in the past) a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home(男)主人,雇主
    • They lived in fear of their master.他们惧怕主人,提心吊胆地过日子。
    • the exploitation of slaves by their former masters他们的前主人对奴隶的剥削
    • His father was a wealthy, prominent Virginia slave master.他的父亲曾是一位富有而杰出的弗吉尼亚奴隶主。
    • corrupt people who would serve any master愿意效力于任何主子的堕落者
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • political
    • colonial
    • slave
    verb + master
    • obey
    • please
    • serve
    • master of
  2. person in control主宰

    a person who is in charge of an organization or group能手;擅长…者
    • His political masters are all old right-wing politicians.他上面掌权的政治人物都是些一把年纪的右翼政客。
    • Many nations were trying to shake off their colonial masters.许多国家正试图摆脱他们的殖民主人。
    see also harbour master, question master, wardrobe master
    • The city's new masters patrol deserted streets.这座城市的新主人在废弃的街道上巡逻。
    • those titans of industry, the masters of the universe那些工业巨头,宇宙的主人
  4. master of something a person who is able to control something主宰;主人;有控制力的人
    • She was no longer master of her own future.她已无法把握自己的未来。
    • Fate can be a cruel master.命运可能是个残忍的主宰者。
    • We remain masters of our fate.我们仍然是命运的主人。
    see also puppet master
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • political
    • colonial
    • slave
    verb + master
    • obey
    • please
    • serve
    • master of
  5. person with skill

  6. a person who shows a lot of skill at something能手;擅长…者
    • master of something a master of disguise精于伪装的人
    • a master of her craft她的手艺的大师
    • a master of the serve-and-volley game发球上网的高手
    • master at doing something a master at managing money理财大师
    see also grandmaster, past master
    • Chaplin, the grand master of physical comedy肢体喜剧大师卓别林
    • Like most masters of her craft, Bowery wasn't appreciated in her time.像大多数工艺大师一样,鲍威利在她那个时代不受欢迎。
    • The fugue was out of fashion when Bach became its master.巴赫成为大师时,赋格曲已经不流行了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • acknowledged
    • great
    • undisputed
    master + noun
    • builder
    • craftsman
    • painter
    • master of
    • be a past master at something
    • be a past master of something
  7. famous painter著名画家

  8. a famous painter who lived in the past(已故)著名画家,绘画大师
    • an exhibition of work by the French master, Monet法国著名画家莫奈的作品展
    • the great masters of Impressionism印象派的大师们
    • This portrait is the work of an acknowledged master.这幅肖像画是一位公认的大师的作品。
    see also old masterTopics Artc1
  9. university degree大学学位

  10. master’s
    (also master’s degree)
    a second university degree, or, in Scotland, a first university degree, such as an MA硕士学位(大学的中级学位;在苏格兰指初级学位)
    • He has a Master's in Business Administration.他获得了工商管理硕士学位。
    • She holds a master's degree in journalism.她拥有新闻学硕士学位。
    see also MA, MB, MBA, MSc
    • He did a Master's at Hull University.他是在赫尔大学读的硕士学位。
    • She got her Master's last year.她去年拿到了硕士学位。
    Topics Educationb2
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + Master’s
    • do
    • study for
    • take
    Master’s + noun
    • degree
    • thesis
    • master in
  11. (usually Master)
    a person who has a master’s degree硕士;有硕士学位的人
    • a Master of Arts/Science文科/理科硕士
    Topics Educationc2
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + Master’s
    • do
    • study for
    • take
    Master’s + noun
    • degree
    • thesis
    • master in
  12. animal owner

  13. the owner of an animal, especially a dog or horse狗的男主人
    • The dog saved its master's life.这条狗救了它的主人。
    • Even the animals knew their masters were excited.连动物都知道它们的主人很兴奋。
    • The horses watched their masters placidly.马平静地看着它们的主人。
    compare mistress
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • political
    • colonial
    • slave
    verb + master
    • obey
    • please
    • serve
    • master of
  14. teacher教师

  15. (British English, old-fashioned) a male teacher at a school, especially a private school(尤指私立学校的)男教师
    • the physics master物理老师
    • He was ballet master at several dance schools.他是几所舞蹈学校的芭蕾舞大师。
    compare headmaster, mistress, schoolmasterTopics Educationc2
  16. captain of ship船长

  17. the captain of a ship that transports goods(货船的)船长
  18. original record/tape/movie原版录音/磁带/电影

  19. (often used as an adjective常用作形容词) a version of a recording from which copies are made母带;母片;原始拷贝
    • the master copy原始拷贝
    Topics Film and theatrec2
  20. title称谓

  21. Master
    (old-fashioned) a title used when speaking to or about a boy who is too young to be called Mr (also used in front of the name on an envelope, etc.)(对年龄小而不便称作 “先生” 的男孩的称谓;也用在信封等处的人名前)少爷,君
  22. Master
    (in the UK) the title of the head of some schools and university colleges(英国)校长,院长
    • the Master of Wolfson College沃尔夫森学院院长
  23. Master
    a title used for speaking to or about some religious teachers or leaders(对宗教导师或领袖的称谓)大师,师父
  24. 词源Old English mæg(i)ster (later reinforced by Old French maistre), from Latin magister; probably related to magis ‘more’.
be your own master/mistress
  1. to be free to make your own decisions rather than being told what to do by somebody else独立自主Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
serve two masters
  1. (usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to support two different parties, principles, etc. at the same time侍奉二主(同时支持两个敌对的党派);徘徊于两种对立原则之间


present simple I / you / we / they master
he / she / it masters
past simple mastered
past participle mastered
-ing form mastering


    master something to learn or understand something completely精通;掌握
    • She never completely mastered the art of lip-reading.她从未完全掌握唇读的艺术。
    • to master new skills/techniques掌握新的技能/技术
    • French was a language he had never mastered.法语他一直没有学好。
    • They quickly mastered new technologies.他们很快掌握了新技术。
    • Once you've mastered the basics, you can begin to experiment a little.一旦你掌握了基本原理,就可以开始做一些尝试了。
    • The controls are pretty hard to master.控制很难掌握。
    Topics Languageb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • fully
    • thoroughly
    verb + master
    • be difficult to
    • struggle to
    • try to
    • master the art of something
    • master the basics
  2. control控制

  3. master something to manage to control an emotion控制(情绪)
    • She struggled hard to master her temper.她竭力按住性子,不发脾气。
    • Simon was unable to master his impatience.西蒙无法控制自己的不耐烦。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • fully
    • thoroughly
    verb + master
    • be difficult to
    • struggle to
    • try to
    • master the art of something
    • master the basics
  4. master something/somebody to gain control of an animal or a person控制(动物或人)
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • fully
    • thoroughly
    verb + master
    • be difficult to
    • struggle to
    • try to
    • master the art of something
    • master the basics
  5. 词源Old English mæg(i)ster (later reinforced by Old French maistre), from Latin magister; probably related to magis ‘more’.


[only before noun]

    showing skill

  1. master baker/chef/mason, etc. used to describe a person who shows a lot of skill at the job mentioned, especially one who is able to teach the skills to others(描述精于某职业的人)熟练的,灵巧的,有技能的
    • the skills of a master craftsman工匠大师的技能
  2. most important最重要

  3. the largest and/or most important最大的;最重要的
    • the master bedroom主卧室
    • a master file/switch主文件;总开关
  4. 词源Old English mæg(i)ster (later reinforced by Old French maistre), from Latin magister; probably related to magis ‘more’.




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