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词汇 matter




    the matter
    [singular] used (to ask) if somebody is upset, unhappy, etc. or if there is a problem(用于询问某人的情况)
    • What's the matter? Is there something wrong?怎么了?出了什么事儿吗?
    • Is anything the matter?有什么问题吗?
    • matter with somebody/something Is something the matter with Bob? He seems very down.鲍勃有什么事儿吧?他好像情绪很低落。
    • There's something the matter with my eyes.我的眼睛出了点毛病。
    • ‘We've bought a new TV.’ ‘What was the matter with the old one?’“我们买了台新电视。” “那台旧的怎么了?”
    • What's the matter with you today (= why are you behaving like this)?你今天是怎么了?
    • What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She’d come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel.她想知道她到底是怎么了。她来这里是为了玩得开心,而她却独自被困在酒店里。
  2. subject/situation课题;情况

    [countable] a subject or situation that you must consider or deal with课题;事情;问题 synonym affair
    • It's a private matter.这是件私事儿。
    • They had important matters to discuss.他们有些重要的问题要讨论。
    • She may need your help with some business matters.她也许需要你帮助处理一些生意方面的事情。
    • financial/legal/political matters财务/法律/政治事务
    • They've agreed in theory, but now we need to discuss practical matters.他们在理论上是同意了,但现在我们需要讨论实际问题。
    • The matter should be referred to a senior manager. 这件事应该提交给高级经理。
    • Do I have any choice in the matter?在这件事情上我有选择吗?
    • I always consulted him on matters of policy.我总是向他咨询一些政策问题。
    • matter for somebody It's a matter for the police (= for them to deal with).这事须由警方处理。
    • matter of something (formal) It was a matter of some concern to most of those present (= something they were worried about).这是当时在场的多数人关心的问题。
    • It should have been a simple matter to check.检查核对本来应该是件简单的事情。
    • It was no easy matter getting him to change his mind.让他改变主意可不是件容易的事儿。
    • Let's get on with the matter in hand (= what we need to deal with now).我们继续解决手头的问题吧。
    • I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop (= stop discussing it).我没打算把这件事搁下不提。
    • We have sent these concerns to Professor Tribe, and now consider the matter closed (= it is finished).我们已经将这些问题发送给了部落教授,现在认为此事已经结束。
    • I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter (= the most important part).我认为我们还没有触及问题的关键。
    • And that is the crux of the matter (= the most important thing about the situation).这就是问题的症结所在。
    • (ironic) And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me.还有件小事儿,你欠我五十英镑呢。
    • The involvement of the king in legal matters was threatened by the civil war.国王卷入法律事务受到内战的威胁。
    • Dr Bell holds traditional views on a variety of matters.贝尔博士对各种问题持有传统观点。
    • That's a matter for you to take up with your boss.这个问题你得去和你的老板进行交涉。
    • He left, saying he had pressing matters to attend to.他走了,说有些紧急的事情要去处理。
    • His lawyer advised him to drop the matter.他的律师建议他别再追究这件事。
    • I don't have much experience in these matters.在这些事情上我没有多少经验。
    • I don't really want to go into this matter now.我现在真不想谈这个问题。
    • It is then a simple matter to print off the data you have collected.然后只要把你收集的数据打印出来就行了。
    • It's a relief to have the matter settled.这个问题得到解决,让人舒了一口气。
    • She was a great source of knowledge on matters relating to nutrition.有关营养的问题上,从她那里可以获得丰富的知识。
    • The matter will be raised at our next meeting.这个问题将在我们下次的会议上提出。
    • The question of his innocence is a weighty matter for this court.他是否清白是本庭所要解决的关键问题。
    • The rest of the meeting was taken up by routine matters.会议剩下的内容就全是一些例行程序了。
    • They talk mostly about work and related matters.他们谈的主要是工作和与之相关的问题。
    • I wasn't sure how to approach the delicate matter of pay.我不确定该怎样解决工资这个微妙的问题。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • important
    • pressing
    • serious
    verb + matter
    • bring up
    • broach
    • raise
    matter + verb
    • be related to
    • pertain to
    • relate to
    • in a/​the matter
    • on a/​the matter
    • matter for
    • the crux of the matter
    • the heart of the matter
    • let the matter drop
    [plural] the present situation, or the situation that you are talking about事态;当前的状况 synonym things
    • Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters.很遗憾,我们无力改善目前的状况。
    • I'd forgotten the keys, which didn't help matters.我忘记带钥匙了,这让我情况更糟。
    • And then, to make matters worse, his parents turned up.接着,更糟糕的是,他的父母亲来了。
    • I decided to take matters into my own hands (= deal with the situation myself).我决定亲自处理问题。
    • Matters came to a head (= the situation became very difficult) with his resignation.随着他的辞职,局面恶化得难以收拾。
    • Matters were made worse by a fire in the warehouse.仓库失火使得事态更为严重。
    • Let me simplify matters by giving you my answer now.我来使事情简单一点儿,现在就答复你吧。
    • She always arranges matters to suit herself.她总是以自己的方便来安排事情。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + matters
    • complicate
    • confuse
    • make worse
  5. a matter of (doing) something

    [singular] a situation that involves something or depends on something关乎…的事情 synonym question
    • matter of something Learning to drive is all a matter of coordination.学开车主要是靠协调。
    • Some people prefer the older version to the new one. It's a matter of taste.有些人喜欢老版本而不喜欢新版本。这只是个趣味问题。
    • She resigned over a matter of principle.她因为原则问题而辞职。
    • The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency.政府必须将此事当作紧急的事情来处理。
    • Just as a matter of interest (= because it is interesting, not because it is important), how much did you pay for it?我只是感兴趣,你这是花多少钱买的?
    • ‘I think this is the best so far.’ ‘Well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may think differently).“我认为这是迄今为止最好的。” “唔,仁者见仁,智者见智嘛。”
    • It's not pure fantasy ! It's a plain matter of fact.这不是纯粹的幻想!这是显而易见的事实。
    • Getting the effect you want is a matter of trial and error.要得到想要的效果需要反复试验。
    • matter of doing something That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time.这没问题,不就是及时通知大家吗。
    • Planning a project is just a matter of working out the right order to do things in.规划一个项目就是要设计出正确的工作顺序。
    see also matter-of-fact
  7. substance物质

  8. [uncountable] (physics物理) physical substance that everything in the world is made of; not mind or spirit(统称)物质
    • to study the properties of matter研究物质的属性
    • This swirling mass of energy and matter is classed as a spiral galaxy.这种旋转的能量和物质被归类为螺旋星系。
    see also dark matterTopics Physics and chemistryb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • solid
    • organic
    • vegetable
  9. [uncountable] (formal) a substance or things of a particular sort(某种)东西,物品,材料
    • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.施用大量的有机肥料以改良土壤。
    • elimination of waste matter from the body体内废物的排除
    • She didn't approve of their choice of reading matter.她不赞同他们选用的阅读材料。
    • There were small lumps of matter floating on the surface.表面漂浮着小块物质。
    see also grey matter, subject matter
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • solid
    • organic
    • vegetable
  10. 词源Middle English: via Old French from Latin materia ‘timber, substance’, also ‘subject of discourse’, from mater ‘mother’.
as a matter of fact
  1. used to add a comment on something that you have just said, usually adding something that you think the other person will be interested in事实上;其实;说真的
    • It's a nice place. We've stayed there ourselves, as a matter of fact.那个地方不错。事实上,我们在那儿待过。
  2. used to disagree with something that somebody has just said(表示不同意)事实上,其实 synonym actually
    • ‘I suppose you'll be leaving soon, then?’ ‘No, as a matter of fact I'll be staying for another two years.’“我想你快要离开了吧?” “不。事实上,我还要再待两年呢。”
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
  3. see also matter-of-fact
be another/a different matter
  1. to be very different另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论
    • I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter.我知道他们住在哪一地区,但能不能找到他们的房子则是另外一回事了。
    • That's a whole different matter.那完全是另一回事儿。
    • I don't mind lizards, but snakes are a different matter.我不怕蜥蜴,但蛇就不同了。
be no laughing matter
  1. to be something serious that you should not joke about不是开玩笑的事;严肃的事
the fact (of the matter) is (that)…
  1. used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned(用以强调,尤其与刚提到的相反)事实上是,实际情况是
    • A new car would be wonderful but the fact of the matter is that we can't afford one.有新车好是好,不过实际情况是我们买不起。
for that matter
  1. used to add a comment on something that you have just said就此而论;在这方面
    • I didn't like it much. Nor did the kids, for that matter.我不怎么喜欢它。孩子们也同样不喜欢。
it’s just/only a matter of time (before…)
  1. used to say that something will definitely happen, although you are not sure when早晚的事;只是时间问题
    • It's only a matter of time before they bring out their own version of the software.他们推出自己的软件只是个时间问题。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc1
(as) a matter of course
  1. (as) the usual and correct thing to do(作为)理所当然的事;(当作)常规
    • We always check people's addresses as a matter of course.我们总是照例检查一下人们的地址。
a matter of hours, minutes, etc. | a matter of inches, metres, etc.
  1. only a few hours, minutes, etc.只有几个小时、几分钟(或几英寸、几米等)之多;不多于…
    • It was all over in a matter of minutes.几分钟就全部结束了。
    • The bullet missed her by a matter of inches.子弹几乎擦着她的身体飞过。
a matter of life and/or death
  1. used to describe a situation that is very important or serious生死攸关的事;成败的关键
    • You mustn't let anyone know— it's a matter of life and death.你千万别告诉任何人-这可是件生死攸关的事。
    • These talks are a matter of life or death for the factory.这些谈话对工厂来说是生死攸关的事情。
a matter of record
  1. (formal) something that has been recorded as being true有案可查的事
no matter
  1. used to say that something is not important没关系;不要紧;不重要
    • If that doesn't work out, no matter, I'll rent for another year or two.如果不行,没关系,我再租一两年。
no matter who, what, where, etc.
  1. used to say that something is always true, whatever the situation is, or that somebody should certainly do something不论…;无论…;不管…
    • They don't last long no matter how careful you are.不管你如何小心,这些东西都维持不了很久。
    • Call me when you get there, no matter what the time is.无论什么时间,你到了那儿就给我打电话。


[intransitive, transitive] not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时
present simple I / you / we / they matter
he / she / it matters
past simple mattered
past participle mattered
past simple mattering
past participle mattering
  1. to be important or have an important effect on somebody/something事关紧要;要紧;有重大影响
    • ‘I'm afraid I forgot that book again.’ ‘It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).’“很抱歉,我又忘了把那本书带来了。” “没事儿。”
    • ‘What did you say?’ ‘Oh, it doesn't matter’ (= it is not important enough to repeat).“你说什么?” “噢,没什么。”
    • After his death, nothing seemed to matter any more.他死了以后,好像一切都无所谓了。
    • She was trying to get noticed by the people who matter.她试图引起那些重要人物的注意。
    • matter to somebody The children matter more to her than anything else in the world.对于她来说,在这个世界上没有比孩子更重要的了。
    • Councillors are tackling the things that matter most to local people.议员们正在处理对当地人最重要的事情。
    • matter who, what, etc… Does it really matter who did it?是谁干的真的很重要吗?
    • It doesn't matter how fast you walk (= it will not make any difference), you're going to get very wet.你走多快都没关系,你会淋湿的。
    • matter to somebody who, what, etc… It doesn't matter to me what you do.你做什么我无所谓。
    • matter (to somebody) that… It didn't matter that the weather was bad.天气不好并没什么影响。
    • What does it matter if I spent $100 on it—it's my money!我花 100 美元买这东西有什么问题,那是我的钱!
    • As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.你幸福就行了,这才是最重要的。
    • He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him).你知道,他坐过牢,可那倒无关紧要。
    • Somehow it didn't seem to matter much any more.不知怎的,这似乎已经不大重要了。
    • These things matter a lot to young children.这些事对小孩子来说很要紧。
    • It doesn't matter about the mess.乱一点儿没关系。
    • She could find a job. It hardly mattered what.她能够找到工作,至于什么工作无关紧要。
    • It doesn't matter one whit what their ethnic background is.他们的种族背景是什么丝毫没有关系。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • a great deal
    • a lot
    • greatly
    verb + matter
    • not seem to
    • about
    • to
    • not matter a/​one bit
    • not matter a/​one jot
    • not matter a/​one whit
    词源Middle English: via Old French from Latin materia ‘timber, substance’, also ‘subject of discourse’, from mater ‘mother’.




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