noun /məˈsaɪə/
- the Messiah[singular] (in Christianity
) Jesus Christ, who was sent by God into the world to save people from evil and sin基督教 Topics Religion and festivalsc2弥赛亚;默西亚;救世主基督 - the Messiah[singular] (in Judaism
) a king who will be sent by God to save the Jewish people犹太教 Topics Religion and festivalsc2弥赛亚(上帝要派去拯救犹太人民的国王) - messiaha leader who people believe will solve the problems of a country or the world
synonym saviour人们信赖的领导者;救世主;救星 - He's seen by many as a political messiah.
- He's seen by many as a political messiah.
- the Messiah[singular] a musical work by Handel for voices and orchestra, with verses from the Bible. It was first performed in Dublin in 1742 and has become one of the most popular pieces of classical music among British audiences. It is often sung around Christmas.
弥赛亚: 亨德尔(Handel)的音乐作品,用于配音和管弦乐队,以及圣经中的经文。它于1742年在都柏林首次演出,现已成为英国观众中最受欢迎的古典音乐作品之一。它经常在圣诞节前后演唱。
词源Old English Messias: via late Latin and Greek from Hebrew māšīaḥ ‘anointed’.