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词汇 mile


    (abbreviation m)
    (in Britain and North America) a unit for measuring distance equal to 1 609 metres or 1 760 yards英里(= 1 609 米或 1 760 码)
    • a 20-mile drive to work开车 20 英里去上班
    • an area of four square miles四平方英里的面积
    • a mile-long procession一英里长的游行队伍
    • The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.最近的银行沿着这条路要走半英里。
    • The boys were left stranded two miles from home.男孩们被困在离家两英里的地方。
    • He runs 10 miles every morning.他每天早上跑10英里。
    • We did about 30 miles a day on our cycling trip.我们骑车旅行,每天约骑 30 英里。
    • The car must have been doing at least 100 miles an hour.这车速肯定每小时至少 100 英里。
    • (British English) My car does 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。
    • (North American English) My car gets 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。
    • (figurative) His thoughts were racing a mile a minute (= very fast).他的思维正在高速运转。
    see also Air Miles™, country mile, food mile, mph, nautical mile, sea mile
    • She drives about 50 miles a day.她每天开车大约50英里。
    • Most parents travel miles across London to reach the club.大多数父母穿越伦敦数英里到达俱乐部。
    • They live 40 miles from the nearest supermarket.他们住在离最近的超市40英里的地方。
    • She crossed hundreds of miles of frozen tundra on a dog sled.她乘坐狗拉的雪橇穿越了数百英里的冰冻苔原。
    • Fell-runners who are out to win can cover the three miles in just over 15 minutes.一心想赢得荒野赛跑的选手可以在15 分钟多的时间内跑完3 英里的路程。
    • Good runners can cover the three miles in just over 15 minutes.能跑的人 15 分钟多一点就能跑完这 3 英里。
    • She was talking a mile a minute.她说得特别快。
    • The country's Red Sea coast stretches some 500 miles.该国红海海岸线绵延约 500 英里。
    • The police stopped them doing 100 miles per hour on the motorway.他们因为在高速公路上以每小时100 英里的速度行驶而被警察拦住。
    Topics Maths and measurementa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • nautical
    • square
    verb + mile
    • cover
    • cycle
    • do
    • miles an hour
    • miles per hour
    • a mile a minute
    [usually plural] a large area or a long distance大面积;长距离
    • miles and miles of desert广阔无垠的沙漠
    • There isn't a house for miles around here.附近数英里以内没有一座房子。
    • I'm not walking—it's miles away.我不会走路去的,太远了。
    • It was a wonderful journey through miles and miles of lush green jungle.这是一次穿越一英里又一英里郁郁葱葱的绿色丛林的美妙旅程。
    • (informal) She's taller than you by a mile.她比你高多了。
  3. the mile
    [singular] a race over one mile一英里赛跑
    • He ran the mile in less than four minutes.他用了不到四分钟就跑完一英里。
    • a four-minute mile四分钟一英里赛跑
  4. 词源Old English mīl, based on Latin mil(l)ia, plural of mille ‘thousand’ (the original Roman unit of distance was mille passus ‘a thousand paces’).
be miles away
  1. (informal) to be thinking deeply about something and not aware of what is happening around you想出了神
give somebody an inch (and they’ll take a mile/yard)
  1. (saying) used to say that if you allow some people a small amount of freedom or power they will see you as weak and try to take a lot more得寸进尺
go the extra mile (for somebody/something)
  1. to make a special effort to achieve something, help somebody, etc.孜孜以求;加倍努力;加把劲
    • a willingness to go the extra mile to make a project work愿意付出额外的努力使项目运行
miles from anywhere
  1. (informal) in a place that is a long way from a town and surrounded only by a lot of open country, sea, etc.在偏远的地方
    • We broke down miles from anywhere.在一个偏远的地方,我们的车坏了。
a miss is as good as a mile
  1. (saying) there is no real difference between only just failing in something and failing in it badly because the result is still the same错误再小也是错;功败垂成仍为败Topics Difficulty and failurec2
run a mile (from somebody/something)
  1. (informal) to show that you are very frightened of doing something尽量避开
see, spot, tell, smell, etc. something a mile off
  1. (informal) to see or realize something very easily and quickly轻而易举地看出(或意识到)
    • He's wearing a wig—you can see it a mile off.他戴着假发,你一眼就能看出来。
    • After twenty years in the police she could smell a liar a mile off.她在警察部门工作了20年,在一英里之外就能闻到骗子的味道。
stand/stick out a mile
  1. to be very obvious or easy to notice显而易见
    • It stood out a mile that she was lying.很明显她在撒谎。




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