Mirror Group Newspapers
/ˌmɪrə ˌɡruːp ˈnjuːzpeɪpəz/
/ˌmɪrər ˌɡruːp ˈnuːzpeɪpərz/
(abbreviation MGN)
- a large newspaper company in Britain. In 1999 Mirror Group joined with another company to form Trinity Mirror and in 2018 it was renamed Reach plc. It publishes local newspapers and the Daily Mirror, the Sunday Mirror and The Sunday People. In 2018 it bought the Daily Express, the Sunday Express and the Daily Star.
Mirror Group报纸:英国的一家大型报纸公司。Mirror Group于1999年与另一家公司联合成立了Trinity Mirror,并于2018年更名为Reach plc。它出版当地报纸和《每日镜报》,《星期日镜报》和《星期日人民》。在2018年,它购买了Daily Express,Sunday Express和Daily Star。