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词汇 money


  1. enlarge image
    [uncountable] what you earn by working or selling things, and use to buy things钱;薪水;收入
    • to borrow/save/spend/earn money借钱;存钱;花钱;挣钱
    • How much money is there in my account?我的账上还有多少钱?
    • The money is much better in my new job.我的新工作薪水高多了。
    • If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back.东西不满意,可以退款。
    • We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year.明年我们需要筹集更多的钱。
    • Can you lend me some money until tomorrow?能借我点儿钱吗?明天就还。
    • Be careful with that—it cost a lot of money.小心别弄坏那东西,它可值钱了。
    • Careful with that—I paid good money for it!小心点——我花了好多钱买的!
    • This is a great product, well worth the money.这是一个很棒的产品,物有所值。
    • They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.他们明智地把奖金用于投资而不是花掉。
    • To hold another election is a waste of time and money. 再举行一次选举是浪费时间和金钱。
    Collocations FinanceFinance财务Income收入
    • earn money/​cash/(informal) a fortune/​the minimum wage/​a living wage
    • make money/​a fortune/(informal) a killing on the stock market在股市上赚钱/赚一大笔钱/发大财
    • acquire/​inherit/​amass wealth/​a fortune获得/继承/积累财富/一大笔钱
    • build up funds/​savings积累资金/存款
    • get/​receive/​leave (somebody) an inheritance/​a legacy得到/(给某人)留下遗产
    • live on a low wage/​a fixed income/​a pension靠低微的工资/固定收入/养老金过活
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect a pension领取养老金
    • depend/​be dependent on (British English) benefits/(North American English) welfare/​social security靠福利金/社会保障金过活
    • spend money/​your savings/(informal) a fortune on…把钱/存款/一大笔钱花在…上
    • invest/​put your savings in…投资/把储蓄金用于…
    • throw away/​waste/ (informal) shell out money on…把钱浪费/花费巨资在…上
    • lose your money/​inheritance/​pension失去钱财/遗产/养老金
    • use up/ (informal) wipe out all your savings把储蓄用光
    • pay (in) cash用现金支付
    • use/​pay by a credit/​debit/​contactless card
    • pay by/​make out a/​write somebody a/​accept a (British English) cheque/(US English) check用支票支付;开支票;给某人开支票;接受支票
    • change/​exchange money/​currency
    • give/​pay/​leave (somebody) a deposit预付(某人)订金
    • have/​hold/​open/​close/​freeze a bank account/​an account持有/开立/注销/冻结银行账户
    • credit/​debit/​pay something into/​take money out of your account记入账户的贷方/借方;把钱存入账户/从账户中取出
    • deposit money/​funds in your account往账户里存钱/存入资金
    • withdraw money/​cash/£30 from an ATM, etc.从自动提款机等取钱/现金/30 英镑
    • (formal) make a deposit/​withdrawal存款;取款
    • find/​go to/​use (especially North American English) an ATM/(British English) a cash machine/​dispenser找到/去/使用自动提款机
    • be in credit/​in debit/​in the black/​in the red/​overdrawn账面有钱/亏空;有盈余;透支
    • use a mobile/​an online banking app/​platform/​service
    Personal finance个人理财
    • manage/​handle/​plan/​run/ (especially British English) sort out your finances管理/处理/计划/经营管理/整顿财务问题
    • plan/​manage/​work out/​stick to a budget计划/管理/制订/严格执行预算
    • offer/​extend credit (to somebody)(给某人)提供贷款
    • arrange/​take out a loan/​an overdraft商定/获得贷款/透支额
    • pay back/​repay money/​a loan/​a debt偿还钱/贷款/债务
    • pay for something in (especially British English) instalments/(North American English usually) installments以分期付款方式购买某物
    Financial difficulties财务困难
    • get into debt/​financial difficulties陷入债务/财务困难
    • be short of/ (informal) be strapped for cash缺钱
    • run out of/​owe money钱用光了;欠钱
    • face/​get/ (informal) be landed with a bill for £…面对/收到一张…英镑的账单
    • can’t afford the cost of…/payments/​rent承担不起…的费用/款项/房租
    • fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the mortgage/​repayments/​rent拖欠按揭贷款/分期偿还款项/房租
    • incur/​run up/​accumulate debts带来/积欠/累积债务
    • tackle/​reduce/​settle your debts处理/减少/付清债务
    • credit
    • debt
    • deposit
    • interest
    • lend
    • loan
    • money
    • mortgage
    • overdraft
    • risk
    see also beer money, blood money, danger money, even money, gate money, hush money, pin money, pocket money, seed money, ship money, soft money, spending money
    • afford
    • bank
    • bankrupt
    • capital
    • economy
    • expense
    • finance
    • invest
    • money
    • profit
    Culture moneymoneyThe US dollar is made up of 100 cents. The Department of the Treasury prints bills (= paper money) in various denominations (= values): $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. US bills are all the same size, whatever their value, and measure about 2.5×6 inches/6.5×15.5 centimetres. All are green and on the front, each has a picture of a famous American. The dollar bill, for instance, shows George Washington, the first US president. An informal name for dollars is bucks, because in the early period of US history people traded the skins of bucks (= deer) and prices would sometimes be given as a number of buckskins. Buck refers to the dollar itself, and not to the bill. So although you can say 'He earns 500 bucks a week', you have to say ‘If I give you four quarters could you give me a dollar (bill)?’The Treasury also makes US coins: pennies which are worth .01 of a dollar, nickels (.05), dimes (.10) and quarters (.25). There are also half dollars (.50) and silver dollars but these are not often seen because the Treasury stopped producing them in 2011. Pennies have a dark brown colour; all the other coins have a silver appearance.When you write an amount in figures the dollar sign ($) goes to the left of the amount and a decimal point (.) is placed between the dollars and the cents. If the amount is less than one dollar, the cent sign (¢) is put after the numbers. So you write $5, $5.62 and 62¢.Britain's currency is the pound sterling, written as £ before a figure. A pound consists of 100 pence, written as p with figures. Pound coins are silver-coloured with a gold edge. They have the Queen's head on one side and a design representing England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the other. The £2 coin is silver-coloured with a gold edge. Coins of lower value are the silver-coloured 50p, 20p, 10p and 5p pieces, and the copper -coloured 2p and 1p pieces. All are round, except for the £1 coin, which has 12 sides and the 50p and 20p pieces, which have seven sides. Coins are made at the Royal Mint. Banknotes, usually called notes, are made of a type of plastic called polymer or paper. They have the Queen's head on one side and a famous person on the other, and are worth £5, £10, £20 or £50.An informal word for a pound is a quid, a £5 note is a fiver, a £10 note is a tenner. Scottish banknotes have their own designs. They can be used anywhere in Britain, though shops have the right to refuse to accept them. To prevent people forging (= making their own) banknotes, designs are complicated and difficult to copy. To check that a note is genuine, a shop assistant may hold it up to the light to see if it has a narrow silver line running through it or a detailed silver image in a transparent window.The decimal system that is used in Britain replaced the old pounds, shillings and pence in 1971. There were 12 pence or pennies in a shilling, and 20 shillings in a pound. The old coins included the farthing (= a quarter of a penny) and the half-crown (= two shillings and sixpence). There were notes for 10 shillings, £1 and £5.Gold guinea coins were used in the 18th century and were worth 21 shillings. Until 1971 prices were often set in guineas instead of pounds for luxury items, such as antiques and jewellery, for the fees of doctors, lawyers, etc., and at auctions, though the guinea coin had long since gone out of circulation. Some racehorses are still auctioned in guineas.On 1 January 1999 the euro system was introduced in 11 countries of the European Union. Britain chose not to introduce the euro. However, many British businesses have euro bank accounts so as to be able to pay for goods and be paid in euros and a few shops in Britain accept payment in euros.
    • She called on the Government to make the money available for support groups.她呼吁政府为支持团体提供资金。
    • Some people criticized the event as public money wasted.一些人批评该活动浪费了公共资金。
    • There was no sign of any extra money for intensive care.没有迹象表明有任何额外的钱用于重症监护。
    • Over £6 000 in prize money is on offer.有超过6 000英镑的奖金出售。
    • All these improvements will cost money.所有这些改善都是要花钱的。
    • Government officials were siphoning off money for personal gain.政府官员们把钱抽走用于谋取私利。
    • Half the money raised was donated to charity.募集来的钱一半捐给了慈善事业。
    • He felt sorry for her and took some money off her bill.他很同情她,免去了她账单上的一部份应付款。
    • She hoped the plan would bring in quite a bit of money.她希望这个计划能带来相当多的钱。
    • He managed to persuade his friend to put up the money for the venture.他说服了朋友为这个风险项目投资。
    • He spent their rent money on beer.他拿他们付租金的钱去买啤酒了。
    • He was charged with laundering money.他被指控洗钱。
    • She'll do anything for money!为了钱她什么都愿意做!
    • He's going to leave. I'd bet money on it.他要走,我敢打赌。
    • How much money did she earn last year?她去年赚了多少钱?
    • I don't have any money left.我一分钱都没有了。
    • I don't know where all the money goes!我不知道钱都花在哪儿了!
    • I pay my money into the bank as soon as I get paid.我一拿到报酬就存进银行。
    • I spent all the money on clothes.我把那些钱全都花在衣服上了。
    • I'll have to get some more money from somewhere.我得想办法再从什么地方弄点儿钱。
    • Investors were pouring money into internet start-ups.投资者把大笔钱投进因特网创业公司。
    • Is this a good way to spend taxpayers' money?这样用纳税人的钱好吗?
    • Money for the extension to the gallery came from the sale of old exhibits.扩建美术馆的钱款来自售出旧展品的收入。
    • Most of the money went to pay for food.大部份钱都花在食物上了。
    • She had two children to support and no money coming in.她要养活两个孩子,却没有任何收入。
    • She stashed the money away in the bank.她把钱存进了银行。
    • Some of this money was funneled to secret CIA programs.这笔钱一部份拨给了中央情报局的机密项目。
    • That painting is worth a lot of money.那幅画值很多钱。
    • The Senate recognized the need to put more money in the pockets of dairy farmers.参议院认识到有必要往奶农们口袋里多放些钱。
    • The manager was unwilling to refund my money.经理不愿意给我退钱。
    • The money was transferred into an offshore bank account.那笔钱转进了一个海外银行账户。
    • The new airport terminal was built with oil money.新的航站楼是用石油资金建造的。
    • The quality of public healthcare depends on the amount of money allocated to it.公共卫生保健水平取决于划拨的钱款额度。
    • There is big money in golf for the top players.顶尖高尔夫球手能挣大钱。
    • They demanded $1 million in ransom money.他们索要 100 万美元的赎金。
    • They owe lots of people money.他们欠很多人钱。
    • This money has been earmarked for public projects.这笔钱已指定用于公共项目。
    • We ran out of money and had to come home early.我们钱都花光了,不得不提早回家。
    • We're trying to set some money aside for a new car.我们正使劲攒钱买新车。
    • Whenever I have a little extra money, I buy clothes.只要有点儿外快,我就买衣服。
    • You could consider hiring a professional money manager.你可以考虑雇一名专业的理财经理。
    • You might get some money off the price if it's an old model.如果是旧型号,可以折一部份价。
    • the best car that money can buy用钱能够买到的最好的轿车
    • He returned the new TV to the store and got his money back.他将新电视机退还给商店,拿到了退款。
    • It has often been said that money is the root of all evil.人们常说金钱是万恶之源。
    • The money is great in my new job.我的新工作薪水很高。
    Topics Moneya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • easy
    • bonus
    … of money
    • amount
    • sum
    verb + money
    • have
    • coin
    • print
    money + verb
    • come from something
    • go (on something)
    • go to
    money + noun
    • management
    • manager
    • problems
    • for money
    • money for
    • bet money on something
    • put money on something
    • get money off something
    [uncountable] coins or paper notes钱币;钞票
    • I counted the money carefully.我仔细点过这笔钱。
    • Where can I change my money into dollars?什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?
    Synonyms moneymoney
    • cash
    • change
    These are all words for money in the form of coins or paper notes.
    • money money in the form of coins or paper notes:
      • I counted the money carefully.我仔细点过这笔钱。
      • Where can I change my money into dollars?什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?
      • paper money (= money that is made of paper, not coins)纸币
    • cash money in the form of coins or paper notes:
      • How much cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?
      • Payments can be made by cheque or in cash.支票或现金付款均可。
    money or cash?用 money 还是 cash?If it is important to contrast money in the form of coins and notes and money in other forms, use cash: How much money/​cash do you have on you?Payments can be made by cheque or in money.Customers are offered a discount if they pay money.
    • change the money that you get back when you have paid for something giving more money than the amount it costs; coins rather than paper money:
      • The ticket machine doesn’t give change.自动售票机不找零。
      • I don’t have any small change (= coins of low value).我没有零钱。
    • to draw out/​get out/​take out/​withdraw money/​cash
    • ready money/​cash (= money that you have available to spend immediately)
    see also folding money, funny money, Maundy money, paper money, ready money
    • the large sums of money we handle in this store我们在这个商店经手的大笔钱款
    • Where's the money for the milk?买牛奶的钱在哪儿?
    • We changed our money into dollars at the airport.我们在机场把我们带的钱兑换成了美元。
    • The stallholders bank their money at the end of the day.摊贩们结束一天的生意后把钱存入银行。
    • The stores were very happy to take her money.商店很乐意接受她的钱。
    • The friends pooled their money to buy tickets.这些朋友凑钱买了票。
    • The collection box was full of coins and paper money.募捐箱里装满了硬币和纸币。
    • The bookmaker was quite happy to take his money.赌注登记人很乐意接受他下注。
    • Some people were in the street collecting money for charity.一些人在街上为慈善事业募捐。
    • She gave him $5 lunch money.她给了他 5 美元午饭钱。
    • I don't think they'll accept French money on the plane.我想飞机上不收法币。
    • I need to pay this money in today.我今天得把钱存进银行。
    • I'll pay the money back next week, I promise.我保证下周还钱。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • easy
    • bonus
    … of money
    • amount
    • sum
    verb + money
    • have
    • coin
    • print
    money + verb
    • come from something
    • go (on something)
    • go to
    money + noun
    • management
    • manager
    • problems
    • for money
    • money for
    • bet money on something
    • put money on something
    • get money off something
    [uncountable] a person’s wealth including their property财产;财富
    • He lost all his money.他失去了全部财产。
    • The family made their money in the 18th century.这个家族在 18 世纪创下了家业。
    see also new money, old money
    • He lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash.他在1929年的股市崩盘中失去了全部财产。
    • an old miser who hoarded his money积蓄钱财的老吝啬鬼
    • He squandered his money on gambling and drink.他把金钱挥霍在赌博和酗酒上。
    • She sank most of her money into her struggling business.她把大部分钱投入到她苦苦挣扎的事业中。
    • All their money was tied up in long-term investments.他们所有的钱都搁死在长线投资上了。
    • All her money went on property.她所有的钱都花在了财产上。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • easy
    • bonus
    … of money
    • amount
    • sum
    verb + money
    • have
    • coin
    • print
    money + verb
    • come from something
    • go (on something)
    • go to
    money + noun
    • management
    • manager
    • problems
    • for money
    • money for
    • bet money on something
    • put money on something
    • get money off something
  4. moneys, monies
    [plural] (law法律 or old use) sums of money款项
    • a statement of all monies paid into your account存入你的账户的所有金额的清单
  5. 词源Middle English: from Old French moneie, from Latin moneta ‘mint, money’, originally a title of the goddess Juno, in whose temple in Rome money was minted.
be coining it (in) | be coining money
  1. (British English, informal) to earn a lot of money quickly or easily暴富;赚大钱;发大财 synonym rake in
be in the money
  1. (informal) to have a lot of money to spend有钱
be rolling in money/it
  1. (informal) to have a lot of money非常富有;财源滚滚;腰缠万贯
the best that money can buy
  1. the very best佳品;精品;极品
    • We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy.我们确保客户买到最好的产品。
careful with money
  1. not spending money on things that are unimportant花钱精打细算;不乱花钱
    • His mother had always been careful with money.他母亲对金钱一向很谨慎。
easy money
  1. (informal) money that you get without having to work very hard for it来得容易的钱
a fool and his money are soon parted
  1. (saying) a person who is not sensible usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others傻瓜口袋漏,有钱留不住;蠢人不积财
for my money
  1. (informal) in my opinion依我看;我觉得
    • For my money, he's one of the greatest comedians of all time.依我看,历来的喜剧演员,他是数一数二的。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
get your money’s worth
  1. to get enough value or pleasure out of something, considering the amount of money, time, etc. that you are spending on it(钱或时间等)值得花
    • Let’s spend all day there and really get our money’s worth.让我们在那里呆一整天,真正物有所值。
    • The boat trip lasts three hours, so you certainly get your money's worth.乘船游览有 3 个小时,你的钱当然花得值。
give somebody a (good) run for their money
  1. to make somebody try very hard, using all their skill and effort, in order to beat you in a game or competition不让…轻易取胜;与…进行激烈竞争
good money
  1. a lot of money; money that you earn with hard work大笔的钱;血汗钱
    • Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.成千上万的人花很多钱去观看这支乐队的演出。
    • Don't waste good money on that!别把血汗钱浪费在那上头!
have money to burn
  1. to have so much money that you do not have to be careful with it钱多得花不完;有用不完的钱
in old money
  1. (British English, informal) used to give an amount, a measurement, etc. using older or more traditional units that may be more familiar to some people非常富有;财源滚滚;腰缠万贯
    • The fish measured 29 centimetres (that's a foot in old money).这条鱼有29厘米长(那是旧币的1英尺)。
it/money doesn’t grow on trees
  1. (saying) used to tell somebody not to use something or spend money carelessly because you do not have a lot of it树上长不出钱来,那东西(或钱)来之不易(告诫人不要随便乱用)
a licence to print money
  1. (disapproving) used to describe a business that makes a lot of money with little effort不费劲挣大钱;一本万利;摇钱树
made of money
  1. (informal) very rich极其富有
    • I’m not made of money, you know!你知道我又不是财神爷!
make money
  1. to earn a lot of money; to make a profit赚钱;获利
    • The movie should make money.这部电影应该会赚大钱。
    • There's money to be made from tourism.旅游业非常有利可图。
    • She started stealing as a way of making easy money.她开始偷东西来轻松赚钱。
    • He hoped the project would make money.他希望这个项目能赚钱。
make/lose money hand over fist
  1. to make/lose money very fast and in large quantities赚大钱;破大财
marry money
  1. to marry a rich person和富人结婚
money for jam/old rope
  1. (British English, informal) money that is earned very easily, for something that needs little effort容易赚的钱财
    • The job only took about an hour—it was money for old rope.这项工作只花了大约一个小时——真是物超所值。
money is no object
  1. money is not something that needs to be considered, because there is plenty of it available钱不成问题
    • She travels around the world as if money is no object.她周游世界,好像钱不是问题。
money talks
  1. (saying) people who have a lot of money have more power and influence than others财大气就粗;有钱就有势
not for love or/nor money
  1. if you say you cannot do something for love nor money, you mean it is completely impossible to do it决不;无论怎样也不
    • We couldn't find a taxi for love nor money.我们无论如何也找不到一辆出租车。
on the money
  1. (informal) correct; accurate正确的;准确的
    • His prediction was right on the money.他的预测准确无误。
pay good money for something
  1. used to emphasize that something cost(s) a lot of money, especially if the money is wasted为…花费很多钱(尤指钱白花了)
    • I paid good money for this jacket, and now look at it—it's ruined!这件夹克是我花大价钱买的。瞧瞧,全给毁了!
pots of money
  1. (British English, informal) a very large amount of money大笔的金钱;巨额款项
put money into something
  1. to invest money in a business or a particular project投资于
    • We would welcome interest from anyone prepared to put money into the club.任何人有意向俱乐部投资,我们都欢迎。
put your money on somebody/something
  1. to bet that a particular horse, dog, etc. will win a race在(马、狗等)上下赌注
    • She stopped at the betting shop to put money on a horse.她在投注站停下来给一匹马下注。
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2
  2. to feel very sure that something is true or that somebody will succeed确信
    • He'll be there tonight. I'd put money on it.我十分肯定他今晚会在那儿。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2, Successc2
put your money where your mouth is
  1. (informal) to support what you say by doing something practical; to show by your actions that you really mean something用行动证明自己的话
see the colour of somebody’s money
  1. (informal) to make sure that somebody has enough money to pay for something确定某人有支付能力
    • You need to see the colour of his money before you sell him the car.在你把车卖给他之前,你需要看一看他的钱的颜色。
throw good money after bad
  1. (disapproving) to spend more money on something, when you have wasted a lot on it already继续花钱打水漂
throw your money about/around
  1. (informal) to spend money in a careless and obvious way肆意挥霍;大手大脚
    • He thinks he can make friends by throwing his money around.他认为只要肯花钱就能交到朋友。
throw money at something
  1. (disapproving) to try to deal with a problem or improve a situation by spending money on it, when it would be better to deal with it in other ways白(往某事上)扔钱
    • It is inappropriate simply to throw money at these problems.只是用钱去处理这些问题是不适当的。
    • They tend to throw money at problems without trying to work out the best solution.他们往往遇到困难就大把花钱,而不是尽力去找出最好的解决办法。
time is money
  1. (saying) time is valuable, and should not be wasted时间就是金钱;一寸光阴一寸金
you pays your money and you takes your choice
  1. (informal, especially British English) used for saying that there is very little difference between two or more things that you can choose如何选择由你做主(表示各种选择的分别不大)




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