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词汇 moral


    [only before noun] connected with principles of right and wrong behaviour道德的
    • a moral issue/dilemma道德问题/困境
    • traditional moral values传统的道德观念
    • a decline in moral standards道德水准的下降
    • moral and ethical questions道德和伦理问题
    • The basic moral philosophies of most world religions are remarkably similar.大多数世界性宗教的基本道德哲学非常相似。
    • He was a deeply religious man with a highly developed moral sense.他是一个笃信宗教的人,具有高度发达的道德感。
    • The newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.报纸总是道貌岸然地说别的国家不好。
    • She's always lamenting what she sees as the decline in moral standards.她总是哀叹她所看到的道德标准的下降。
    • The colonel stumped out, his face flushed with moral indignation.上校艰难地走出来,他的脸因道德上的愤怒而发红。
    • The press whipped up a moral panic over these so-called ‘welfare scroungers’.新闻界激起了对这些所谓“福利乞丐”的道德恐慌。
    [only before noun] based on your own sense of what is right and fair, not on legal rights or duties道义上的;道德上的 synonym ethical
    • moral responsibility/duty/authority道德责任/义务/权威
    • We have a moral imperative to help whenever we can.我们在道义上有责任尽可能地提供帮助。
    • I make no moral judgement on this decision.我对这个决定没有道德判断。
    • Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.政府至少在道义上有责任回应这些问题。
    • Children learn to develop their own moral code for adulthood.孩子学会为成年发展自己的道德准则。
    • The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right).这项工作需要她发挥全部的外交才能和捍卫正义的勇气。
    • He brings that moral authority of someone who fought for human rights.他带来了为人权而战的人的道德权威。
    • Politicians have a moral obligation to address the needs of the poorest.政治家有道德义务解决最贫困者的需求。
    • She felt she had a moral duty to look after her elderly parents.她觉得照顾年迈的父母是她道义上的责任。
    Topics Personal qualitiesb2
    following the standards of behaviour considered acceptable and right by most people品行端正的;有道德的 synonym good, honourable
    • He led a very moral life.他这个人一向很正派。
    • a very moral person品行非常端正的人
    • We try to teach our students to be conscientious, moral young people.我们努力将学生教育成为勤勉认真、品德高尚的新一代。
    compare amoral, immoral
  4. [only before noun] able to understand the difference between right and wrong能辨别是非的
    • Children are not naturally moral beings.儿童并非天生就能分辨是非。
  5. 词源late Middle English: from Latin moralis, from mos, mor- ‘custom’, (plural) mores ‘morals’. As a noun the word was first used to translate Latin Moralia, the title of St Gregory the Great's moral exposition of the Book of Job, and was later applied to the works of various classical writers.
take, claim, seize, etc. the moral high ground
  1. to claim that your side of an argument is morally better than your opponents’ side; to argue in a way that makes your side seem morally better声称自己的论点在道义上占优势
    • I was angry with his blatant attempt to take the moral high ground.他厚颜无耻地吹嘘自己有多高尚,我对此非常气愤。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2


    [plural] standards or principles of good behaviour, especially in matters of sexual relationships品行,道德(尤指性关系方面)
    • Young people these days have no morals.现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。
    • The play was considered an affront to public morals.人们认为这出戏侮辱了公众道德。
    • The question is one of manners rather than morals.这个问题是礼仪问题,而不是道德问题。
    • (old-fashioned) a woman of loose morals (= with a low standard of sexual behaviour)放荡的女人
    • He has absolutely no morals, that man!那家伙根本不讲道德!
    • She had tried her best to instil morals into her daughters.她已尽了最大努力给女儿们灌输道德观念。
    • Women who went to pubs alone would sometimes be assumed to have loose morals.独自去酒吧的女人有时会被认为品行不端。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • high
    • strong
    verb + morals
    • have
    • instil/​instill
    • teach (somebody)
    • a decline in morals
  2. [countable] a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches you寓意;教益
    • The moral of the story is always stick to what you do best.这个故事的寓意是永远坚持你最擅长的。
    • And the moral is that crime doesn't pay.寓意就是犯罪得不偿失。
    • There are clear morals to be drawn from the failure of these companies.从这些公司的倒闭中可得到明确的教训。
    • There is a clear moral to all this.所有这一切有一个明确的寓意。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + moral
    • draw
    • moral to
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Latin moralis, from mos, mor- ‘custom’, (plural) mores ‘morals’. As a noun the word was first used to translate Latin Moralia, the title of St Gregory the Great's moral exposition of the Book of Job, and was later applied to the works of various classical writers.




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