Mr Spock
/ˌmɪstə ˈspɒk/
/ˌmɪstər ˈspɑːk/
- a character played by Leonard Nimoy in the US television series Star Trek. Spock is the First Officer of the Starship Enterprise spacecraft. He is from the planet Vulcan (though one of his parents was from Earth) and has large pointed ears. He thinks in a very logical way and does not show or understand normal human emotions.
“highly illogical”Spock先生:伦纳德·尼莫伊(Leonard Nimoy)在美国电视连续剧《星际迷航》中扮演的角色。Spock是星际飞船企业级航天器的副驾驶。他来自瓦肯(Vulcan)星球(尽管他的父母之一来自地球),耳朵大而尖。他以非常合乎逻辑的方式思考,没有显示或理解正常的人类情感。