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词汇 negative




    bad or harmful坏的;有害的
    • The crisis had a negative effect on trade.这次危机对贸易产生了很坏的影响。
    • Government cuts will have a negative impact on public services.政府削减将对公共服务产生负面影响。
    • The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.整个经历当然是利多于弊。
    opposite positive
    • Few patients reported any lasting negative consequences. 很少有患者报告任何持久的负面后果。
    • On the negative side, the labour market is still weak.从负面来看,劳动力市场仍然疲软。
    • the strongly negative implications of these survey results这些调查结果极其负面的含义
    • Negative side effects of the drug can occur and include drowsiness and headaches.该药物可能会产生负面副作用,包括嗜睡和头痛。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
  2. grammar语法

    containing a word such as ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘never’, etc.否定词
    • a negative form/sentence 否定形式/句
    opposite affirmative (2), positive (9) see also double negativeTopics Languagea1
  4. no

    expressing the answer ‘no’否定的
    • His response was negative.他的回答是否定的。
    • They received a negative reply.他们得到一个否定的答复。
    opposite affirmative
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
  6. not hopeful不乐观

    considering only the bad side of something/somebody; having no enthusiasm or hope消极的;负面的;缺乏热情的
    • Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。
    • The developers' proposal received negative feedback from neighbours.开发商的提议收到了邻居的负面反馈。
    • ‘He probably won't show up.’ ‘Don't be so negative.’“他很可能不会露面。” “别那么悲观嘛。”
    • negative about something She's been rather negative about the idea.她对这个想法相当消极。
    • negative in something He was too negative in his thinking.他的想法太消极了。
    opposite positive
    • The response from the critics was overwhelmingly negative.批评者的反应极其消极。
    • I don't have many negative comments to make about the movie.关于这部电影,我没有太多负面的评论。
    • Reaction to last night's attack was uniformly negative.对昨晚的袭击,大家一致反对。
    • She spoke in entirely negative terms.她讲的话是全盘否定。
    • Some people have accused me of being overly negative.有些人指责我过于消极。
    • Their attitude was highly negative.他们的态度非常消极。
    • I don't want to sound unduly negative, but I simply couldn't see the point.我不想听起来过于消极,但我就是不明白这一点。
    • We try to pinpoint the cause of any negative feelings.我们尽量准确地说明导致任何负面情绪的原因。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
  8. scientific test化验

    (abbreviation neg.)
    not showing any evidence of a particular substance or medical condition结果为阴性的(或否定的)
    • Her pregnancy test was negative.她的孕检呈阴性。
    • Negative results are not a guarantee of a safe water supply.负面结果并不能保证安全供水。
    • He tested negative for HIV infection.他的艾滋病病毒检测为阴性。
    opposite positive
    • 90 out of 100 patients with a negative result will not have the disease.100个阴性结果的病人中有90个不会有这种疾病。
    • The antibody test proved negative.抗体检测结果为阴性。
    • The urine tests were negative for protein.尿液蛋白检测结果呈阴性。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • falsely
    • be
    • prove
    • test
    • for
  10. electricity

  11. (specialist) containing or producing the type of electricity that is carried by an electron负极的;阴极的
    • a negative charge/current负电荷;负电流
    • the negative terminal of a battery电池的负极柱
    opposite positive
  12. number/quantity数量

  13. less than zero负的;小于零的
    • a negative trade balance贸易逆差
    • The industry suffered negative growth (= a decline) throughout the decade.该行业在这十年中一直呈负增长。
    opposite positiveTopics Maths and measurementb2
  14. image

  15. (of a photograph or an image) showing light and shade, or colours, in the opposite way to the original 否定的
    • In a negative image of the photograph, dark is light and right is left. 在照片的负像中,暗是光,右是左。
    • Look at a bright light and look away, and you see the negative image of it.看着明亮的光,把目光移开,你会看到它的负面形象。
    • The artist creates an interplay of positive and negative space in acrylic.艺术家用丙烯酸创造了一个积极和消极的空间相互作用。
  16. 词源late Middle English: from late Latin negativus, from negare ‘deny’.




    a word or statement that means ‘no’; an act of refusing to do something or of denying something (formal)否定词;否定;拒绝
    • in the negative She answered in the negative (= said ‘no’).她作了否定的回答。
    opposite affirmative
    Collocations Dictionaryphrases
    • in the negative
  2. bad quality

    the negative
    a bad quality or aspect of a situation负面:不良的品质或情况
    • Try not to focus on the negative.尽量不要把注意力放在消极方面。
    • The positives outweigh the negatives.积极面大于消极面。
  4. in scientific test化验

    the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is not present属阴性(或否定)的结果
    • The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.癌症检查的结果中,假阴性占一定比例的现象受到极大关注。
    opposite positiveTopics Scientific researchb2
  6. grammar语法

  7. a word such as ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘never’, etc.含有否定词的;否定的
    • Double negatives, as in ‘I don't want no dinner’, are considered an error in English.双重否定,如“我不想不吃饭”,在英语中被认为是一个错误。
    see also double negative
  8. in photography摄影

  9. a developed film showing the dark areas of an actual scene as light and the light areas as dark负片;底片
    • Keep the negatives in case you want more prints later.留着这些底片,以防你以后想要更多的照片。
    compare positive
    • His interest in photography started with him developing negatives that he found lying around the house.他对摄影的兴趣始于冲洗在家里随处可见的底片。
    • We must assume that the spy kept the negatives.我们必须假定间谍留有底片。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • original
    • enlarged
    • photographic
    … of negatives
    • strip
    verb + negative
    • produce
    • develop
    • print
  10. 词源late Middle English: from late Latin negativus, from negare ‘deny’.


present simple I / you / we / they negative
he / she / it negatives
past simple negatived
past participle negatived
-ing form negativing
  1. negative something to refuse to agree to a proposal or a request拒绝;否定Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  2. negative something to prove that something is not true否定…的真实性;证伪
  3. 词源late Middle English: from late Latin negativus, from negare ‘deny’.




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