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词汇 nest


  1. enlarge image
    [countable] a hollow place or structure that a bird makes or chooses for laying its eggs in and sheltering its young鸟巢;鸟窝
    • sparrows building a nest of twigs and dry grass麻雀用树枝和干草筑巢
    • A rat took the egg while the mother was away from the nest.趁雌鸟不在巢里,一只老鼠把蛋偷走了。
    • The female spends all her time on the nest.雌鸟所有时间都在孵蛋。
    • The litters of several different females often occupy the same nest.多只雌鸟的幼鸟常会待在同一个巢里。
    • The male and female take turns to sit on the nest.雄鸟和雌鸟轮流坐窝。
    • The male uses song to attract a female to his nest site.雄鸟用歌声吸引雌鸟到它的鸟巢附近。
    • You should avoid disturbing the nest until after the eggs are hatched.卵孵出之前,你不应该惊扰鸟巢。
    Topics Birdsc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ant’s
    • bird’s
    • wasp’s
    verb + nest
    • build
    • construct
    • make
    nest + noun
    • site
    • hole
    • box
    • away from a/​the nest
    • in a/​the nest
    • inside a/​the nest
    [countable] a place where insects or other small creatures live and produce their young巢穴;窝
    • a wasps’ nest黄蜂窝
    • a nest of mice一窝老鼠
    • The snake will attack if disturbed inside its nest.如果蛇在巢穴内被惊扰,它就会反击。
    Topics Insects, worms, etc.c1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ant’s
    • bird’s
    • wasp’s
    verb + nest
    • build
    • construct
    • make
    nest + noun
    • site
    • hole
    • box
    • away from a/​the nest
    • in a/​the nest
    • inside a/​the nest
  3. [singular] a secret place which is full of bad people and their activities藏匿处;秘密窝点
    • a nest of thieves贼窝
  4. [singular] the home, thought of as the safe place where parents bring up their children家;安乐窝
    • to leave the nest (= leave your parents’ home)离开父母过独立生活
    see also empty nest
  5. enlarge image
    [countable, usually singular]
    a group or set of similar things that are made to fit inside each other(套叠在一起的)一套物件
    • a nest of tables一套桌子
  6. 词源Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Latin nidus, from the Indo-European bases of nether (meaning ‘down’) and sit.
feather your (own) nest
  1. to make yourself richer, especially at somebody else's expense, by spending money on yourself that should be spent on somebody/something else中饱私囊
fly the nest
  1. (of a young bird幼鸟) to become able to fly and leave its nest羽翼已丰可离巢
  2. (informal) (of somebody’s child子女) to leave home and live somewhere else另立门户
    • Her children have flown the nest.她的孩子们已经离家独立。
a hornets’ nest
  1. a difficult situation in which a lot of people get very angry引起公愤的状况;困境
    • His letter to the papers stirred up a real hornets' nest.他给报界写的信着实引发了众怒。
a mare’s nest
  1. a discovery that seems interesting but is found to have no value(看似有趣但)毫无价值的发现
  2. a very complicated situation复杂的形势;变幻莫测的局势
    • This area of the law is a veritable mare’s nest.这一法律领域复杂难料。


present simple I / you / we / they nest
he / she / it nests
past simple nested
past participle nested
-ing form nesting
  1. [intransitive] to make and use a nest筑巢;巢居
    • Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.成千上万的海鸟在悬崖上筑巢。
    Topics Birdsc1
  2. [transitive] nest something (specialist) to put types of information together, or inside each other, so that they form a single unit嵌套(信息)
  3. 词源Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Latin nidus, from the Indo-European bases of nether (meaning ‘down’) and sit.




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