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词汇 new



    not existing before从前没有

    not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc.刚出现的;新的;新近推出的
    • Have you read her new novel?你看过她新出的小说了吗?
    • We retrain staff to use the new technology.我们重新培训员工使用新技术。
    • The company is trialling a new security system.该公司正在试验一种新的安全系统。
    • Have you seen Danielle's new baby?你见过丹妮尔的新宝宝吗?
    • a new addition to the family (= a baby)家庭的新成员
    • The school secretary wants to introduce new ways of doing things in the office.学校秘书想在办公室里引进新的做事方法。
    • This idea isn't new.这主意不新鲜。
    • The latest model has over 100 new features.最新的款式有 100 多种新特色。
    • Check out the band's new album.看看乐队的新专辑。
    see also brand new opposite old
    Homophones knew | newknew   new
    • knew verb (past tense of know)
      • I knew you would say that!我就知道你会这么说!
    • new adjective
      • This new piece is less traditional than her early work.这部新作品不如她早期的作品传统。
    • There is nothing new in teenagers wanting to change the world.青年人想改变世界不是一件新鲜事。
    • These ideas are not entirely new.这些想法并不是很新颖。
    • The brand is still relatively new in the United States.品牌在美国还是比较新的。
    • genuinely new approaches to data recording真正新奇的数据录制方法
    • It's a totally new and innovative design.这是一个全新的创新设计。
    • I'm knitting a teddy for the new baby due in July.我正在为七月份出生的婴儿织一只泰迪熊。
    • He drew a picture for his new baby brother.他为他的新弟弟画了一幅画。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • brand
    • spanking
    • fairly
  2. the new
    noun [uncountable] something that is new新东西;新事物
    • It was a good mix of the old and the new.这是新旧的完美结合。
  3. recently bought新买的

    recently bought新买的
    • Let me show you my new dress.给你看看我新买的连衣裙。
    • The car still looks new.这车看上去仍然很新。
    • They are very proud of their spanking new kitchen.他们为自己崭新的厨房感到非常自豪。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • brand
    • spanking
    • fairly
  5. not used before从未用过

    not used or owned by anyone before没被用过的;未曾被人占有过的;崭新的
    • A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one.二手车的花费只是新车的零头。
    • They are building 500 new houses in the town.他们正在镇上建造500栋新房子。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • brand
    • spanking
    • fairly
  7. different不同

    different from the previous one有别于从前的;新颖的
    • I like your new hairstyle.我喜欢你的新发型。
    • When do you start your new job?你什么时候开始你的新工作?
    • He's made a lot of new friends.他交了许多新朋友。
    • Do you have her new phone number?你有她的新电话号码吗?
    • Jamila likes to try the new fashions coming in from Pakistan.贾米拉喜欢尝试来自巴基斯坦的新时尚。
    • He couldn't stand the new breed of career politicians.他不能忍受新式职业政客。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • very
    • fairly
    • completely
    • to
    • nothing new about something
    • nothing new in something
  9. opposite old

    not familiar不熟悉

    already existing but not seen, experienced, etc. before; not familiar刚体验到的;初见的;不熟悉的
    • This is a new experience for me.对于我来说,这是一次从未有过的经历。
    • I'd like to learn a new language.我想学习一门新的语言。
    • the discovery of a new star一颗新星的发现
    • Scientists have identified an entirely new species.科学家发现了一个全新的物种。
    • Manga is drawing in a whole new generation of readers.漫画吸引了全新一代的读者。
    • to try/learn/do something new尝试/学习/做某事
    • new to somebody Our system is probably new to you.你也许不熟悉我们的系统。
    • Hard work is nothing new to Bill.努力工作对比尔来说并不新鲜。
    • It was all very new and strange to me.这一切对我而言非常新奇。
    • The book has nothing new to say about the Stones.这本书没有关于石头的新内容。
    • Farming is a new way of life for many young people. 对许多年轻人来说,务农是一种新的生活方式。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • very
    • fairly
    • completely
    • to
    • nothing new about something
    • nothing new in something
  11. recently arrived新到

    not yet familiar with something because you have only just started, arrived, etc.初来乍到的;初学乍练的;新鲜的
    • You're new here, aren't you?你是新来的,是吗?
    • New arrivals should have their passports ready for inspection.刚刚到达的人应准备好护照以供检查。
    • We offer intensive training to all new recruits.我们对所有新兵进行强化训练。
    • new to something I should tell you, I'm completely new to this kind of work.我得告诉你,我干这活完全是个新手。
    • I am new to the town.我刚刚来到这座小镇。
    • New students will be given a tour of the college facilities.新生将参观学院的设施。
    • I was fairly new to teaching at the time.我当时教书还算是个新手。
    • He was new to the job and had not known how to deal with the situation.他是新来的,不知道如何处理这种情况。
    • It's too much to ask of someone who is so new to the profession.对一个对这个职业如此陌生的人要求太高了。
    • She's still quite new to the job and needs a lot of help.她仍未熟悉这份工作,还需要很多帮助。
    • You're new in this town, aren't you?你刚来这个镇,是吧?
  13. just beginning初始

    [usually before noun] just beginning or beginning again刚开始的;初始的;重新开始的
    • a new day新的一天
    • It was a new era in the history of our country.这是我国历史上的一个新纪元。
    • She went to Australia to start a new life.她去澳大利亚开始新的生活。
  15. new-新…

  16. used in compounds to describe something that has recently happened(用于构成复合词)新的,新近的
    • He was enjoying his new-found freedom.他享受着刚刚获得的自由。
  17. modern现代

  18. (usually with the通常与 the 连用) modern; of the latest type现代的;最新型的
    • the new morality现代的道德
    • They called themselves the New Romantics.他们自称新浪漫主义者。
  19. with fresh energy有新鲜活力

  20. having fresh energy, courage or health富有朝气的;生气勃勃的
    • Since he changed jobs he's looked like a new man.他跳槽之后像换了一个人似的。
  21. recently produced新近产生

  22. only recently produced or developed新近产生的;新开发的;时鲜的
    • The new buds are appearing on the trees now.树上现在露出了新芽。
    • new potatoes (= ones dug from the soil early in the season)早土豆
  23. 词源Old English nīwe, nēowe, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nieuw and German neu, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit nava, Latin novus, and Greek neos ‘new’.
(a) brave new world
  1. a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve people’s lives but is often a source of extra problems美好的新世界(本欲改善人们的生活,实则带来预料不到的问题)
    • the brave new world of technology科技进步的美好新世界
    • the architects' vision of a brave new world of pristine concrete建筑师想象中的由崭新混凝土建筑构成的美好新世界
break new ground
  1. to make a new discovery or do something that has not been done before有所发现;开拓创新
    • Her architectural designs have broken new ground.她的建筑设计开辟了新天地。
    see also groundbreaking
breathe (new) life into something
  1. to improve something by introducing new ideas and making people more interested in it(给某事物)带来起色,注入活力
    • The results of their research have breathed new life into the debate.他们的研究结果给这场辩论注入了新的活力。
    • He hopes the development will breathe new life into the community.他希望此次开发会给社区注入新的生机。
    • They need some new, younger staff to breathe some life into the company.他们需要一些年轻的新员工为公司注入生机。
the emperor's new clothes
(also the emperor has no clothes)
  1. used to describe a situation in which everybody suddenly realizes that they were wrong to believe that somebody/something was very good, important, etc.新:用来描述一种情况,在这种情况下,每个人突然意识到自己认为某人/某物非常好,重要等是错误的。
    • Is this artist's white canvas a case of the emperor's new clothes or is it something beautiful, even moving?这位艺术家的白色画布是皇帝新衣服的一个案例,还是一些美丽的,甚至令人感动的东西?
    • Soon investors will realize that the emperor has no clothes and there will be a big sell-off in stocks.投资者很快会了解事实真相,股票将被大肆抛售。
(as) good as new | like new
  1. in very good condition, as it was when it was new完好如新
    • I've had your coat cleaned—it's as good as new now.你的外套洗好了,像新的一样。
… is the new…
  1. (informal) used to say that something has become very fashionable and can be thought of as replacing something else(表示某事物已非常时髦,被视为可替代其他事物)
    • Brown is the new black.棕色取代了黑色变得时髦起来。
    • Comedy is the new rock and roll.喜剧的风头直追摇滚乐。
    • Fifty is the new forty.四十尚未老,五十正当年。
new/fresh blood
  1. new members or employees, especially young ones, with new ideas or ways of doing things新成员(尤指年轻、有新思想或方法的);新生力量;新鲜血液
    • This company badly needs to bring in some new blood.这家公司急需引进一些新人。
a new broom
  1. (British English, often disapproving) a person who has just started to work for an organization, department, etc., especially in a senior job, and who is likely to make a lot of changes新就职者;(尤指)刚上任的新官
    • Well, you know what they say—a new broom sweeps clean.唉,你知道他们说什么,新官上任三把火。
a/the new kid on the block
  1. (informal) a person who is new to a place, an organization, etc.(地方、机构等的)新来者,新手
    • Despite his six years in politics, he was still regarded by many as the new kid on the block.尽管他已经从政六年,但很多人仍把他视为初出茅庐的新手。
the new normal (especially North American English)
  1. a situation that used to be unusual but is now what you should expect新东西;新事物
    • This is not a temporary blip—this is the new normal.这不是暂时现象——这是新常态。
    • Scientists say these weather patterns could be the new normal for Florida.科学家说,这些天气模式可能是佛罗里达的新常态。
a new one on me
  1. (informal) used to say that you have not heard a particular idea, piece of information, joke, etc. before未听说过(或接触过)的;很生疏的
    • ‘Have you come across this before?’ ‘No, it's a new one on me.’“你以前碰到过这样的事吗?” “没有,从来没听说过。”
put a new/different complexion on something
  1. to change the way that a situation appears使形势改观
    • What you have told us puts a different complexion on the situation.你所告诉我们的信息使情况的性质大为不同了。
    • The joke took on a rather serious complexion when the police became involved.当涉及到警察时,玩笑就变得严肃起来了。
sink/stoop to a new/an all-time low
  1. to behave in a worse way than ever before有所发现;开拓创新
    • The government has stooped to an all-time low with this policy.政府的这项政策已经降到了历史最低点。
    • Reality TV has sunk to new lows.真人秀跌至新低。
(you can’t) teach an old dog new tricks
  1. (saying) (you cannot) successfully make people change their ideas, methods of work, etc., when they have had them for a long time老大(不)可教;(无法)改变人们长时间形成的思想(或做事方法等)
turn over a new leaf
  1. to change your way of life to become a better, more responsible person改恶从善;重新做人
what’s new?
  1. (informal) used as a friendly greeting(友好的问候)你好吗,怎么样
    • Hi! What's new?嗨!你好吗?




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